The Newfoundland Fisheries, c. 1500-1900: A British Perspective
Testing Ecological Models: The Influence of Catch Rates on Settlement of Fishermen in Newfoundland, 1710-1833
Nineteenth-Century Expansion of the Newfoundland Fishery for Atlantic Cod: An Exploration of Underlying Causes
Status and Potential of Historical and Ecological Studies on Russian Fisheries in the White and Barents Seas: The Case of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar)
The Danish Fisheries, c. 1450-1800: Medieval and Early Modern Sources and Their Potential for Marine Environmental History
Historical Approaches to the Northern California Current Ecosystem
Potential for Historical-Ecological Studies of Latin American Fisheries
The South African Fisheries: A Preliminary Survey of Historical Sources
The Potential for Historical Studies of Fisheries in Australia and New Zealand
Examining Cetacean Ecology Using Historical Fishery Data