Part I: Cultural Perspectives: The British Far Right and Ideologies of Culture
Women and the Nation: The Right and Projections of Feminized Political Images in Great Britain, 1900–18
Reactionary Spectatorship: British Fascists and Cinema in Inter-War Britain
‘This Fortress Built Against Infection’ The BUF Vision of Britain’s Theatrical and Musical Renaissance
The Developing British Fascist Interpretation of Race, Culture and Evolution
Part II: Cultural Representations: Cultural Histories of British Fascism
Britain’s New Fascist Men: The Aestheticization of Brutality in British Fascist Propaganda
The Black Shirt in Britain: The Meanings and Functions of Political Uniform
The Blackshirts at Belle Vue: Fascist Theatre at a North-West Pleasure Ground 1
Purifying the Nation: Critiques of Cultural Decadence and Decline in British Neo-Fascist Ideology
Part III: Cultural Confrontations: Foreign Influences and Cultural Exchange
Anglo-Italian Fascist Solidarity? The Shift from Italophilia to Naziphilia in the BUF
Another Form of Fascism: The Cultural Impact of the French ‘Radical Right’ in Britain
The Far Right and the Back-to-the- Land Movement