Metacommunity Ecology, Volume 59 ( Monographs in Population Biology )

Publication series : Monographs in Population Biology

Author: Leibold Mathew A.;Chase Jonathan M.  

Publisher: Princeton University Press‎

Publication year: 2017

E-ISBN: 9781400889068

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780691049168

Subject: Q145 biomes and Population Ecology

Keyword: 普通生物学,生物演化与发展,生态学(生物生态学)

Language: ENG

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Metacommunity ecology links smaller-scale processes that have been the provenance of population and community ecology—such as birth-death processes, species interactions, selection, and stochasticity—with larger-scale issues such as dispersal and habitat heterogeneity. Until now, the field has focused on evaluating the relative importance of distinct processes, with niche-based environmental sorting on one side and neutral-based ecological drift and dispersal limitation on the other. This book moves beyond these artificial categorizations, showing how environmental sorting, dispersal, ecological drift, and other processes influence metacommunity structure simultaneously.

Mathew Leibold and Jonathan Chase argue that the relative importance of these processes depends on the characteristics of the organisms, the strengths and types of their interactions, the degree of habitat heterogeneity, the rates of dispersal, and the scale at which the system is observed. Using this synthetic perspective, they explore metacommunity patterns in time and space, including patterns of coexistence, distribution, and diversity. Leibold and Chase demonstrate how these processes and patterns are altered by micro- and macroevolution, traits and phylogenetic relationships, and food web interactions. They then use this scale-explicit perspective to illustrate how metacommunity processes are essential for understanding macroecological and biogeographical patterns as well as ecosys


3.3. Dispersal limitation

3.4. Interactions between stochasticity, dispersal, and interspecific effects

3.5. The influence of habitat heterogeneity

3.6. Interactions between habitat heterogeneity and dispersal

3.7. Implications for local versus regional controls on diversity

3.8. Conclusions and synthesis

4. Metacommunity Patterns in Space

4.1. Patterns of SADs and related diversity metrics

4.2. Null models and co-occurrence in metacommunities

4.3. Elements of metacommunity structure

4.4. Using variation partitioning to diagnose spatial, environmental, and random effects

4.5. Variation in the relative importance of metacommunity-structuring processes

4.6. Factors that influence variation in metacommunity patterns

4.7. Contributions of different species and different localities to the overall metacommunity pattern

4.8. How well can we hope to do in explaining metacommunity structure?

4.9. Caveats and conclusions

5. Interactions between Time and Space in Metacommunities

5.1. Temporal turnover: What does theory predict?

5.2. Patterns of temporal turnover

5.3. How time can influence deterministic community assembly

5.4. Priority effects and multiple stable equilibria in metacommunities

5.5. Endpoint assembly cycles

5.6. Frequency-dependent coexistence in spatially continuous metacommunities

5.7. Conclusions

6. What Can Functional Traits and Phylogenies Tell Us about Coexistence in Metacommunities?

6.1. A brief history of trait- and phylogeny-based “assembly rules”

6.2. The correlation between phylogenetic and trait-based information and “real” metacommunity processes

6.3. Trait and phylogenetic over- or underdispersion: What does coexistence theory predict?

6.4. Phylogenetic and functional-trait dispersions in a simple SS metacommunity

6.5. Phylogenetic and trait dispersions in non-SS metacommunity archetypes

6.6. Conclusions

7. Combining Taxonomic and Functional-Trait Patterns to Disentangle Metacommunity Assembly Processes

7.1. Using functional information to enhance taxonomic pattern analysis

7.2. Using functional information to enhance analyses of change through space or time

7.3. Toward a trait-based theory of metacommunity assembly

7.4. Closing the loop: Predicting species abundance and distribution from traits

7.5. Conclusions

8. Eco-evolutionary Dynamics in Metacommunities

8.1. Building an evolutionary ecology of metacommunities

8.2. Adaptive evolution in metapopulations and metacommunities

8.3. The community monopolization hypothesis

8.4. Evolution toward neutrality

8.5. Frequency-dependent evolution

8.6. The interaction of community monopolization and neutral evolution

8.7. The interaction between community monopolization and neutral evolution in the “real” world?

8.8. Conclusions

9. Macroevolution in Metacommunities

9.1. How metacommunity processes influence phylogeny and radiations

9.2. Historical effects

9.3. Synthesis: A research agenda for integrating evolutionary and ecological processes that affect biodiversity

9.4. Conclusions

10. The Macroecology of Metacommunities

10.1. What is macroecology?

10.2 Synthesizing biodiversity macroecology processes and patterns

10.3 Dissecting biodiversity macroecology patterns

10.4. The role of metacommunity assembly processes in biodiversity macroecology patterns

10.5. Diversity partitioning and the SAR

10.6. Metacommunity assembly and the nested SAR

10.7. Metacommunity assembly and the ISAR

10.8. Biodiversity in the Anthropocene

10.9. Metacommunities and contemporary biogeography: Scale-dependent patterns of species diversity along ecological gradients

10.10. Other macroecological patterns

10.11. Conclusions

11. Food Webs in Metacommunities

11.1. How do spatial processes and trophic interactions combine to influence coexistence in simple metacommunities?

11.2. How do trophic interactions influence metacommunity processes?

11.3. Toward a theory for trophically structured metacommunities

11.4. Spatial processes and May’s diversity-stability theory

11.5. Frequency dependence and feedbacks between trophic interactions and spatial processes

11.6. Food-web metacommunity assembly processes and the scale-dependent productivity-diversity relationship

11.7. The influence of metacommunity processes on food-web structure and indirect interactions

11.8. Conclusions

12. Community Assembly and the Functioning of Ecosystems in Metacommunities

12.1. The role of spatial processes in mediating BEF relationships

12.2. A simple framework based on resource competition in a metacommunity context

12.3. Ecosystems within metacommunities as CASs?

12.4. Do ecosystems have regular features?

12.5. Conclusions

13. From Metacommunities to Metaecosystems

13.1. Why spatial dynamics are so important in ecosystems

13.2. Elements of metaecosystems ecology

13.3. An emerging set of principles?

13.4. Conclusions

14. A Coming Transition in Metacommunity Ecology

14.1. The accomplishments of metacommunity ecology version 1.x

14.2. Synthesis through metacommunity ecology

14.3. The current status and limitations of metacommunity version 1.9

14.4. Going from version 1.9 to version 2.0

14.5. From basic to applied metacommunity ecology

14.6. Conclusions



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