Publication subTitle :How to Save Our Middle Class When Jobs Don't Pay Enough
Author: Barnes Peter
Publisher: Berrett Koehler
Publication year: 2014
E-ISBN: 9781626562158
Subject: C91 Sociology;D0 Political Theory;F019.6 theory of economic policy
Keyword: 政治理论,社会学,经济政策理论
Language: ENG
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Peter Barnes argues that because of globalization, automation, and winner-take-all capitalism, there won't be enough high-paying jobs to sustain America's middle class in the future. Therefore, to survive economically, our middle class needs—and deserves—a supplementary source of nonlabor income.
To meet this need, Barnes proposes to give every American a share of the wealth we own together— starting with our air and financial infrastructure. These shares would pay dividends of several thousand dollars per year—money that wouldn't be welfare or wealth redistribution but legitimate property income.