So many people today feel "called" to find more in their lives beyond the usual definitions of success, to live lives of purpose and meaning. Answering Your Call is aimed at people who know they are on the planet for a reason and want more than encouragement-they want to get precise about it.
Answering Your Call provides exercises that appeal to our practical side as well as inspirational examples from history and literature. It is a spiritual how-to book, not on how to pray or meditate, but how to discern what it is that the world needs you to do.
Part I: Getting Started with a Calling
Chapter 1: What Is a Call?
Calls and the Times of Our Lives
Exercise: Thinking About the Nature of Calls
Calls Both Obvious and Subtle
The Working Quadrant of Calls
Giving the Role Much More Than You Thought You Had
Exercise: Reviewing Your Call History
Chapter 3: Mightily Believe You Have a Calling
Listening Past the Social Noise
Making Money and the Social Drummer
Maintaining Purpose While Managing the Doldrums
The Monastery Versus the Doldrums
Focusing on the Limitless Within Your Limiting Conditions
Exercise: Heeding Your Inner Voice and Believing When the Evidence Is Sparse
Part II: Breathing Depth into Common Calls
Chapter 4: Endure the Saboteurs
High Purpose Attracts the Demonic Destroyers
Learning the Signs and Patterns of Saboteurs
An Early Lesson in Sabotage
The Damage Saboteurs Inflict
Fighting Your Saboteur Self: The Ultimate Battle
Exercise: Reflecting on Saboteurs and Their Impact
Chapter 5: Pass On the Evocateur’s Gift
The Coach and the No-Dribble, No-Shoot Point Guard
Lasting Memories, Lasting Lessons
Tapping That Which Lies Dormant
Gifts Surfaced: Passing It On
Exercise: Deepening Your Appreciation of Evocateurs’ Impact on Your Life
Chapter 6: Provoke the Stifling
Mary Harris: Provocateur Extraordinaire
Guidelines for Everyday Provocateurs
Provoke When You Have Little Authority, Sponsor Provocateurs When You Have It
Exercise: Provoking with Skill and Courage
Part III: Keeping Focus for the Long Term
Chapter 7: Go Gently Against the Ego
Exercise: Reflecting on Ego Containment
Welcoming Your Calls with Balance
Exercise: Working the Veil
Appendix: Questions in Interviews for Answering Your Call