Extraordinary Influence :How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others


The Conundrum

Task-Driven Leadership

Macho Management

Bring Out the Best in Others


Chapter 2: Words of Life

Pulled by Purpose

Our Brains Love Affirmation

Not Really Affirmation

Affirmation—The Means to Influence


Part II: How Extraordinary Influence Works

Chapter 3: Tactical Affirmation

How Do We Affirm the Style of Those We Seek to Influence?

Style and Receptivity


Why Affirm


Chapter 4: Strategic Influence

What Is Our Core and How Do We Reach the Core of Another Person?

Words of Life

What Are Words of Life?

Under What Conditions Can We Give Words of Life?


Chapter 5: Words of Death

Words of Death

The Social Workplace

Shame Speaks Words of Death

The Worst of All Legacies

Can a Leader's Fundamental Style Change to Become Less Critical?

Join My Crusade


Chapter 6: Alliance Feedback

Alliance Feedback

Caveat Emptor: This Approach May Not Work


Chapter 7: Extraordinary Influence for Underperformers

True Story 1

True Story 2

True Story 3

The Three Stories Called for Three Different Remedies

How Do We Make These Judgments That Have Such a Huge Impact on People's Lives?

To Whom Should We Direct Our Limited Developmental Resources?

How Much Compassion?

Resistance to Dealing with a Problem Person

The Him or Me Card

The Virtue of Redemption

Part III: Special Applications of Extraordinary Influence

Chapter 8: Extraordinary Influence for Teams

The Three Levers

A Team's Collective Core

Extraordinary Influence on the It—the Mission or Quest of the Team

Extraordinary Influence—Healing the I, We, and It of the Broken Organization or Team



Chapter 9: Motivating High Potentials

A Great Test for Leaders

Four Transformational Actions to Bring Out the Best in HiPos


Chapter 10: Performance Appraisals that Lead to Extraordinary Influence

What Must Any Reinvention of Performance Feedback Include?


Chapter 11: Special Counsel to Parents, Teachers, and Coaches

Courage to Fight for Our Children's Well-Being

Words of Life—The Fuel to Reach a High Orbit

The Tragedy of Words of Death

College Football: An Amazing Laboratory Experiment

Alliance Feedback for Children

The I, We, and It for Families

The Conundrum of Hardship and Adversity

Final Counsel to Parents, Teachers, and Coaches


Chapter 12: What Would Happen If We Put This into Practice?


About the Author



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