Chapter 2: Primitive Moneys
Chapter 3: Monetary Metals
Roman Golden Age and Decline
Chapter 4: Government Money
Monetary Nationalism and the End of the Free World
World War II and Bretton Woods
Government Money's Track Record
Chapter 5: Money and Time Preference
Saving and Capital Accumulation
Innovations: "Zero to One" versus "One to Many"
Chapter 6: Capitalism's Information System
Business Cycles and Financial Crises
Chapter 7: Sound Money and Individual Freedom
Should Government Manage the Money Supply?
Unsound Money and Perpetual War
Limited versus Omnipotent Government
Supply, Value, and Transactions
Chapter 9: What Is Bitcoin Good For?
International and Online Settlement
Chapter 10: Bitcoin Questions
Is Bitcoin Mining a Waste?
Out of Control: Why Nobody Can Change Bitcoin
Is Bitcoin for Criminals?
How to Kill Bitcoin: A Beginners' Guide
Internet and Infrastructure Attacks
Rise in Cost of Nodes and Drop in Their Numbers
The Breaking of the SHA-256 Hashing Algorithm
Potential Applications of Blockchain Technology
The Economic Drawbacks of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology as a Mechanism for Producing Electronic Cash