The Psychology of False Confessions :Forty Years of Science and Practice


The Psychology of False Confessions


A Brief Review of my Cases on Disputed Confessions (1980–2016)

The Structure and Content of the Book

The Gudmundur and Geirfinnur Cases

Part I The Emerging Science and Practice

Chapter 1 An Era of Enquiry and Development

My Early Research on Lie Detection

The Sunday Times Experiment

British Psychological Society Committees on Lie Detection

Onward and Upward


Chapter 2 The Impact of Real-Life Cases on Legal Changes, Police Practice, and Science

The Confait Case

The Guildford Four

The Birmingham Six

The Tottenham Three (Engin Raghip)

The Case of Judith Ward

The Cardiff Three (Stephen Miller)

The PEACE Model of Interviewing

Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 3 Interrogative Suggestibility

The Experimental Approach

The Individual Differences Approach

The Gudjonsson and Clark Model


Chapter 4 The Psychology of False Confessions: The Theories

Definitions of False Confession

An Early Conceptual Framework

The Kassin and Wrightsman Threefold Classification

Critique of the Kassin–Wrightsman Classification

Key Components That Elicit and Facilitate the Internalization Process

Memory Distrust Syndrome

The Five Sequential Steps

Immediate Versus Delayed Suggestibility

A Heuristic Model of Internalized False Confessions


Chapter 5 The Development of the Science: The Evidence Base

Brief Summary of Theoretical Developments

Landmark Early Studies on Police Interrogation

False Confessions in Miscarriages of Justice Research

Rate of Interrogation, Base Rate of Guilt, and False Confessions8

Type of Offence Falsely Confessed To

Reasons Given for the False Confession

‘I’d Know a False Confession if I Saw One’

Risk Factors

Situational Risk Factors

Personal Risk Factors

The Psychological Effects of Interrogation


Part II The Gudmundur and Geirfinnur Cases

Chapter 6 Icelandic Society in the 1970s

Brief History and Landscape

The Constitution and Government

The Police

The Courts


Drug Abuse Problems and Smuggling

Media Frenzy

Homicide in Iceland


Chapter 7 The Keflavík Investigation and the First Confession

The Investigation and Principal Characters

The Disappearance of Geirfinnur Einarsson

The Keflavík Investigation Into Geirfinnur’s Disappearance

The First Confession to Geirfinnur’s Disappearance


Chapter 8 The Confessions in the Gudmundur Einarsson Case

The Post and Telecommunication Fraud

The Disappearance of Gudmundur Einarsson

The Gudmundur Einarsson Investigation

The Confessions to Gudmundur Einarsson’s Murder

Thematic Analysis of the Successive Accounts

The Supreme Court’s Version of the Facts in the Gudmundur Einarsson Case


Chapter 9 The Confessions in the Geirfinnur Einarsson Case

The Prosecution Request for the Keflavík Papers

Confessions Obtained by the Reykjavík Team

The Reykjavík Task Force

Key Task Force Statements

Gudjón’s Arrest and Subsequent Interrogations

Thematic Analysis of the Successive Accounts

The Keflavík Slipway Re-enactment

The Overlap with Gudmundur Agnarsson’s ‘False’ Confession

The Press Conference: The Official Version of What Happened

The Convictions


Chapter 10 Misguiding Force

Karl Schütz’s Professional Background

The Spiegel Investigation

The Murder of Four Soldiers in Lebach

The Baader-Meinhof Group

Appointed to the Case

Camera Shy

The Cartoons and Legal Action

The ‘Indian Technique’

Schütz’s Foreword to his Book Kleinstadtmörder: Spur 1081

The Der Spiegel 1979 Article11

Personal Impression of Karl Schütz


Chapter 11 The Return of the Gudmundur and Geirfinnur Cases

Helga Arnardóttir’s Telephone Call and the Diaries

Meeting With Helga and Kristín

The Content of the Diaries

The Filming

A Call From the Minister of the Interior


Chapter 12 The Findings From the Working Group, Special Prosecutor, and Icelandic Court Cases Review Commission

The Working Group

The General Findings of the Working Group

The Findings From the Psychological Evaluation

The Testimony in the Reykjavík District Court

The Findings of the Icelandic Court Cases Review Commission

Ragnar Adalsteinsson’s Letter to the Special Prosecutor


Part III A Psychological Analysis of the Confessions of the Six Convicted Persons

Chapter 13 Did Saevar Ciesielski Have Undiagnosed ADHD?

Salient Points

Saevar’s Interrogation


Karl Schütz’s View of Saevar

Saevar’s Speech Before the District Court


Breidavík’s Public Enquiry

Yes, Saevar Did Have Undiagnosed ADHD

Evidence Supportive of ADHD During Childhood and Adolescence

The Pretrial Psychological/Psychiatric Evaluation

The Impact of Saevar’s ADHD on His Functioning During the Cases

Was Saevar Coerced to Implicate Innocent People?

The ‘Real-Life’ Lie Detector Test


Chapter 14 Erla Bolladóttir – A Vulnerable Young Woman

Salient Points

The Relationship with Saevar

Erla’s Interrogation

Erla’s Attempts to Retract Her Confessions

The Pretrial Psychiatric Evaluation

Karl Schütz’s View of Erla

Erla’s Interview for the Working Group

Models of Erla’s Confessions


Chapter 15 Kristján Vidarsson’s Memory Distrust Syndrome and Confession

Salient Points

Kristján’s Interrogation and Confinement

Kristján’s Mental State in Solitary Confinement


Karl Schütz’s View of Kristján

The Pretrial Evaluation

Kristján’s Interview for the Working Group

A Heuristic Model of Kristján’s Confession


Chapter 16 Tryggvi Leifsson’s Memory Distrust Syndrome and Confession

Salient Points

History of False Confession?

Evidence for Memory Distrust Syndrome

Tryggvi’s interrogation and confession

Tryggvi’s Diaries

Did Tryggvi Have ADHD?

A Heuristic Model of Tryggvi’s Confession


An interview with Tryggvi’s widow and daughter

Chapter 17 Gudjón Skarphédinsson’s Memory Distrust Syndrome and Confession

Salient Points

Deterioration in Mental State

The Arrest and Custody

Karl Schütz’s Perception of Gudjón

The ‘Lie Detection’

Gudjón’s Diary

A Heuristic Model of Gudjón’s Confession

After Release From Prison


Chapter 18 Albert Skaftason’s Memory Distrust Syndrome and Confession

Salient Points

Albert’s Interrogation

Memory Enhancement

Albert’s Account of Events, and His Personality

A Heuristic Model of Albert’s Confession



Science and Practice – The Beginning

The Development of the Science

The Gudmundur and Geirfinnur Cases

Lessons Learned

Appendix 1

Appendix 2


Author Index

Subject Index


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