Part I. The Global and Bilateral Context
1. Why an EU-China free trade area?
1.1 The context for a free trade area study
1.2 Is there a case for an EU-China FTA?
2. China and the EU in a rapidly changing world economy
2.1 Chinese weight as an EU trade partner: Anticipate 2030
2.2 Competitiveness and reforms in the EU and China
2.3 Comparing China and the EU’s trade strategies: Multilateral, plurilateral and bilateral
3. Bilateral economic relations: Trade and investments
4. Global value chains: Significance for the EU and China
Part II. Design and Substance of an EU-China FTA
5. What would an EU-China FTA look like?
6. Market access in industrial goods: An analysis of tariffs
6.1 Analysing bilateral trade and its sectoral composition
6.2 Industrial tariff profiles of the EU and China
6.3 Where China and the EU differ: Tariff peaks
7. Market access in goods: Trade defence remedies
7.1 Relevance of trade defence for an FTA
7.2 Recent bilateral application of trade defence
7.3 The 2017 revision of EU trade defence measures and the status of China
8. Market access in agriculture: Tariffs and tariff-rate quotas
8.1 Bilateral agro-food trade and its composition
8.2 Tariff and TRQ barriers in bilateral agro-food trade
8.3 Tariffs peaks in agro-food
8.4 Tough barriers: Tariff rate quotas
9. Technical barriers to trade
9.1 Mapping bilateral TBTs and their scope
9.2 TBTs between China and the EU: Empirical evidence at sector and product levels
9.3 Transforming China’s technical regulation, standards and conformity assessment
9.4 Some inferences about lowering TBTs in an EU-China FTA
10. Reducing SPS barriers in an EU-China FTA
10.1 Market access barriers of the Chinese SPS regime
10.2 Concerns from China and WTO partners about EU SPS barriers
10.3 Lowering SPS barriers in an EU-China FTA
11. Market access in services: China and the EU
11.2 Measuring the extent of market access in services: China and the EU
11.3 Sectoral services market access: China and the EU
11.4 Potential value added of an EU-China FTA, based on prior experiences
12.1 China’s offers to accede to the WTO GPA
12.2 Barriers to EU public procurement as seen by Chinese investors in Europe
12.3 Possible directions for EU-China negotiations on public procurement
13. Intellectual property rights and geographical indications
13.2 EU-China IP Dialogue
13.3 China’s IPR legislation and enforcement
13.4 IPR protection and enforcement measures in China’s FTAs
13.5 IPR protection and enforcement measures in EU FTAs
13.6 Geographical Indications
14. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and competition policy
14.1 The SOE problem in China and early reforms
14.2 Reformed SOEs and barriers to market access
14.3 Can the EU and China reach an agreement on SOEs?
15. Investment and the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment
15.2 Why are the existing BITs insufficient?
15.3 Investment issues an EU-China CAI should address
15.5 China’s approach to CAI
15.7 Policy options for an EU-China CAI: A review
15.8 Integrate CAI in FTA
Part III. Potential Economic Impact: A CGE-based simulation of effects of the FTA
17. Trade and production linkages
17.1 Value added and trade linkages between China and EU
17.2 Trade in mass consumer goods
18. Removing tariffs and reducing NTM costs in a China-EU FTA
19. Modelling the FTA between China and the EU
19.1 A non-technical introduction of the model simulations
19.2 Simulating economic impacts of ambitious and modest FTAs
19.3 Results of the FTA simulation: Changes in GDP (in % and $)
19.4 Results of the FTA simulation: Changes in real wages for three skill groups
19.5 Results of the FTA simulation: Effects on trade
19.6 Strategies for adjustment to a China/EU FTA
Part IV. Conclusions and Policy Implications
20. Policy implications of an EU-China free trade agreement
Annex II. Public Procurement in China and the EU
Annex III. Estimated Impacts of an FTA
Annex IV. Total AVEs for NTBs for Goods and Services
Annex V. Technical Overview for CGE Modelling