Advances in Metallic Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sectors

Author: Murty S.V.S. Narayana  

Publisher: Trans Tech Publications‎

Publication year: 2012

E-ISBN: 9783038136705

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9783037853177

Subject: TB3 Engineering Materials

Keyword: 工程材料学

Language: ENG

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The 108 peer-reviewed papers of this volume reflect the latest developments in the field of materials and manufacturing technology; ranging from fundamentals to new technologies and applications. In particular, the papers cover the processing of advanced materials and the characterization of performance in critical applications. This book provides a valuable reference source for researchers in the fields of materials and metallurgical engineering, or manufacturing science and technology, who wish to further their understanding of the processing of materials and the microstructure-mechanical property correlations underlying mechanisms, and to create innovative and practical techniques and processes. It should also be of particular interest to manufacturing engineers. Aimed at researchers in materials and metallurgical engineering, manufacturing science, and technology, this volume collects 108 invited lectures and papers from the proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Metallic Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sectors (ICAMPS 2012), held in January 2012 in Trivandrum, India. The papers illustrate a multidisciplinary approach to the selection of metallic materials for applications in high-technology areas like aerospace, nuclear research, defense, and energy involving research and development organizations, academia, and industries. Materials scientists and engineers from India, as well as North America, Asia, and Europe, discuss p


Processing, Structure, Texture and Microtexture in Titanium Alloys

Progress in Understanding the Fatigue Behavior of Ti Alloys

Microstructure Evolution of Allotropic Materials during Thermomechanical Processing

On the Rapid Prototyping Technologies and Applications in Product Design and Manufacturing

Chapter 2: Materials Processing

Development and Characterization of Ti5Al2.5Sn-ELI Alloy Hemispherical Domes for High-Pressure Cold Helium Tanks

Processing and Characterization of Al-Cu-Li Alloy AA2195

Processing and Characterization of AA2195 Al-Cu-Li Alloy Bars Processed through Vacuum Induction Melting and Caliber Rolling

Influence of Scandium on Magnesium and its Structure-Property Correlation

Hot Working of Ti Aluminide Made through Reaction Synthesis

In Situ Synthesis of Cr2Nb Reinforced Copper Alloy by Liquid Metallurgy Route

Production of DMR 249A Steel at SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant

Impact Extrusion of Aluminium Alloy Cans: Development of Ellipsoidal Cans as Storage Containers for Electrochemical Energy Systems

Grain Refinement Mechanism in Al–4B Master Alloy Added Pure Mg

Processing of Al-Cu-Mg Alloy (V65 Grade) Bars as Feedstock for Wire Drawing

Processing of V65 Aluminium Alloy Wires Processed from Hot and Warm Rolled Rods for Rivet Applications

Processing and Characterization of Al-Cu-Mg Alloy Rivets for Aerospace Applications

Effect of Process Parameters on Splat Formation during Impingement of Liquid Metal Droplets over a Cold Substrate

Effect of Rolling Speed on Microstructure of Al-33wt. % Cu Alloy Strip Prepared by Twin Roll Strip Casting

Manufacturing of Inconel 718 Based Honeycomb Panels for Metallic Thermal Protection Systems

Optimisation of Laser Process Parameter on Laser Transformation Hardening of AISI440C

Simulation of Cooling Rate of Gray Cast Iron Casting in a Sand Mold and its Experimental Validation

Study of Shell Cracking Behavior and its Remedies in Investment Casting Process Using Quick Cast Rapid Prototype Polymer Patterns

Chapter 3: Ultrafine Grained Materials

High Strain Rate Superplasticity in an Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloy Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing and Subsequent Cold and Warm Rolling

Structural and Mechanical Behaviour of Severe Plastically Deformed OFE Copper Processed by Constrained Groove Pressing Technique

Friction Stir Processed Rare Earth Containing Magnesium Alloy for High Temperature Application

Strengthening Behavior of Bulk Ultra Fine Grained Aluminum Alloys

Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Aluminum-Alumina In Situ Metal Matrix Composite

Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Friction Stir Processed 5086 Aluminum Alloy

Surface Modification of Steels Using Friction Stir Surfacing

Bioactive Grain Refined Magnesium by Friction Stir Processing

Grain Refinement in OFHC Cu Subjected to Repetitive Upsetting Extrusion (RUE) Process

Ultrafine-Grained HSLA Steel Processed Using MAF: Dry Sliding Wear and Corrosion Behaviour

Chapter 4: Powder Metallurgical Processing

On the Possibility of Occurrence of Anisotropy in Processing of Cu-CNT Composites by Powder Metallurgical Techniques

Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Fe-Al2O3 Nanocomposites Synthesized by Reactive Milling Followed by Spark Plasma Sintering

Comparisons of Sintered Technology with Powder Forging for Fe-P Soft Magnetic Alloys

Densification of γ-TiAl Powders by Spark Plasma Sintering

Effect of 10 at.% Nb Addition on Sintering and High Temperature Oxidation of W0.5Cr0.5 Alloy

Effect of Ti Particle Size on Reaction Synthesis of Ti Aluminide

Spark Plasma Sintering of Fe-Cr-Mo-P-B-C-Si Amorphous Alloy

Studies on the Effect of Graphite Content on Hardness and Electrical Resistivity of Silver-Graphite Composites

Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructure Magnesium Base Alloy by Mechanical Alloying for Hydrogen Storage Application

Processing and End Milling Behavioural Study of A356-SiCp Composite

Chapter 5: Composite Materials

Fabrication and Characterization of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced AZ91 Mg Alloy Composites

Fabrication and Optimization of Drilling Parameters in Heat Treated SiC Reinforced Functionally Graded Al Composites Using Taguchi Method

Formation of Electroless Ni-B Coating on Boron Carbide Particles for Composite Processing

Microstructure and Properties of Stir Cast AZ91 Mg Alloy – SiCp Composites

Synthesis of Porous SiC Preform and Squeeze Infiltration Processing of Aluminium-SiC Metal Ceramic Composites

Synthesis and Characterization of In Situ AlN Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composites

Role of SiCP on Processing and Physical Characteristics of Al-Si-Mg/SiCP Composite Foams

Processing and Microstructure of Magnesium In Situ Composite with Titanium and Boron Based Reinforcement

Processing of Primary Silicon and Mg2Si Reinforced Hybrid Functionally Graded Aluminum Composites by Centrifugal Casting

Tribological Behavior of Mg-Mg2Si In Situ Composite

Wear Characteristic of Al-Based Metal Matrix Composites Used for Heavy Duty Brake Pad Applications

Challenges in Characterization and Acceptance of Metal Matrix Composite “Carrier Plate” Material for Space Applications

Chapter 6: Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Characterization of Multi Phase Steel at Different Rates of Loading

Effect of Cold Working on the Mechanical Properties of a Medium Carbon Low Alloy Steel

Effect of Tempering Temperature on Strength and Fracture Toughness of 0.3C-CrMoV(ESR) Steel

Local Deformation Behavior of Inconel 718 TIG Weldment at Room Temperature and at 550°C

Study of LCF Behavior of IN718 Superalloy at Room Temperature

Fracture Mechanics of Conventional and Narrow Groove Pulse Current Gas Metal Arc Welds of HSLA Steel

Tensile Behaviour of Al-Si Alloy and Al-Si/Graphite Composites at Elevated Temperatures

Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Grain Refinement and Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy

Chapter 7: Materials Characterisation

Optimization of Hot Rolling and Annealing Process of Low Ni Stainless Steel Using Simulation Studies

Thermally Activated Deformation of a High-Nitrogen Grade 316LN Stainless Steel under Compressive Loading

Aging Behavior in 15-5 PH Precipitation Hardening Martensitic Stainless Steel

Comparative Study on Tempering Response of Martensitic Grade AISI-420 Stainless Steels with Varying Carbon Content

Correlation of Mechanical Properties with Ferrite Number in 0.07C-16Cr-6Ni Stainless Steel

Slurry Erosion Response of Heat Treated 13Cr-4Ni Martensitic Stainless Steel

Development of Hardening and Tempering Cycle for High Strength Low Alloy Fastener Grade Steel

Type Certification of 18 Ni Maraging Steels for Landing Gears

Structure-Property Correlation of Rolled ZM21/Al Magnesium Macrocomposite

Effect of Cold Working and Heat Treatment on Recrystallization, Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of High Strength Ti15V3Al3Cr3Sn (Ti-Beta) Alloy

Age Hardening Behavior in Al-8Zn-2Mg-2Cu Wrought Aluminum Alloy

Modeling the High Temperature Deformation Behaviour of a near Alpha Titanium Alloy with Bi-Modal Microstructure

Influence of Crystallographic Texture on Mechanical Properties in Cold Rolled 7XXX Series Al Alloys Used in Space Applications

Effect of Microstructure on Wear Characteristics of Spray Cast Al-Si Alloys

Effect of Counter Surface Temperature and Load on the Transition from Mild to Severe Wear Behavior of Al-Si-SiCp Composites in Reciprocating Conditions

Optimization of Homogenization Parameters of Al-Cu-Li Alloy Cast Ingots Using Calorimetry and Metallographic Techniques

Age-Hardening Characteristics of Cu-3Ag-0.5Zr Alloy

Wetting Characteristics of Sn-0.7Cu Lead-Free Solder Alloy on Copper Substrates

Non Destructive Metallographic Technique Used in Indian Space Programme

Analysis on Characteristic Features of L-Mode Guided Wave in Tube Testing

Analysis of Trace Additives in Copper Alloys for Space Applications: A Comparison between Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry

Pulsed Thermography and Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation of Corrugated Metallic Thermal Protection System (MTPS) Panel

Chapter 8: Materials Joining

Effect of Welding Processes (GTAW & EBW) and Solutionizing Temperature on Microfissuring Tendency in Inconel 718 Welds

Electron Beam Welding Studies on Nb-Hf-Ti Refractory Alloy

Laves Phase Control in Inconel 718 Weldments

Friction Welding of Titanium to 304 Stainless Steel with Electroplated Nickel Interlayer

Effect of Simulated Brazing Cycle on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti Alloy

Laser Beam Welding of Aluminium: Process Optimisation to Achieve Hermetic Sealing for Electrochemical Energy System Containers

Microstructural Characterisation of AA2219 Weldments

Metallurgical Studies on Explosive Welded Aluminium Alloy-Stainless Steel Bimetallic Plates

Microstructural Characterisation of Copper-Stainless Steel Brazed Joint with Copper Based Filler Metal

Adhesive Joining of Metal to Metal and Metal to Ceramic by Ceramic Precursor Route

Chapter 9: Failure Analysis and Corrosion

Aging and Electrochemical Behaviour of 7017 Al-Zn-Mg Alloy of Various Tempers

Effect of Deposition Time on the Characteristics of High Phosphorous Nickel Deposit, Deposited Using Electroless Route

Effect of Plasma Electrolytic Surface Treatment on the Corrosion Characteristics of the Ti-6Al-4V in Acidic, Industrial and Marine Environments

The Role of Electrolyte Additives on the Corrosion Behavior of Ceramic Coatings Formed on ZM21 Magnesium Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation

Assessment of Failure Modes of Components in High Capacity Pumps due to Synergistic Effects of Erosion and Corrosion – A Case Study in Lignite Mines

Metallurgical Failure Analysis-Few Case Studies

Characterization of Fireside Corroded Sections of Boiler Tubes

Chapter 10: Functional and Nano Materials

The Role of Nanostructured Active Support Materials in Electrocatalysis of Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Reactions

Comparison of Hydrogen Sensing Characteristics of CrNbO4 Prepared by Solid-State Route and Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS)

Electrical Properties of Nano Zinc Ferrites Prepared by Solution Combustion and Hydrothermal Methods

Preparation, Characterization and Nox Sensing Characteristics of Sensor Grade CuInO2 Thin Films

Thermally Grown Oxide Layer on Aluminized Superalloy 690 Substrate and its Stability in Nitrate-Based Environment

Investigative Study of Optical Parameters of Se80.5Bi1.5Te18-yAgy Thin Films

FTIR and DSC Study of Se92Te8-xSnx (x=0, 3 and 5) Chalcogenide Glasses

Development of Zirconia Based Oxygen Sensor for Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic

Role of Substrate Temperature in the Pulsed Laser Deposition of Zirconium Oxide Thin Film

Synthesis of Magnetic Thin Films on Glass Substrates Using NH3 Vapors

Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid ZnO@Ag Core-Shell Nanospheres for Gas Sensor Applications

Electroless Coating of Silver on Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes

Ageing Kinetics in Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminium Alloy AA6063

Thermal Barrier Coating on Metallic Substrates by Preceramic Route

Global Patent Scenario of Materials: An IP Analysis

Keywords Index

Authors Index