The present book sums up the most recent advances in the investigation of nanocrystallization. Many new nanocrystalline materials with promising magnetic and mechanical properties have been developed. For example, soft-magnetic nanocrystalline Fe-based alloys, hard-soft nanocrystalline Fe/FeNdB-type magnets and light Al-based nanostructures with attractive mechanical properties.Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
Also of interest are two-phase fcc Al-intermetallic, fcc Al-quasicrystalline nanostructures and especially bulk metallic glasses which can be obtained at very low crystal nucleation rates.
Nucleation of Quasicrystals in Bulk Glass Forming Zr-Cu-Ni-Al Alloys
Oxygen Distribution in Zr65Cu15Al10Pd10 Nanocrystalline Alloys
Thermodynamics of an Amorphous Alloy Studied by Drop Calorimetry and DSC
A Comparison between Electronic Properties of Metallic Ordered Compounds, Amorphous and Quasicrystals Phases
Processing and Characterization of Zr-Based Bulk Amorphous Alloys
Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of Nanocrystalline Fe-Based Alloys
Primary Crystalline Phase Nucleation Regime in Amorphous Alloys is Non-Steady-State
APFIM Studies of Nanocomposite Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials
On the Curie Temperature of the Residual Amorphous Matrix and Superparamagnetism in Fe-Zr-Cu-B Nanocrystalline Alloys
Nanocrystallisation in Finemet Alloys with Different Si/B Ratios
Stress Induced Anisotropy and Magnetostriction in Fe73.5B7Cu1Nb3Si15.5 Alloy: Interface Effects
Nanocrystallization Process in FeCuNbSiB Based Alloys
Electron Transport as a Probe of Crystallization Kinetics in Metallic Glasses
FMR Study of Crystallization in the Metglas 2605SM Amorphous Alloy
Crystallization Kinetics of Metallic Glasses on a Nanometer Scale
Nanocrystallisation of Fe-Based Amorphous Alloys
Nanocrystallization of Metallic Glasses under Different Conditions
Temperature Dependence of the Magnetostriction in α-Fe100-xSix and FINEMET Type Alloys
Nanocrystalline Materials Manufactured by Advanced Solidification Processing Methods
Study of Magnetic Properties of Joule Heated Granular CoxCu100-x Ribbons
Interfaces, Surfaces and Grain Boundaries in Nanophase Materials Evidenced by Mössbauer Spectrometry
Alloying Reaction between Nanometer-Sized Indium and Gold Particles at Reduced Temperatures
Distribution of Co Particles ini Co-Al-O Granular Thin Films
Growth Control and Properties of Si Nanograins Embedded in either Amorphous Silicon or SiO2 Matrix
Bulk Nanostructured Metastable Alloys Prepared by Severe Plastic Deformation
Grain-Boundary Structure in Nanocrystalline Ball-Milled FeRh
Nanocrystalline Mg-Ni-Based Hydrogen Storage Alloys Produced by Nanocrystallization
Rotating Bending Fatigue Behavior of Quasicrystal-Reinforced Al Alloys
The Deformation and Peculiarities of the Destruction of Nanophase Materials
Magnetic Properties of Iron Nanoparticles in Submicrocrystalline Copper
Microstructure, Conductivity and Hardness of Cu and Ag-Based Compacts with Immiscible Elements