KII Influence on the Shape of Caustics in CT and CC Specimens
Accuracy Improvement Technique for Measuring Stress Intensity Factors in Photoelastic Experiment
Stress Intensity Evaluation for Surface Crack with Use of Boundary Element Method and Influence Function Method and the Surface Crack Extension Analysis
Determination of Thermal Stress Intensity Factors for Symmetric Lip Cusp Crack by Boundary Element Method
Development of the Method to Evaluate the Fatigue Life of Spot-Welded Structures by Fracture Mechanics - Development of BEM-Spot System to Analyze the Stress Intensity Factors by Use of Boundary Element Method
Efficient Boundary Element Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors for Interface Cracks in Dissimilar Materials
An Investigation on the Behavior of Longitudinally Cracked Pipe Wall due to Thermal Striping
Direct Observation of Crack Tip Phenomena and a Dislocation Model of Fracture
Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Al-Li Alloys
Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Strength Steels and Their Weldments in Synthetic Sea Water
Relation between Test Temperatures and Notch Tip Radii in Tensile Fracture Manner of Center Notched CFRP
Notched Strength of Woven Laminate Composites Containing Circular Holes
Failure Criteria for Symmetric Balanced Angle-Ply Laminates under Uniaxial Loading
Failure Criteria for Carbon/Epoxy Composites under Biaxial Loading
The Micromechanics Study of Crack Propagation in a Cross Ply E-Glass/Epoxy Laminate under Hydrochlorid Acid
A Study on the Fracture Mechanics of Orthotropic Plate under Pure Shear Force (A Study on the Development of the Pure Shear Force Device for Orthotropic Materials)
Effect of Vickers Indented Load and Microstructure on Hardness, Bending Strength and Fracture Toughness in Sintered Silicon Carbide Ceramics
Effect of Stress Corrosion Cracking on Fracture Strength of Si3N4
Particle Impact Damage in Silicon Carbide
Particle Impact Damage on Ceramics
Mechanics Approach to Fracture Strength of Ceramics/Metal Joints
The Evaluation of the Strength of Adhesive Joints by Application of Fracture Mechanics
Strength Evalulation of Carburized Gear Teeth Based on Fracture Mechanics
The Effect of Microstructural Variation on the Mechanical Properties of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Alloy
Effects of Austempering on Fatigue Crack Propagation Resistance of Ductile Cast Irons
The Effect of Load Ratio and Grain Size on Fatigue Crack Growth Rates in Nickel Base Superalloy AP-1
An Analysis on Surface Crack Growth under Rotary Bending Fatigue in Terms of Fracture Mechanics
Fatigue Crack Propagation between Holes or Ingredients
Surface Crack Growth Behavior in Corrosion Fatigue of Off-Shore Structural Steel
Material Degradation and Strength Characteristics of a Long-Term Operated HP-IP Rotor
Analytical Evaluation of Remaining Service Life of Fossil Steam Turbine Rotor and Casing
Standardization of Grain Boundary Etching Test Method for Evaluating High Temperature Material Degradation
The Evaluation for In-Service Material Degradation of Superheater Tubes of Fossil Boiler
DBTT Estimation of Ferritic Low Alloy Steels in Service Plant by means of Small Punch Test
Fatigue Crack Behavior under Constant Stress and Two-Step Block Stress
Effect of Single Overload on Retardation Behavior in 7075-T73 Aluminium Alloy
Estimation Method of Elastic-Plastic Fatigue Crack Growth Rates under Variable Amplitude Loadings
Fatigue Crack Growth and Closure through a Tensile Residual Stress Field under Random Loading
Fatigue Crack Acceleration and Retardation in Glassy Polymers due to a Single Peak Overload
Effects of Accelerated Thermal Aging and Prestressing on Fracture Toughness of A533B-1 Steel
Effect of Temperature on the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness in A516 Gr70 Steel
Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness Test under Mixed Mode Loading
Study on the Ductile Fracture of Aluminium Alloys - Observation of the Fracture Process by FRASTA and FEM Simulation -
Maximum Load Prediction in Plane-Strain Ductile Fracture
The Near Crack Tip Deformation and Fracture Initiation of a Ductile Material under Mixed Mode Loading
A Study of Mixed Mode Fracture Criterion - Maximum Tangential Strain Energy Density Criterion
Impact Force and Elastic Response of Tapered Bars in Collision with Rigid Wall
Dynamic Crack Propagation in a Micropolar Medium
Fatigue Crack Closure Monitoring at Elevated Temperatures Using Laser Interferrometric Displacement Gage
Effect of Crack Surface Oxidation on Near-Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics in A508-3 Steel at Elevated Temperature
The Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of the Submerged Arc Welded Plate
Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Residual Stress Fields
Stress Analysis around Micro Surface Cracks by FEM Modeling of 3 Dimensions
Fracture Mechanics Analysis of the Mode I Crack in the Variable Thickness Plate Having Fillet
Efficient Improvement of Virtual Crack Extension Method by a Derivative of the Finite Element Stiffness Matrix
Application of the Jk Integral to Arc Cracked Rotating Disks
Discontinuity of Stress Intensity Factor for Kinked Interfacial Crack under Anti-Plane Shear
Thermoelastic Analysis of an Interfacial Crack in Bimaterial
Development of Inelastic Constitutive Relations
Axisymmetric Contact Problem in Consideration of Tangential Displacement
A Study on Width Spread in 2-High Rolling of Rectangular Bars
Deformation of Circular Tubes in Lateral Compression
Fracture Strength Evaluation of Welded Joint in Steels by Using Small Punch Test
An Improvement of the Fatigue Strength of the Spot-Welded Lap Joint
A Study on the Effect of the Building up by Welding on the Fatigue Fracture Behaviors for the Forged Steel
Load and Strain Histories for CFRP Laminates under Low Velocity Impact
Impact Damage Energy of Laminated Composite Beams Subjected to Transverse Impact
Evaluations of Performances to Plasma Disruption and Neutron Irradiation of Graphites and C/C-Composites as First Wall Components for Fusion Reactor Devices
A Fabrication Method of Aluminium-Short Fiber Alumina Metal Matrix Composites Processed by Compocasting
Small Punch Test for Ceramic Composites at Very High Temperature
Fracture Behaviors and Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Composites
Ultrasonic Testing of Closed Cracks
Measurements of Residual Stress in the Field of the Stress Gradient by the Hole Drilling Method
Crack Prevention of S-Tech Wood during Autoclave Drying by means of Accoustic Emission Technique
A Study on the Development of Orthotropic Photoelastic Material Having Arbitrary Size and Direction
One-Point-Bend Impact Testing of Ceramic Material
Evaluations of the Critical Current Densities of Carbon Brushes by Thermal Shock Fracture Testings
Probabilistic Life Assessment for Surface Cracked Body by an Influence Function Method
The Probabilistic Prediction of the Fatigue Crack Propagation Life of a Semi-Elliptical Surface Crack
Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth Life Prediction with Statistical Consideration
Nondestructive Detection and Evaluation of Materials Degradation of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel by means of Electrochemical Method
Degradation Problems in Life Prediction
Fracture Behavior and Acceptance Size of Flaw for Pressurized Piping