A select collection of 29 peer-reviewed papers together offering a great deal of timely information on, “State-of-the-art Research and Application of SMAs Technologies”. The papers are conveniently arranged under the succinct headings: chapter 1: Materials; chapter 2: Phase transformation and microstructure; chapter 3: Engineering; chapter 4: Applications. This special volume has also been published online in the series, “Advances in Science and Technology” Vol. 59.
High Energy Milling and Hot Extrusion of Equiatomic NiTi Shape Memory Alloy
Magnetic Properties and Microstructures of Rapidly Solidified FePd Alloy Ribbons
Influence of Substrate Temperature on Texture for Deposited TiNi Films
Surfactant Modified Nickel-Manganese-Gallium Powder and Silicone Composites
Thermomechanical Modelling and Experimental Testing of a Shape Memory Alloy Hybrid Composite Plate
In Situ Experimental Methods for Characterization of Deformation Processes in SMAs
Effect of the Loading History on Shape Memory Alloy Transformation Temperatures
Elemental Interfaces and Displacive Phase Transformations
Texture Development in Ni-Ti Thin Films
Two-Way Memory Effect in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
Shape Recovery and ε - γ Transformation in Fe29Mn7Si5Cr SMA
Influence of Thermomechanical Treatment on Transformation Temperatures of Cu-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloys
Pseudoelasticity of Cu-13.8Al-Ni Alloys Containing V and Nb
Dynamic and Static Displacements of Atoms in B2-Phase of TiNi Alloy
Shape Memory Behavior in Some (Ti,Zr,Hf)50(Ni,Cu)50 Alloys Elaborated by Glass Devitrification
Engineering Aspects of Shape Memory Film Actuators and Sensors
Transformation/Deformation Behavior and its Constitutive Equation for Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
Effect of Micro-Voids on Plasticity in NiTi-Alloys
Experimental Characterization of NiTi SMAs Thermomechanical Behaviour Using Temperature and Strain Full-Field Measurements
Thermomechanical Characterization of Shape Memory Alloy Tubular Composite Structures
Functional Properties of Ti-Ni-Based Shape Memory Alloys
On Functional Behavior of Strain-Aged Ti-Ni Alloy
SMA Fatigue in Civil Engineering Applications
Control Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Using Resistance Feedback Control Method
Generation of Smart Structures on the Basis of In Situ Configuration of Shape Memory Alloys
Superelastic NiTi Thin Films for Medical Applications
Smartflex NiTi Wires for Shape Memory Actuators