1.3 Pay and price trends in the 1970s
1.3 Pay and price trends in the 1970s
1.4 Levels of pay and labour costs in money and purchasing power
1.4 Levels of pay and labour costs in money and purchasing power
CHAPTER TWO. The comparative dispersions of individual earnings
CHAPTER TWO. The comparative dispersions of individual earnings
2.2 The distribution of pay in industry in 1972
2.2 The distribution of pay in industry in 1972
2.3 Pay dispersions in distribution and finance
2.3 Pay dispersions in distribution and finance
2.4 The dispersion of earnings in agriculture
2.4 The dispersion of earnings in agriculture
2.5 A wider and longer-term view of pay dispersions
2.5 A wider and longer-term view of pay dispersions
2.6 The incidence of direct taxes on pay inequalities
2.6 The incidence of direct taxes on pay inequalities
Effects of the choice of pay period on dispersions
Effects of the choice of pay period on dispersions
CHAPTER THREE. Differentials between industries and sectors
CHAPTER THREE. Differentials between industries and sectors
3.1. Labour cost and pay differentials between branches of industry
3.1. Labour cost and pay differentials between branches of industry
3.2 Branch differentials in industry and some factors underlying them
3.2 Branch differentials in industry and some factors underlying them
3.3 Pay dispersions within industries
3.3 Pay dispersions within industries
3.4 Pay in distribution and finance compared with industry
3.4 Pay in distribution and finance compared with industry
3.5 Earnings in agriculture compared with industry
3.5 Earnings in agriculture compared with industry
3.6 Trends in industry differentials
3.6 Trends in industry differentials
3.7 Winning and losing branches in the 1970s: manual men in industry
3.7 Winning and losing branches in the 1970s: manual men in industry
3.8 Winners and losers in British industry: manual men
3.8 Winners and losers in British industry: manual men
3.9 Branch differentials in Britain - industrial and non-industrial sectors: all labour markets
3.9 Branch differentials in Britain - industrial and non-industrial sectors: all labour markets
3.10 France: relative pay trends in some non-industrial sectors 1972–1977
3.10 France: relative pay trends in some non-industrial sectors 1972–1977
3.11 West Germany: relative pay trends in some non-industrial sectors
3.11 West Germany: relative pay trends in some non-industrial sectors
3.12 Belgium and the Netherlands : sectoral differentials
3.12 Belgium and the Netherlands : sectoral differentials
CHAPTER FOUR. Occupational differentials
CHAPTER FOUR. Occupational differentials
4.2 Occupational differentials in industry in 1972
4.2 Occupational differentials in industry in 1972
4.3 Occupational differentials in distribution and banking in 1974
4.3 Occupational differentials in distribution and banking in 1974
4.4 A comparison of pay between industry, distribution and banking
4.4 A comparison of pay between industry, distribution and banking
4.5 A note on occupational pay in certain sectors in Italy
4.5 A note on occupational pay in certain sectors in Italy
4.6 A brief historical survey of the evolution of skill differentials among manual workers
4.6 A brief historical survey of the evolution of skill differentials among manual workers
4.7 The evolution of occupational differentials in Great Britain
4.7 The evolution of occupational differentials in Great Britain
4.8 The evolution of occupational differentials in West Germany
4.8 The evolution of occupational differentials in West Germany
4.9 The evolution of occupational differentials in France
4.9 The evolution of occupational differentials in France
4.10 The evolution of occupational differentials in Italy
4.10 The evolution of occupational differentials in Italy
4.11 Linkages between movements in occupational pay through time
4.11 Linkages between movements in occupational pay through time
4.12 Summary and conclusions
4.12 Summary and conclusions
APPENDIX 4.1: The occupational classifications used by Eurostat
APPENDIX 4.1: The occupational classifications used by Eurostat
APPENDIX 4.2: A note on the historical sources used for France, Great Britain, Germany and the USA
APPENDIX 4.2: A note on the historical sources used for France, Great Britain, Germany and the USA
CHAPTER FIVE. The pay differential for women
CHAPTER FIVE. The pay differential for women
5.1 The women's average pay differential
5.1 The women's average pay differential
5.2 The narrowing of the women's pay differential
5.2 The narrowing of the women's pay differential
5.3 Differential working hours
5.3 Differential working hours
5.4 The effect of age distribution on the women's differential
5.4 The effect of age distribution on the women's differential
5.4 The effect of age distribution on the women's differential
5.4 The effect of age distribution on the women's differential
5.5 The influence of the industrial distribution
5.5 The influence of the industrial distribution
5.6 The influence of occupational distribution
5.6 The influence of occupational distribution
5.7 Part-time work and pay
5.7 Part-time work and pay
5.7 Summary and conclusions
5.7 Summary and conclusions
CHAPTER SIX. Interrelationships in the industrial pay structure
CHAPTER SIX. Interrelationships in the industrial pay structure
6.2 A comparison of the variation of earnings with different factors
6.2 A comparison of the variation of earnings with different factors
6.3 Differences between the four labour markets
6.3 Differences between the four labour markets
6.4 Stability over time: comparisons with 1966
6.4 Stability over time: comparisons with 1966
6.5 Comparisons within selected industries
6.5 Comparisons within selected industries
6.6 The nature of the interactions
6.6 The nature of the interactions
6.7 The unexplained residuals of the dispersions
6.7 The unexplained residuals of the dispersions
6.8 Fluctuations in earnings and their effect upon dispersions
6.8 Fluctuations in earnings and their effect upon dispersions
6.9 Two aggregate theories of fluctuations in earnings
6.9 Two aggregate theories of fluctuations in earnings
6.10 Summary and conclusions
6.10 Summary and conclusions
The components of the variance method used in Chapters 6 and 7
The components of the variance method used in Chapters 6 and 7
CHAPTER SEVEN. Training, mobility and the pay structure
CHAPTER SEVEN. Training, mobility and the pay structure
7.2 A broader statistical analysis
7.2 A broader statistical analysis
7.7 Summary and conclusions
7.7 Summary and conclusions
CHAPTER EIGHT. Reflections
CHAPTER EIGHT. Reflections
8.1 International dissimilarities in patterns of pay
8.1 International dissimilarities in patterns of pay
8.2 Changes in pay structures over time
8.2 Changes in pay structures over time
APPENDIX: Main statistical sources
APPENDIX: Main statistical sources
A.1 European Community Sources
A.1 European Community Sources
A.2 The British New Earnings Survey (NES)
A.2 The British New Earnings Survey (NES)