Chapter 2: Cerebellar Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology
Overview of Cerebellar Structure, Function, and Symptoms
Macroscopic to Microscopic Cerebellar Structure
Neurotransmitters in the Cerebellum
Chapter 3: Classification of Movement Disorders
Parkinsonism (Chapter 14)
Chapter 4: Diagnostic Evaluation of Children with Movement Disorders
Section 2: Developmental Movement Disorders
Chapter 5: Transient and Developmental Movement Disorders in Children
Benign Neonatal Sleep Myoclonus
Benign Myoclonus of Early Infancy (Benign Infantile Spasms)
Paroxysmal Tonic Upgaze of Infancy
Benign Paroxysmal Torticollis
Benign Idiopathic Dystonia of Infancy
Posturing during Masturbation
Section 3: Paroxysmal Movement Disorders
Chapter 6: Tics and Tourette Syndrome
Associated Behaviors and Psychopathologies in Tic Disorders
Pathophysiology of Tic Disorders
Chapter 7: Motor Stereotypies
Differentiating Stereotypies from Other Disorders
Classification of Motor Stereotypies
Chaprter 8: Paroxysmal Dyskinesias
Section 4: Hyperkinetic and Hypokinetic Movement Disorders
Chapter 9: Chorea, Athetosis, and Ballism
Introduction and Overview
Definitions of Chorea, Athetosis, and Ballism
Clinical Characteristics—Phenomenology of Chorea, Athetosis, and Ballism in Children
Localization and Pathophysiology
Summary of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach
Introduction and Definition
Clinical Characteristics of Dystonia
Localization and Pathophysiology
Patient and Family Resources
Introduction and Overview
Clinical Characteristics—Phenomenology of Myoclonus in Children
Localization and Pathophysiology
Summary of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach
Introduction and Overview
Clinical Characteristics—Phenomenology of Tremor in Children
Localization and Pathophysiology
Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Introduction and Overview
Clinical Characteristics—Phenomenology of Ataxia in Children
Localization and Pathophysiology
Clinical Features of Parkinsonism
Pathophysiogy of Parkinsonism
Etiology of Parkinsonism in Children
Treatment of Parkinsonism
Section 5: Selected Secondary Movement Disorders
Chapter 15: Inherited Metabolic Disorders Associated with Extrapyramidal Symptoms
Pediatric Neurotransmitter Diseases
White Matter (Dysmyelinating) Disorders
Glycolysis, Pyruvate Metabolism, and Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Disorders
Disorders of Purine Metabolism
Disorders of Creatine Metabolism
Chapter 16: Movements That Occur in Sleep
Overview of Sleep Physiology
Classification of Movements in Sleep
Sleep-Related Movement Disorders
Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders That Are Present during the Daytime and Persist during Sleep
Seizures In and Around the Time of Sleep
Chapter 17: Cerebral Palsy
Differentiating Hypertonia in Children (Table 17-2)
Management of Cerebral Palsy
Chapter 18: Drug-Induced Movement Disorders in Children
Introduction and Overview
Definition of Drug-Induced Movement Disorders
Clinical Characteristics—Phenomenology of Drug-Induced Movement Disorders in Children
Drug-Induced Movement Disorders
Chapter 19: Psychogenic Movement Disorders
Clinical Features of Psychogenic Movement Disorders
Diagnostic Criteria for Psychogenic Movement Disorders
Aids in Diagnosing Psychogenic Movement Disorders
Specific Movement Disorder Types in Psychogenic Movement Disorders
Appendix A: Drug Appendix
Baclofen Intrathecal Pump (ITB)
Intravenous Immune Globulin (ivig)
Prednisone and Methylprednisolone
Appendix B: Search Strategy for Genetic Movement Disorders
Chapter 8 Paroxysmal Dyskinesia
Chapter 9 Chorea, Athetosis, and Ballism
Chapter 17 Cerebral Palsy
Chapter 18 Drug-Induced Movement Disorders
Chapter 19 Psychogenic Movement Disorders