Examination of Specific Joints
Special (Diagnostic) Tests
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Head and Face Assessment
Chapter 3: Cervical Spine
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Cervical Spine Assessment
Chapter 4: Temporomandibular Joint
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Temporomandibular Joint Assessment
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes And Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Shoulder Assessment
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Elbow Assessment
Chapter 7: Forearm, Wrist, and Hand
Common Hand and Finger Deformities
Resisted Isometric Movements
Functional Assessment (Grip)
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Assessment
Chapter 8: Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Thoracic Spine Assessment
Resisted Isometric Movements
Peripheral Joint Scanning Examination
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Lumbar Spine Assessment
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Pelvis Assessment
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Hip Assessment
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Knee Assessment
Chapter 13: Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
Midfoot (Midtarsal Joints)
Resisted Isometric Movements
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution
Preacutecis of the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot Assessment
Chapter 14: Assessment of Gait
Normal Parameters of Gait
Lateral Pelvic Shift (Pelvic List)
Joint Motion during Normal Gait
Overview and Patient History
Arthrogenic (Stiff Hip or Knee) Gait
Equinus Gait (Toe Walking)
Gluteus Medius (Trendelenburg’s) Gait
Hemiplegic or Hemiparetic Gait
Quadriceps Avoidance Gait
Steppage or Drop Foot Gait
Chapter 15: Assessment of Posture
Factors Affecting Posture
Common Spinal Deformities
Preacutecis of the Postural Assessment
Chapter 16: Assessment of the Amputee
Measurements Related to Amputation
Resisted Isometric Movements
Preacutecis of the Amputee Assessment
Chapter 17: Primary Care Assessment
Objectives of the Evaluation
Neurological Examination and Convulsive Disorders (Including Head Injury)
Musculoskeletal Examination
Cardiovascular Examination
Gastrointestinal Examination
Dermatological Examination
Examination for Heat (Hyperthermic) Disorders
Examination for Cold (Hypothermic) Disorders
Physical Fitness Profile (Functional Assessment)
Chapter 18: Emergency Sports Assessment
Assessment for Bleeding, Fluid Loss, and Shock
Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury
Assessment for Head Injury (Neural Watch)
Assessment for Heat Injury
Preacutecis of the Emergency Sports Assessment