1. Complexity, mythology and over-globalisation: an overview of global integration
Internationalisation versus globalisation
Some history and mythology of globalisation
2. The perennial debate: free trade and globalisation in theory and history
The magic of numbers and triangles
The story gets complicated
3. The biggest game on earth: the myth of trade-led growth
Lies, damned lies and computer models
4. Converting the world to capitalism: the rise and fall of the Washington Consensus
The making of an elite consensus
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
South Asia (Indian sub-continent)
5. A planet in chains: capital, supply chains and the economy of nowhere
But how does it work in theory?
Juggernauts of the chained world
The myth of TNC/FDI/GVC-led growth
6. The dark lords of money: financial globalisation, crises and insanity
Crises, crashes and catastrophes
The myth of finance-led growth
The financial system from hell
A catastrophe unforetold?
7. Globalisation and people: the many costs of global integration
Race to the top or bottom?
Poverty and the myth of global solutions
The rise and rise of inequality
The myth of migration-led growth
The globalisation of everything?
8. One world mania: the problems of excessive global integration
The myth of globalisation-led growth
The war between integration and autonomy
Wall-to-wall trade agreements
The limits of integration and globalisation
An alternative world order