Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
CHAPTER 1. Measure and Integration
1.2 Basic notions of measure theory
1.3 Monotone class theorem
1.4 Uniqueness of measures
1.5 Definition of measurable functions and integrals
1.8 Dominated convergence
1.9 Missing term in Fatou's lemma
1.11 Commutativity and associativity of product measures
1.13 Layer cake representation
1.15 Constructing a measure from an outer measure
1.16 Uniform convergence except on small sets
1.17 Simple functions and really simple functions
1.18 Approximation by really simple functions
1.19 Approximation by C∞ functions
CHAPTER 2. L[sup(p)]-Spaces
2.1 Definition of L[sup(p)]-spaces
2.4 Minkowski's inequality
2.6 Differentiability of norms
2.7 Completeness of L[sup(p)]-spaces
2.8 Projection on convex sets
2.9 Continuous linear functionals and weak convergence
2.10 Linear functionals separate
2.11 Lower semicontinuity of norms
2.12 Uniform boundedness principle
2.13 Strongly convergent convex combinations
2.14 The dual of L[sup(p)](Ω)
2.16 Approximation by C∞-functions
2.17 Separability of L[sup(p)](R[sup(n)])
2.18 Bounded sequences have weak limits
2.19 Approximation by C[sup(∞)][sub(c)]-functions
2.20 Convolutions of functions in dual L[sup(p)](R[sup(p)])-spaces are continuous
CHAPTER 3. Rearrangement Inequalities
3.2 Definition of functions vanishing at infinity
3.3 Rearrangements of sets and functions
3.4 The simplest rearrangement inequality
3.5 Nonexpansivity of rearrangement
3.6 Riesz's rearrangement inequality in one-dimension
3.7 Riesz's rearrangement inequality
3.8 General rearrangement inequality
3.9 Strict rearrangement inequality
CHAPTER 4. Integral Inequalities
4.3 Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality
4.4 Conformal transformations and stereographic projection
4.5 Conformal invariance of the Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality
4.7 Proof of Theorem 4.3: Sharp version of the Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality
4.8 Action of the conformal group on optimizers
CHAPTER 5. The Fourier Transform
5.1 Definition of the L[sup(1)] Fourier transform
5.2 Fourier transform of a Gaussian
5.4 Definition of the L[sup(2)] Fourier transform
5.6 The Fourier transform in L[sup(p)](R[sup(n)])
5.7 The sharp Hausdorff–Young inequality
5.9 Fourier transform of |x|[sup(α
5.10 Extension of 5.9 to L[sup(p)](R[sup(n)])
6.2 Test functions (The space D(Ω))
6.3 Definition of distributions and their convergence
6.4 Locally summable functions, L[sup(p)][sub(loc)](Ω)
6.5 Functions are uniquely determined by distributions
6.6 Derivatives of distributions
6.7 Definition of w[sup(1,p)][sub(loc)](Ω) and W[sup(1,p)](Ω)
6.8 Interchanging convolutions with distributions
6.9 Fundamental theorem of calculus for distributions
6.10 Equivalence of classical and distributional derivatives
6.11 Distributions with zero derivatives are constants
6.12 Multiplication and convolution of distributions by C[sup(∞)]-functions
6.13 Approximation of distributions by C[sup(∞)]-functions
6.14 Linear dependence of distributions
6.15 C[sup(∞)]([sup(937;)]) is 'dense' in W[sup(1,p)][sub(loc)](Ω)
6.17 Derivative of the absolute value
6.18 Min and Max of W[sup(1,p)]-functions are in W[sup(1,p)]
6.19 Gradients vanish on the inverse of small sets
6.20 Distributional Laplacian of Green's functions
6.21 Solution of Poisson's equation
6.22 Positive distributions are measures
6.24 The dual of W[sup(1,p)](R[sup(n)])
CHAPTER 7. The Sobolev Spaces H[sup(1)] and H[sup(1/2)]
7.2 Definition of H[sup(1)](Ω)
7.3 Completeness of H[sup(1)](Ω)
7.4 Multiplication by functions in C[sup(∞)](Ω)
7.5 Remark about H[sup(1)](Ω) and W[sup(1,2)](Ω)
7.6 Density of C∞(Ω) in H[sup(1)](Ω)
7.7 Partial integration for functions in H[sup(1)](R[sup(n)])
7.8 Convexity inequality for gradients
7.9 Fourier characterization of H[sup(1)](R[sup(n)])
Δ is the infinitesimal generator of the heat kernel
7.11 Definition of H[sup(1/2)](R[sup(n)])
7.12 Integral formulas for (f, |p|f) and (f, [omitted] f)
7.13 Convexity inequality for the relativistic kinetic energy
7.14 Density of C[sup(∞)][sub(c)](R[sup(n)]) in H[sup(1/2)](R[sup(n)])
7.15 Action of [omitted] and [omitted] – m on distributions
7.16 Multiplication of H[sup(1/2)]-functions by C∞-functions
7.17 Symmetric decreasing rearrangement decreases kinetic energy
7.19 Magnetic fields: The H[sup(1)][sub(A)]-spaces
7.20 Definition of H[sup(1)][sub(A)](R[sup(n)])
7.21 Diamagnetic inequality
7.22 C[sup(∞)][sup(c)](R[sup(n)]) is dense in H[sup(1)][sub(A)](R[sup(n)])
CHAPTER 8. Sobolev Inequalities
8.2 Definition of D[sup(1)](R[sup(n)]) and D[sup(1/2)](R[sup(n)])
8.3 Sobolev's inequality for gradients
8.4 Sobolev's inequality for |p|
8.5 Sobolev inequalities in 1 and 2 dimensions
8.6 Weak convergence implies strong convergence on small sets
8.7 Weak convergence implies a.e. convergence
8.8 Sobolev inequalities for W[sup(m,p)](Ω)
8.9 Rellich-Kondrashov theorem
8.10 Nonzero weak convergence after translations
8.11 Poincaré's inequalities for W[sup(m,p)](Ω)
8.12 Poincaré-Sobolev inequality for W[sup(m,p)](Ω)
8.14 The logarithmic Sobolev inequality
8.15 A glance at contraction semigroups
8.16 Equivalence of Nash's inequality and smoothing estimates
8.17 Application to the heat equation
8.18 Derivation of the heat kernel via logarithmic Sobolev in-equalities
CHAPTER 9. Potential Theory and Coulomb Energies
9.2 Definition of harmonic, subharmonic, and superharmonic functions
9.3 Properties of harmonic, subharmonic, and superharmonic functions
9.4 The strong maximum principle
9.6 Subharmonic functions are potentials
9.7 Spherical charge distributions are ' equivalent' to point charges
9.8 Positivity properties of the Coulomb energy
9.9 Mean value inequality for Δ
9.10 Lower bounds on Schrödinger 'wave' functions
9.11 Unique solution of Yukawa's equation
CHAPTER 10. Regularity of Solutions of Poisson's Equation
10.2 Continuity and first differentiability of solutions of Poisson's equation
10.3 Higher differentiability of solutions of Poisson's equation
CHAPTER 11. Introduction to the Calculus of Variations
11.2 Schrödinger's equation
11.3 Domination of the potential energy by the kinetic energy
11.4 Weak continuity of the potential energy
11.5 Existence of a minimizer for E[sup(0)]
11.6 Higher eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
11.7 Regularity of solutions
11.8 Uniqueness of minimizers
11.9 Uniqueness of positive solutions
11.11 The Thomas–Fermi problem
11.12 Existence of an unconstrained Thomas–Fermi minimizer
11.13 Thomas–Fermi equation
11.14 The Thomas–Fermi minimizer
11.15 The capacitor problem
11.16 Solution of the capacitor problem
11.17 Balls have smallest capacity
CHAPTER 12. More about Eigenvalues
12.3 Bound for eigenvalue sums in a domain
12.4 Bound for Schrodinger eigenvalue sums
12.5 Kinetic energy with antisymmetry
12.6 The semiclassical approximation
12.7 Definition of coherent states
12.8 Resolution of the identity
12.9 Representation of the nonrelativistic kinetic energy
12.10 Bounds for the relativistic kinetic energy
12.11 Large N eigenvalue sums in a domain
12.12 Large N asymptotics of Schrodinger eigenvalue sums