This volume contains the proceedings of the workshop on “Advances in the Theory of Automorphic Forms and Their $L$-functions” held in honor of James Cogdell's 60th birthday, held from October 16–25, 2013, at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI) at the University of Vienna.
The workshop and the papers contributed to this volume circle around such topics as the theory of automorphic forms and their $L$-functions, geometry and number theory, covering some of the recent approaches and advances to these subjects. Specifically, the papers cover aspects of representation theory of $p$-adic groups, classification of automorphic representations through their Fourier coefficients and their liftings, $L$-functions for classical groups, special values of $L$-functions, Howe duality, subconvexity for $L$-functions, Kloosterman integrals, arithmetic geometry and cohomology of arithmetic groups, and other important problems on $L$-functions, nodal sets and geometry.
Local transfer and reducibility of induced representations of 𝑝-adic groups of classical type
2. Local representations and 𝐿-functions
3. Generic local transfers - supercuspidal case
4. Reducibility of local representations
Shintani relation for base change: unitary and elliptic representations
2. Notation and basic facts (local)
4. Notation and basic facts (global)
7. Appendix: multiplicity one irreducible subquotients
On 𝐿-functions for 𝑈_{2𝑘}×𝑅_{𝐸/𝐹}𝐺𝐿_{𝑚}, (𝑘<𝑚)
3. Convergence of the local integrals
4. Non-vanishing of the local integrals at a given point 𝑠₀.
6. Computation of the local integrals with unramified data
On the Howe duality conjecture in classical theta correspondence
2. Special Case of Theorem 1.2
5. Proof of Proposition 3.1
Whittaker rational structures and special values of the Asai 𝐿-function
2. Notation and conventions
3. Instances of algebraicity
4. The Whittaker \regulator s
5. A cohomological interpretation of \Res_{𝑠=1}𝐿(𝑠,Π×Π^{∨})
6. A cohomological interpretation of \Res_{𝑠=1}𝐿(𝑠,Π,\As^{(-1)ⁿ⁻¹})
7. A relation between the bottom Whittaker \regulator and 𝐿(1,Π,\As^{(-1)ⁿ})
Character sums of composite moduli and hybrid subconvexity
1. Introduction and main results
3. Proof of Theorem 1 and Corollary 1
A linear algebra description of 𝐾_{ℂ}∖𝔾_{ℂ}/𝔹_{ℂ} for classical groups
3. Direct sum decomposition (𝐺𝐿_{𝑝+𝑞}(ℂ),𝔾𝕃_{𝕡}(ℂ)×𝔾𝕃_{𝕢}(ℂ))
4. Orthogonal direct sums ((𝑂_{𝑝+𝑞}(ℂ),𝕆_{𝕡}(ℂ)×𝕆_{𝕢}(ℂ)) and (𝕊𝕡_{2(𝕡+𝕢)}(ℂ),𝕊𝕡_{2𝕡}(ℂ)×𝕊𝕡_{2𝕢}(ℂ))
5. Polarizations ((𝑆𝑝_{2𝑚}(ℂ),𝔾𝕃_{𝕞}(ℂ)) and (𝕆_{2ℓ}(ℂ),𝔾𝕃_{ℓ}(ℂ)))
6. A more unified viewpoint
7. Orbit closures and twisted involutions
Germs for Kloosterman integrals, a review
Fourier coefficients for automorphic forms on quasisplit classical groups
2. Arthur Parameters and the Discrete Spectrum
3. A Conjecture on Fourier Coefficients
4. Progress towards Conjecture 3.2
5. Other Topics Related to Fourier Coefficients
6. Roots exchange and Fourier coefficients
A generalized Casselman–Shalika formula on 𝐺𝐿_{𝑁}
3. Hecke algebras and their representations
4. Intertwining Operators and Functional Equations
A conditional construction of Artin representations for real analytic Siegel cusp forms of weight (2,1)
3. Vector-valued real analytic Siegel modular forms
4. Infinity type of the associated automorphic representation of 𝐺𝑆𝑝₄
5. Correspondence between automorphic representations of 𝐺𝑆𝑝₄ and 𝐺𝐿₄
6. Application of Rankin-Selberg method
7. Conjecture on the existence of mod ℓ Galois representations
8. Bounds of certain subgroups of 𝐺𝑆𝑝₄(\F_{ℓⁿ})
9. Proof of the Main Theorem
10. Symmetric cube of elliptic cusp forms of weight 1
11. Siegel cusp forms of solvable type
Another product for a Borcherds form
1. Complex coordinates and lattices
2. Theta series and the Borcherds lift
3. Fourier-Jacobi expansions
4. A computation of the regularized integral
On Whittaker–Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on unitary groups: reduction to a local identity
2. Notation and preliminaries
3. Representations of unitary type
4. Fourier–Jacobi coefficients and descent
5. Reduction to a local conjecture
6. A heuristic argument: case of \U₂⁻
7. Gelfand–Graev coefficients and descent
8. Reduction to a local conjecture
9. A heuristic argument: case of \U₃⁺
Introduction to plectic cohomology
2. Analytic cohomology of compact pure Shimura varieties
3. Interlude: induction and tensor induction
4. Etale cohomology of quaternionic Shimura varieties
5. Plectic reflex Galois group
6. The ℓ-adic plectic conjecture for pure Shimura varieties
7. Plectic ℓ-adic cohomology: the pure case
10. Theta functions and classical zeta elements
11. Theta functions and cohomology
12. Towards zeta elements over totally real fields
13. Plectic theta elements
14. Specialisations of plectic Siegel classes and Stark’s conjectures
15. Plectic constructions involving plectic Siegel classes
17. An arithmetic application
A comparison of automorphic and Artin L-series of GL(2)-type agreeing at degree one primes
1. Notations and preliminaries
Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions
Geometric cycles, classical groups and related cohomology classes for arithmetic groups
1. Geometric construction of cohomology classes
2. The case of the classical groups 𝑆𝑂(𝑝,𝑞),𝑆𝑈(𝑝,𝑞),𝑆𝑝(𝑝,𝑞)
3. The case of the classical groups 𝑆𝐿_{𝑛}(\R) and 𝑆𝐿_{𝑛}(\C)