The fun way to introduce coding with Ruby to kids
If you don't have the chance to take coding classes at school or in camp—or if you just want to learn on your own—Ruby For Kids gears you up to expand your technology skills and learn this popular programming language. Written in a way that's easy to follow—and keeping the super tech-heavy stuff to a minimum—it quickly and easily shows you how to use Ruby to create web and mobile applications with no experience required.
Ruby is considered one of the best and simplest languages to start with when you're learning coding. This fun and friendly guide makes it even easier. Broken down into simple projects designed to appeal to younger programmers, Ruby For Kids gets you up and running with core coding concepts in no time. Before you know it, you'll be tackling hands-on projects, enjoying the support of a vibrant community, and feeling a sense of accomplishment as you complete projects.
- Navigate the basics of coding with the Ruby language
- Use Ruby to create your own applications and games
- Find help from other Ruby users
- Offers tips for parents and teachers helping kids learn Ruby
So what are you waiting for? Ruby For Kids has everything you need to get in on one of the most popular topics around!
Starting Interactive Ruby
Supersizing the Math with Huge Numbers
Adding Memory by Storing Results in Variables
Using Variables to Repeat a Calculation
Fixing Things When Something Goes Wrong
Project 3 Bigger Hello World
Starting Interactive Ruby
Knowing How Letters and Words Differ from Numbers
Doing Other Things with Strings
Storing Strings in Variables
An easy way to combine words
An advanced way to combine strings together
Combining the letters into a word
Part II Programmers Are Lazy! Stop Typing So Much!
Printing versus Using puts
Running the Program on the Command Line
Creating Code to Draw a Rectangle
A first version of the rectangle
Creating Code to Draw a Triangle
Drawing a House Using Your Two Shapes
Project 5 Simple Adventure
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating the Main Game Loop
Creating the room description and actions
Responding to player actions
Creating Game Rules Methods
Adding methods needed for the move command
Adding methods for handling the fighting monster
Adding methods for treasure searches
Creating Game Helper Methods
Project 6 Number Guessing
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating Placeholder Classes
Creating an empty Game class
Creating an empty Player class
Adding the missing initialize to the Game class
Creating player getter methods
Creating player setter methods
Adding player utility methods
Writing the Game Class Code
Coding the Game class getters
Running the guessing loop
Showing the player the results
Part III Working with Lots of Your Own Data
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating Placeholder Classes
Creating an empty Game class
Creating an empty Player class
Creating an empty Straw class
Creating straw getter methods
Creating the straw factory method
Coding the Player Methods
Creating player getters and setters
Creating player helper methods
Code initialization and the end condition
Code user interface methods
Coding the main game logic methods
Seeing how the Caesar cipher works
Looking at the program skeleton
Creating Placeholder Classes
Coding CodeBreaker Methods
The CodeBreaker run method
Encryption and decryption methods
Encryption and decryption methods
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating the player class
Part IV Using Shared Code to Get Graphical
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating Placeholder Classes
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating Placeholder Classes
Looking at the Program Skeleton
Creating Placeholder Classes
Programming the user interface
Adding more seed patterns