Apocalypse, early Judaism, Second Temple Judaism, New Testament
Jesus the Revealer and the Revealed
Apocalypticism, Angels, and Matthew
Apocalypse and the Gospel of Mark
Angels and Visions in Luke-Acts
Apocalyptic Revelation in the Gospel of John
Paul and the Pauline Letters
The Apocalyptic Eschatology of Romans
The Mystery of God’s Wisdom, the Parousia of a Messiah, and Visions of Heavenly Paradise
A Comparison of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians with the Epistle of Enoch
Apocalyptic Thought in the Epistles of Colossians and Ephesians
Apocalyptic Thought in Philippians
Paul the Seer and the Apocalyptic Community at Thessalonica
Apocalypticism in the Pastoral Epistles
Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles, and Revelation
Heavenly Revelation in the Epistle to the Hebrews
James and Apocalyptic Wisdom
Apocalypse and the Epistles of 1, 2 Peter and Jude
Demonology and Eschatology in the Oppositional Language of the Johannine Epistles and Jewish Apocalyptic Texts
The Book of Revelation as a Disclosure of Wisdom
Index of Subjects and Key Terms