Examine procurement and supply management in detail, and learn about the three dimensions of competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency.
02 Procurement marketing: Segmentation
and strategies
03 Definition of requirements
and upstream procurement practices
04 Supplier policy: Sourcing, supplier
panel and supplier relationship management (SRM)
05 Globalization
and international procurement
06 Sustainable procurement: Risks and implementation
07 Outsourcing, ‘make-or-buy’ decisions and simple subcontracting
Part Two Operational management
of procurement
08 Quantitative forecasting and requirements planning
09 Economic optimization of procurement: TCO minimization, service levels for internal clients
and shared cash management
10 Calls for tenders: Major stages, selection process and post-procurement follow-up
11 Procurement of services: CapEx purchasing decisions
12 The financial considerations of procurement: Mechanisms for protecting currency, energy and commodity purchases
13 Public procurement: French and European contexts
14 The practice of international operations
15 International procurement: Legal considerations
Part Three Organization and management of resources
16 Organization, structure and positioning of
the procurement department
17 Procurement professions and human resources management
18 Procurement information systems and dedicated
web tools
Part Four Performance
and change management
19 Procurement communication plan
20 Procurement performance: Measurement indicators and reporting systems
21 Procurement performance: Steering change management