Part One Psychometrics and feedback
01 Using psychometrics and psychological tools in coaching
The psychometric properties of
a psychological test
Approaches to psychological testing in coaching
Benefits of psychological testing for
the coach and the coachee
Ethical guidelines and best practice
in testing
02 Designing psychometric questionnaires
Defining the test’s purpose
Preliminary design issues
Item/question preparation
Standardization and ancillary research programmes
Preparation of final materials and publications
03 Administering and managing the use of psychometric questionnaires
Why train to use psychometric tests and assessments?
What are the training options available?
Training in ability testing
Training in personality assessment
Single-assessment qualifying courses
Choosing an appropriate route to psychometric accreditation
What next after training?
04 Psychometric tools in development
– do they work and how?
Why use psychometric tools for coaching and development?
Psychometrics and cognitive ability
Psychometrics and personality
Psychometrics as predictors of important work outcomes
Psychometrics as predictors of training
Best practice in the use of psychometrics for development
05 Using feedback in coaching
MSMR or 360-degree feedback
Implications for feedback practice
Feeding back psychometrics
PART TWO Individual instruments and their use
06 Coaching with
the MBTI instrument
Basic assumptions of type theory
07 Coaching with teams: Team Management Systems (TMS)
The Workplace Behaviour Pyramid
The Team Management Wheel
How the OPQ helps in understanding personality
09 Coaching with
the Motivation Questionnaire
Understanding human motivation
Motivational Questionnaire
The MQ and coaching clients
Introducing the MQ profile
Interpreting the MQ profile
10 Coaching
with Saville Consulting Wave®
The Saville Consulting Wave® model
Saville Consulting Wave® ‘Deep Dive’ measurement features
Using Professional Styles with coaches
Using Professional Styles with coachees
11 Coaching with
the 16PF questionnaire
16PF reports relevant to coaching
12 Coaching for emotional intelligence: MSCEIT
Theory of emotional intelligence
13 Identifying potential
derailing behaviours: Hogan Development Survey
Hogan’s socio-analytical theory of
human behaviour
14 Coaching for engaging transformational leadership: The Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ™)
The development of the Transformational Leadership Questionnaire (TLQ)
15 Developing resilience
through coaching: MTQ48
The Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48)
Using the MTQ48 with coachees
16 Using
in coaching
The model of archetypal practices
Using archetypal practices with coaches
Using archetypal practices with coachees
17 Coaching
for strengths
using VIA
The theory of signature strengths
The VIA Strengths Questionnaire
Using the VIA with coachees
18 Coaching for stress: StressScan
Theoretical models of stress
The theoretical model for StressScan
The development of StressScan
Description of the StressScan scales
Using StressScan with coachees
19 Coaching for cultural transformation: CTT
Theoretical background to the Cultural Transformation Tools®
The seven levels of leadership consciousness
The Cultural Transformation Tools® assessment instruments
The Leadership Values Assessment
20 Coaching with
FIRO Element B
Theoretical and research background
The FIRO Element B questionnaire
FIRO Element B and coaches
Using FIRO Element B with coachees
The LSI’s psychometric properties
Structuring an LSI coaching intervention
Reflexivity: the key to individual transformation
22 MTR-i and
Type Mapping system for team coaching
Overview of the Type Mapping questionnaires
Development of the Type Mapping system
Using the Type Mapping system with coaches
Using the Type Mapping system with teams
Using the Type Mapping system with individual coachees