Marine aggregate dredging and archaeology: managing the historic environment
The Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
Contribution to the wider field of submerged prehistory
Chapter 2: The Original Flint and Faunal Assemblage
Characterisation of the flake and core assemblage
Characterisation of the hand axe assemblage
Post-depositional artefact modifications
The Area 240 faunal remains: a summary
Chapter 3: Paleaogeographic Reconstruction Methods
Stage 1: existing data review
Stage 2: geophysical data acquisition
Single-beam echosounder data
Comparison and integration of 2005 and 2009 datasets
Stage 4: palaeoenvironmental sampling
Stages 5 and 6: palaeoenvironmental assessment, analysis and dating
Chapter 4: Prehistoric Characterisation of Area 240 and the Southern North Sea Region
The present-day setting of the Palaeo-Yare
Area 240 palaeogeographic reconstruction
Pre-Yare Valley palaeogeography
The Ur-Frisia delta plain: pre-Anglian (MIS 13 upwards; >478 ka)
Extensive remodelling of the landscape: Anglian (MIS 12; 478–424 ka)
Early Development of the Palaeo-Yare
A new drainage pattern: late Anglian (MIS 12; c. 434 ka)
A marine incursion: Hoxnian (MIS 11; 424–374 ka)
Channel and floodplain development during the Saalian (MIS 10–6; 374–130 ka)
Fluvio-glacial sediment deposition in the Palaeo-Yare
The last interglacial: Ipswichian (MIS 5e; 130–115 ka)
Channel re-activation and continued development: Devensian (MIS 5d–MIS 2; 115 ka–11.7 ka)
Early Devensian (MIS 5d–MIS 3; 115 ka–54 ka)
Mid- to late Devensian (MIS 3–MIS 2; 54 ka–11.7 ka)
Early Holocene channel development and final transgression (<11.7 ka)
Post-transgression development
Preservation of sediments in Area 240
Chapter 5: The Continued Search for Archaeological Material
Remote sampling techniques
Grab sampling for artefacts
Area 240 seabed sampling survey
Two metre scientific trawl
Grab sample acquisition and processing
Dredging for archaeological, palaeontological and palaeoenvironmental material
Dredging vessel: assessment of dredge loads
Recovered palaeontological and environmental material
Chapter 6: Examination of the Archaeology, Methodological Approach and Management of Area 240 and Further Afield
The Area 240 assemblage formation and post-depositional modification
Geological context of the artefacts
Taphonomic considerations
A local source of material and production?
The geographic and cultural setting of the Middle Palaeolithic assemblage within the Palaeo-Yare
The potential for archaeological material in the aggregate block
The significance of the artefact assemblage within the Palaeo-Yare
Faunal remains in Area 240 and the southern North Sea
Geological context of the faunal remains
Populating our palaeogeography
Environment and resources
Movement and colonisation
Reconstruction of the palaeogeography
Management and mitigation
Appendix 1: original flint artefact descriptions