Arabic Historical Thought in the Classical Period ( Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization )

Publication series :Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization

Author: Tarif Khalidi  

Publisher: Cambridge University Press‎

Publication year: 1994

E-ISBN: 9780511885907

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780521465540

Subject: K135 Arab empire (632 - 1094)

Keyword: 亚洲史

Language: ENG

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Arabic Historical Thought in the Classical Period


Thinking and writing about the past has always been of critical importance to the way that any culture or civilization views itself and its role in the world. In a work which surveys an entire tradition of historical thought and writing across a span of eight hundred years, Tarif Khalidi examines how Arabic-Islamic culture of the pre-modern period viewed the past, how it recorded it, and how it sought to answer the many complex questions associated with the discipline of history. The author combines a chronological and a topical approach to place the tradition within its wider intellectual context, while quotations from historians across the period introduce the English-speaking reader to some of the principal texts of Arabic-Islamic culture.


2 History and Hadith

From Hadith to history

Sacred history

Muhammad ibn Ishaq

The isnad debate of the 3rd/9th century

Sacred history continued: the scholarly consensus of Waqidi and Ibn Saed

Tribal history: genealogy

Tribal history continued: genealogy reformulated

The genealogies of al-Baladhuri

Tribal history continued: the conquests

The conquests: three representative histories

The histories of prophets

Tabari, the Imam' of Hadith historiography

Concluding observations

3 History and A dab

The rise of A dab

The Umayyad state secretaries

From Adab to History: 2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries

Adab, Hikma and history: Jahiz

Adab, Hadith and history: Ibn Qutayba

Intention, space, time and number





Three aspects of historical thought: pattern, argument and style

4. History and Hikma

Mascudi: Adab, Hikma, history

The khabar. jurists and theologians

The khabar: four formulations of the 5th/llth century

Abd al-Jabbar



Ibn Hazm

The four formulations examined

Miracle and custom

Time and the philosophers

History and the philosophers

History as administrative experience: Miskawayhi

History and natural science: Biruni

5. History and Siyasa

The background

Images of a new age

Images of a new society

The institution of rank

Sultans and 'ulama*

Siyasa and shana

History and self-Consciousness

Biographical dictionaries

Bezels of wisdom, glimpses of the Unseen

Patterns of change

The sense of place

Ibn Khaldun




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