3 Development of the myocardial contractile system
Mechanisms for diversity in contractile protein isoforms
Conclusions and future directions
4 Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in the developing heart
Precursor cells and early vascularization
The coronary arterial system
Postnatal vascular growth
Regulation of coronary vascularization
5 Extracellular matrix maturation and heart formation
Cardiac cushion formation
Cardiac cushion maturation
Three-dimensional organization of heart cells
Neonatal heart development
Conclusions and future directions
6 Endothelial cell development and its role in pathogenesis
Endothelial cell development
The role of the extracellular matrix in pathogenesis
7 Embryonic cardiovascular function, coupling, and maturation: A species view
Introduction: Scope and definitions
Embryonic cardiovascular morphometry
Embryonic cardiovascular functional maturation: An overview
Ventricular-vascular coupling
Functional consequences of ventricular growth acceleration
Functional consequences of ventricular growth deceleration
Cardiovascular consequences of autonomic nervous maturation
Embryonic cardiac mechanics
Significance and future directions of research
8 Hormonal systems regulating the developing cardiovascular system
Catecholamines and their effects
Atrial natriuretic peptide and its effects
Conclusions and future directions
Part II Species diversity in cardiovascular development
9 Evolution of cardiovascular systems: Insights into ontogeny
Common solutions to common problems
The evolution of cardiovascular systems
Vertebrate cardiovascular evolution
Mammalian cardiac development
10 Morphogenesis of vertebrate hearts
The origin of the heart and early morphogenesis
Differentiation and morphogenesis
Unanswered questions and some critiques
11 Invertebrate cardiovascular development
12 Piscine cardiovascular development
13 Amphibian cardiovascular development
Cardiovascular anatomy of amphibians
Diffusive versus convective oxygen delivery in early amphibian embryos: Do vertebrate embryos need hearts?
A perspective on future research
Developmental plasticity of the amphibian cardiovascular and respiratory systems
14 Reptilian cardiovascular development
Structural development of the circulatory system
Erythrocyte and hemoglobin function
Cardiovascular responses to hypoxia
Reptilian development and insights into vertebrate embryonic cardiovascular function
15 Avian cardiovascular development
Embryogenesis and development of the chick heart
Developmental pattern of cardiovascular variables
Model analysis of cardiovascular shunts and cardiac output in the late embryo
Concluding remarks and perspective
16 Mammalian cardiovascular development: Physiology and functional reserve of the fetal heart
Functional adaptations of fetal ventricles
Adaptations of the fetal coronary tree
Summary and future directions
Part III Environment and disease in cardiovascular development
17 Oxygen, temperature, and pH influences on the development of nonmammalian embryos and larvae
18 Modeling gas exchange in embryos, larvae, and fetuses
Gas exchange models for developing vertebrates
Summary and a perspective
19 Principles of abnormal cardiac development
The paradox of the double-outlet right ventricle
20 In utero and postnatal interventions for congenital cardiovascular malformations
Fetal cardiovascular physiology
21 Applying the science of cardiovascular development to congenital cardiovascular malformations
Cardiac development and the genetic etiology of congenital cardiovascular malformations
Cardiovascular development and surgical therapy
Cardiovascular development and opportunities for prevention of congenital cardiovascular malformations
Epilogue: Future directions in developmental cardiovascular sciences