The role of early relationships
Imagination and the self-regulation of affects
Toward an integrated model
[2] Affect dysregulation and alexithymia
The alexithymia construct
Alexithymia and failures in affect regulation
Criticisms of the alexithymia construct
Relationships between alexithymia and other constructs
Developmental factors in the etiology of alexithymia
The interpersonal relationships and communicative mode of alexithymic individuals
[3] Measurement and validation of the alexithymia construct
Observer-rated questionnaires
Beth Israel Hospital Psychosomatic Questionnaire
The Alexithymia Provoked Response Questionnaire
The MMPI Alexithymia Scale
The Schalling-Sifneos Personality Scale
The Rorschach Alexithymia Indices
The Objectively Scored Archetypal Test
Development of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale
Scale revision and construct refinement
The Twenty-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale
Translations of the TAS-20
Conclusions and implications
Experimental approaches to construct validation
[4] Relations between alexithymia, personality, and affects
Alexithymia and personality structure
The multidimensional approach
Alexithymia, personality, and affects
Affect regulation and defense style
Alexithymia and defense style
[5] The neurobiology of emotion, affect regulation, and alexithymia
The neurobiology of emotion
The amygdala and hippocampal system
Ascending and descending regulatory systems
Cerebral laterality and emotion
Cerebral laterality and imaginal processes
The neurobiology of alexithymia
Interhemispheric transfer deficits and alexithymia
Right hemisphere dysfunction and alexithymia
Somatization and deficits in the cognitive processing of emotions
Somatization and dimensions of personality
Empirical studies of alexithymia and somatization
Somatization and chronic pain
Empirical studies of alexithymia and chronic pain
Somatization, dissociation, and trauma
[7] Anxiety and depressive disorders and a note on personality disorders
Anxiety and depression as signal affects
Empirical studies of alexithymia and panic disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Empirical studies of alexithymia and PTSD
Affect dysregulation in primitive personality disorders
[8] Substance use disorders
Affect regulation failures in substance use disorders
A self-medication hypothesis
Relationships between substance abuse and depressive and anxiety disorders
Comorbidity with personality disorders
Comorbidity with eating disorder
Assessment of regulatory disturbances in substance use disorders
Toward a comprehensive model
Self-regulatory disturbances in eating disorders
Comorbidity with substance use disorders
Relationship with affective disorders
Object relations and ego functions
Assessment of regulatory disturbances in eating disorders
[10] Affects and alexithymia in medical illness and disease
Review of psychosomatic models of disease
Personality, emotions, and disease
A dysregulation model of illness and disease
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Functional physiological disorders
[11] Treatment considerations
A lack of psychological mindedness
Integrating pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy
The transformation of unmentalized experience
Empirical studies comparing different therapeutic modalities