4 The Yale tardive dyskinesia study: a prospective incidence study among long-term outpatients
5 Vulnerability to tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia: an exploration of individual patient factors
6 Tardive dyskinesia and affective disorder
Unipolar versus Bipolar Depression
Lithium and Tardive Dyskinesia
Carbamazepine and Valproic Acid
Electroconvulsive Treatment
7 Diabetes mellitus and tardive dyskinesia
Diabetes Mellitus and Tardive Dyskinesia
Insulin Resistance and NIDDM
Insulin Resistance and the Brain
How Does Insulin Resistance Influence the Pathogenesis of Tardive Dyskinesia?
8 Other factors in the development of tardive dyskinesia
9 Neuroleptic treatment and tardive dyskinesia
Dosage and Duration of Treatment
10 Anticholinergic drugs as factors in the development of tardive dyskinesia
Do Anticholinergic Drugs Increase the Risk for Tardive Dyskinesia?
Do Anticholinergic Drugs Uncover or Aggravate Tardive Dyskinesia?
Part III: Mechanisms underlying tardive dyskinesia
11 Neurochemistry of the basal ganglia
Structures of the Basal Ganglia
Input to the Basal Ganglia
Output of the Basal Ganglia
Circuitry of the Basal Ganglia
Identified Neurotransmitters of Basal-Ganglia-Thalamocortical Circuitry
Patch-and-Matrix Organization in the Neostriatum
12 A reanalysis of the dopamine theory of tardive dyskinesia: the hypothesis of dopamine D1/D2 imbalance
Clinical Dyskinesia Paradigms
Proposed Models for D2- and DrAntagonist-Induced Dyskinesia
Conclusions and Areas for Future Research
13 Tardive dyskinesia and phenylalanine metabolism: risk-factor studies
Amino Acid Transport in Brain and PKU
Phe Metabolites and Neurological Function
Tardive Dyskinesia and Gender
14 Neuroendocrinological studies of tardive dyskinesia
Studies of Glucose Metabolism
Studies of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
Studies of Melatonin and Serotonin
15 Cognitive deficits and tardive dyskinesia
Tardive Dyskinesia in Context
Tardive Dyskinesia and Cognitive Functions: Four Studies
16 Studies of tardive dyskinesia using computed tomography and magnetic-resonance imaging
CT Studies of Tardive Dyskinesia
MRI Studies of Tardive Dyskinesia
What is the Specificity of Recent Brain-Imaging Findings in Tardive Dyskinesia?
17 Rodent and other animal models of tardive dyskinesia during long-term neuroleptic-drug administration: controversies and implications for the clinical syndrome
Part IV: Measurement of tardive dyskinesia
18 Instrument measurements of tardive dyskinesia
Attributes of Instrument Assessment Systems
Description of Apparatus and Analysis
Part V: Tardive dyskinesia in different populations
19 Cultural aspects of tardive dyskinesia in Asia
20 Tardive dyskinesia in North America and the Middle East
Epidemiologic Studies of Tardive Dyskinesia
Neuropsychological Studies of Tardive Dyskinesia
Therapeutic Tardive Dyskinesia Trials
Abnormal Involuntary Movements in Never-Treated Schizophrenics
21 Tardive dyskinesia in Europe
Prevalence Studies in European Countries
22 Role of ethnicity in the development of tardive dyskinesia
Ethnicity and Tardive Dyskinesia
Ethnicity and Diagnosis of Psychosis
Ethnicity and Neuroleptic Dosage
Ethnicity and Pharmacogenetics
Ethnic Differences in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Our Study of the Risk for Tardive Dyskinesia Among Patients Over Age 45
Suggestions for Future Research
23 Tardive dyskinesia in children and adolescents
Definition and Diagnosis of Tardive Dyskinesia
Risk Factors for Tardive Dyskinesia
Symptoms of Tardive Dyskinesia
Part VI: Other neuroleptic-induced movement disorders
24 Drug-induced parkinsonism
25 Clinical aspects of neuroleptic-induced dystonia
Clinical Manifestations of Acute Dystonia
Risk Factors for Acute Dystonia
Management of Acute Dystonia
Epidemiology and Risk Factors
Tardive Akathisia: Criteria for Diagnosis
Tardive Akathisia: Clinical Features
Tardive Akathisia: Differential Diagnosis
Tardive Akathisia: Clinical Course and Treatment
Part VII: Treatment of tardive dyskinesia
28 Development of novel antipsychotic drugs with reduced extrapyramidal side effects
Mechanisms of Action of Antipsychotic Drugs and Induction of EPSEs
Decreased EPSEs with Atypical or Novel Antipsychotic Drugs
29 GABAergic treatments for tardive dyskinesia
Dopamine Receptor Supersensitivity Hypothesis
GABAergic Modification of the Dopamine Hypothesis
Clinical Evidence for the GABA Hypothesis
Clinical Trials of GABA-mimetics
Summary of GABA-mimetic Treatments
A GABAergic Perspective on Management of Tardive Dyskinesia
30 Using biofeedback to train suppression of the oral-lingual movements of tardive dyskinesia