The authoritative presentation of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, this groundbreaking book--now revised and expanded--has enhanced the clinical repertoires of more than 100,000 readers and has been translated into 10 languages. Originally developed for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this evidence-based approach is now also used to treat adults and children with complex trauma, anxiety disorders, depression, addictive behavior problems, and other clinical problems. EMDR originator Francine Shapiro reviews the therapy's theoretical and empirical underpinnings, details the eight phases of treatment, and provides training materials and resources. Vivid vignettes, transcripts, and reproducible forms are included. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
New to This Edition
*Over 15 years of important advances in therapy and research, including findings from clinical and neurophysiological studies.
*New and revised protocols and procedures.
*Discusses additional applications, including the treatment of complex trauma, addictions, pain, depression, and moral injury, as well as post-disaster response.
*Appendices with session transcripts, clinical aids, and tools for assessing treatment integrity and outcomes.
EMDR therapy is recognized as a best practice for
The First Controlled Study
Further Clinical and Experimental Observations
Adaptive Information Processing
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Cognitive‑Behavioral Approaches
2. Adaptive Information Processing: The Model as a Working Hypothesis
Bilateral Dual Attention Stimulation
Partial Transcript of the Sample Session
Evaluation of the Sample Session
Dysfunctional to Functional
Disparate Neural Networks
Applications of EMDR Therapy to Other Disorders
Static Experience: Affect and Belief Statements
“Time‑Free” Psychotherapy
Access Restricted to Negative Material
3. Components of EMDR Therapy and Basic Treatment Effects
Basic Components of the EMDR Processing Targets
The Emotions and Their Level of Disturbance
Activating the Information‑Processing System
Alternative Forms of Stimulation
The Eight Phases of EMDR Therapy
Phase One: Client History and Treatment Planning
Phase Four: Desensitization
Phase Eight: Reevaluation
Standard Three‑Pronged EMDR Therapy Protocol
Multimemory Associative Processing
The Belief Inherent in the Trauma
The Major Participant or Perpetrator
The Dominant Physical Sensations
Single‑Memory Processing Effects
Changes in Physical Sensation
4. Phase One: Client History
Office Consultation versus Inpatient Treatment
History‑Taking Transcript
5. Phases Two and Three: Preparation and Assessment
Adopting a Clinical Stance
Forming a Bond with the Client
Testing the Eye Movements
Creating a Safe/Calm Place
Identifying the Negative Cognition
Developing a Positive Cognition
Rating the Validity of Cognition
Estimating the Subjective Units of Disturbance
Identifying Body Sensations
Importance of the Components
6. Phases Four to Seven: Desensitization, Installation, Body Scan, and Closure
Accelerated Reprocessing of the Memory
Phase Four: Desensitization
7. Working with Abreaction and Blocks
Guidelines for Facilitating Abreaction
Strategies for Blocked Processing
Altering the Eye Movement
Focusing on Body Sensation
Redirecting to Negative Cognition
Adding a Positive Statement
Checking the Positive Cognition
Fear of Losing the Good Memories
Wellsprings of Disturbance
8. Phase Eight: Reevaluation and Use of the EMDR Therapy Standard Three‑Pronged Protocol
Phase Eight: Reevaluation
The Standard Three‑Pronged EMDR Therapy Protocol
Recycling through Multiple Targets
Using the Log to Report Systems Issues
Incorporating a Future Template
9. Standardized Protocols and Procedures for Special Situations
Protocol for a Single Traumatic Event
Protocol for Current Anxiety
Eye Movement Desensitization
Protocols for Recent Traumatic Events
EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents
Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol
Protocol for Complicated Grief
Protocol for Illness and Somatic Disorders
Self‑Directed Use of Bilateral Stimulation for Stress Reduction
Eye Movement Sets: Caveats and Suggestions
Self‑Control/Closure Procedures
EMDR Resource Development and Installation
Client Instructions for RDI
The Light Stream Technique
Debriefing and Safety Assessment
10. The Cognitive Interweave: A Proactive Strategy for Working with Challenging Clients
Foundation of the Interweave
Responsibility, Safety, and Choices
Fitting the Intervention to the Client
“What If It Were Your Child?”
Verbalizations and Actions
Cautions Regarding Memory Work
The Fallibility of Memory
Dealing with Feelings of Lack of Control
Affiliation and the Fear of Forgetting
Dealing with Denial, Moral Injury, and Transition States
Using the Cognitive Interweave
EMDR Intervention at the Time of the Event or within the First 48 Hours
EMDR Interventions 48 Hours or More Postdisaster
Partner Providing Support
Holding the Child’s Attention
Desensitization and Installation Phases
Generalizing Treatment Effects
Complex Trauma in Children
Addiction through the Lens of the AIP
Client Readiness and Stages of Change
Suggested Targets for Reprocessing
Additional Precautions and Guidelines
12. Theory, Research, and Clinical Implications
Attention to Physical Sensation
Alignment of Memory Components
Eye Movements and Alternative Bilateral Stimuli
Working Memory Account of EMDR
Summary of Recommendations for Component Research
Treatment of Military Personnel
Disaster Response Research
Recent Traumatic Events Protocol
EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents
Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol
EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol
Group Traumatic Episode Protocol
Protocols for Disaster‑Response Teams
Diverse Clinical Applications
Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
Diverse Somatic Conditions
Treatment‑Resistant Populations
Suggested Criteria for Clinical Outcome Research
Selection of Psychometrics
Recommended Clinical Parameters for Comparative Outcome Studies
Additional Future Research
The Adaptive Information Processing Model
Broader Clinical and Professional Concerns
Appendix A. Clinical Aids
Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire
Recommended Format for Weekly Log (TICES) Report
Negative and Positive Cognitions
Examples of Negative and Positive Cognitions
Form and Sequence for Techniques to Identify Past Event
Affect Scan (Shapiro, 1995)
Floatback Technique (Young, Zangwill, & Behary, 2002)
EMDR Therapy Procedural Outline
Appendix B. Client Transcripts
Three-Pronged Protocol with a Combat Veteran
Cognitive Interweave Case Session with a Molestation Survivor
Appendix C. Clinical and Outcome Assessments
EMDR Fidelity Rating Scale (EFRS)
Empirically Evaluating EMDR without a Control Group: A Step-by-Step Guide for EMDR Therapists
Part I: Single-Case Designs
Overview and Logic of Single-Case Evaluation
Step 1. Specify the Target
Step 2. Operationally Define the Target
Step 3. Devise a Data Collection Plan
Step 4. The Baseline Phase
Step 5. The Basic Single-Case Design
Part II. Within-Group Effect Size Benchmarks
Appendix D. Research Lists
Psychophysiological and Neurobiological Evaluations
Appendix E. Client Safety
EMDR Dissociative Disorders Task Force Recommended Guidelines: A General Guide to EMDR’s Use in the Dissociative Disorders
When a Dissociative Disorder Is Present
Embedding EMDR in the Treatment Plan
Professional Standards and Training Committee of the EMDR International Association
Appendix F. EMDR Therapy Training Resources