1.2.1. A nation-wide exploratory survey
1.2.2. Complementary investigation methods
1.2.3. The analysis: “a radical interdisciplinarity” to question professional dynamics in construction and energy
1.2.4. Cross-connections with research on professionals from the territories
2. Uneasiness Among Professionals: Multiple Obstacles
2.1. A host of constraints
2.1.1. Heterogeneity and the lack of training and skills
2.1.2. Multiplication of constraints, economic crises and marketing hype
2.2. Prometheus syndrome: The belief in new techniques as a silver bullet
2.2.1. The belief in and overreliance on techniques
2.2.2. Historical amnesia: The lack of a diachronic perspective and knowledge about the history of technology, construction and architecture
2.2.3. The inhabitant as disembodied end user
2.3. The “Exquisite Corpse” syndrome: segmentation and the challenges and actors
2.3.1. The segmentation of the energy issue
2.3.2. The lack of communication and the “blame game” played between actors
2.4. From experimentation to standardization... and its adverse effects
2.4.1. Issues and setbacks in the transition to standardization
2.4.2. The adverse effects of standardization
2.4.3. A sort of modernism making a comeback?
2.5. Multi-criteria testing: The “trajectory” of problems and solutions
2.5.1. The replication of counterproductive decisions
2.5.2. “Ostrich syndrome” and “path dependence”
2.5.3. The concept of trajectory: “divergence” phenomena and its effects
2.6. From a crisis of obstacles, to the devices and the resources needed for a transition
3. The Characteristics of the Pioneers: Trajectories, Construction, and the Advancement of Their Skills
3.1. Adherence to ecological values and the broad array of systems for engagement
3.1.1. Environmental sensitivity
3.1.2. Wearing many hats: the commitment to a multilateral approach
3.1.3. Personal experimentation as a driving force for innovation
3.1.4. Atypical profiles and career paths, and significant professional mobility
3.1.5. The role of reading, the Internet and documentaries
3.2. Construction, distribution and adaptation of knowledge, expertise and skills
3.2.1. Different countries, regions, and inspiring projects
3.2.2. Geographic mobility: movement and transformation of models
3.2.3. The role of associations and networks
3.2.4. The role of women and the issue of feminization
Appendix: Selection of First-Hand Accounts from Building Area Participants
Milena Karanesheva and Mischa Witzmann
Other titles from iSTE in Energy