Pathophysiology of Acute Kidney Injury
Pathophysiology of AKI: Injury and Normal and Abnormal Repair
Normal Repair of the Epithelium
Abnormal Repair of the Epithelium
Pathophysiology of Septic Acute Kidney Injury: A Different View of Tubular Injury
Histopathological Changes in Septic AKI
Apoptosis of Kidney Tubules in Septic AKI
Role of Toll-Like Receptors
Mitochondrial Dysfunction and ATP Depletion
Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Hemolysis, Free Iron, Acute Kidney Injury and the Impact of Bicarbonate
Acute Kidney Injury and Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Special Situation or Same Old Problem?
Pathophysiology of Acute Kidney Injury: A New Perspective
Renal Response Following Injury
Renal Tubular Inflammation and Repair
Important Elements that Mediate Injury Responses and Recovery
Potential Immune Modulation Therapies for AKI
Multiphoton Imaging Techniques in Acute Kidney Injury
Intracellular Endocytosis, Trafficking, Transcytosis
Proximal Tubule Reabsorption
Red Blood Cell Flow Rates
Inflammation and Leukocytes
Cardiorenal Syndromes: An Executive Summary from the Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 1 (Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 2 (Chronic Cardiorenal Syndrome)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 3 (Acute Renocardiac Syndrome)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 4 (Chronic Renocardiac Syndrome)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 5 (Secondary Cardiorenal Syndrome)
Epidemiology of Cardiorenal Syndromes
Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome (Type 1 CRS)
Chronic Cardiorenal Syndrome (Type 2 CRS)
Acute Reno-Cardiac Syndrome (Type 3 CRS)
Chronic Reno-Cardiac Syndrome (Type 4 CRS)
Secondary Cardiorenal Syndromes (Type 5 CRS)
Biomarkers of Cardiac and Kidney Dysfunction in Cardiorenal Syndromes
Novel Renal Biomarkers for Cardiorenal Syndrome
How to Manage Cardiorenal Syndromes in the Emergency Room
Acute Kidney Injury: Definition, Classification and Epidemiology
Case Report: An Example of a Multimarker Approach in Clinical Practice
Prevention of Cardiorenal Syndromes
Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome Complicating Decompensated Heart Failure
Intravenous Loop Diuretics as Precipitants of Cardiorenal Syndromes
Chronic Cardiorenal Syndrome Influencing Outpatient Heart Failure Care
Acute Heart Failure Treatment: Traditional and New Drugs
Evaluation Phases and Aims in AHFS Patients
Treatment Options According to Blood Pressure Values
Management of Chronic Cardiorenal Syndrome
Management of Chronic Cardiorenal Syndrome
Management of Renal Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure(Summary Based on the Current Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology – ESC)
Management of Heart Failure in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Anemia in Chronic Heart and Chronic Kidney Disease
Congestion and Cardiorenal Syndromes
Physiology of Right Ventricular Function
Congestion and Renal Dysfunction
Cardiorenal Syndromes –Recommendations from Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Cardiologist’s View
Patients with Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome (CRS Type 1 – Acute Worsening in Cardiac Function Leading to Acute Impairment in Renal Function)
Patients with Chronic Cardiorenal Syndrome (CRS Type 2 – Chronic Abnormalities in Cardiac Function Causing Progressive and PermanentChronic Kidney Disease)
Organ Crosstalk in Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromes
The Changing Pattern of Acute Kidney Injury: From One to Multiple Organ Failure
AKI and Pulmonary Dysfunction
AKI and Central Nervous System Dysfunction
AKI and Cardiac Dysfunction
AKI and Liver Dysfunction
AKI and the Immune System
Distant Organ Injury following AKI: Implications for Therapy
The Kidney in Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation
Acute Lung Injury and Acute Kidney Injury
Renal Effects of ALI and Mechanical Ventilation
Prevention and Treatment of AKI in Patients on Mechanical Ventilation
Pulmonary Renal Syndrome and Emergency Therapy
Extracorporeal CO2 Removal – A Way to Achieve Ultraprotective Mechanical Ventilation and Lung Support: The Missing Piece of Multiple Organ Support Therapy
Protective Lung Support and DECAP
Clinical Applications of Extracorporeal Carbon Dioxide Removal
Technical Aspects of Extracorporeal CO2 Removal
Extracorporeal CO2 Removal
Extracorporeal CO2 Removal: The Concept
Extracorporeal CO2 Removal: The Clinical Data
Extracorporeal CO2 Removal: The Technological Development
Extracorporeal CO2 Removal: The Future
Management of Acute Kidney Injury in Liver Disease
Medical Therapy for Hepatorenal Syndrome
Surgical Management of Hepatorenal Syndrome
Renal Replacement Therapy
Renal Support Designed to Increase Hepatic Toxin Removal
Fluid Assessment and Management in the Critically Ill
Fluid Management in Septic Acute Kidney Injury and Cardiorenal Syndromes
Pathophysiology of Fluid Therapy in Septic AKI
Adverse Effects of Fluid Therapy
Fluid Management in Cardiorenal Syndrome Types 1 and 2
Use of Loop Diuretics in the Critically Ill
Diuretics in the Critically Ill
Diuretics in Cardiorenal Syndromes
Use of Bioimpedance Vector Analysis in Critically Ill and Cardiorenal Patients
Bioimpedance Vector Analysis
Extracorporeal Fluid Removal in Heart Failure Patients
Practice of Renal Replacement Therapy in the ICU
What Is ‘BEST’ RRT Practice?
What Is the BEST Kidney Study?
Timing of RRT Initiation and Discontinuation
Practice Variations for CRRT Around the World
Anticoagulation for Renal Replacement Therapy: Different Methods to Improve Safety
Regional Anticoagulation with Citrate
Prolonged Intermittent Renal Replacement Therapy
Renal Replacement Therapy in Adult Critically Ill Patients: When to Begin and When to Stop
When to Begin RRT in Critically Ill Patients
Extracorporeal Blood Purification for ‘Non-Renal’ Indications
Initiation of RRT: Risks vs. Benefits
Critical Care Nephrology Issues
Urine Abnormalities in Acute Kidney Injury and Sepsis
Epidemiology of Septic AKI
Urinary Biochemistry in Septic AKI
Urine Microscopy in Septic AKI
Histopathological Correlation in Septic AKI
Recovery from Acute Kidney Injury: Determinants and Predictors
Why We Need to Predict Recovery of Renal Function?
Physiology of Renal Recovery
Clinical Predictors of Renal Recovery
Novel Biomarkers for Predicting Renal Recovery
Dysnatremias in the Intensive Care Unit
Trials in Acute Kidney Injury
Recent Trials in Critical Care Nephrology
New Horizons in Critical Care Nephrology
Acute Kidney Injury and 2009 H1N1 Influenza-Related Critical Illness
ANZ 2009 H1N1 Influenza Database
Incidence and Severity of AKI at Austin Hospital
Histopathology of 2009 H1N1 Influenza-Related AKI
Acute Kidney Injury in the Elderly: A Review
Epidemiology of AKI in the Elderly
Factors Contributing to AKI Development in the Elderly
Etiology of AKI in the Elderly
Strategies for AKI Prevention in the Elderly
Diagnosis of AKI in the Elderly
Renal Replacement Therapy in Elderly Patients
Renal Recovery and Mortality after AKI in the Elderly
Blood Purification in Sepsis: A New Paradigm
Changing Concepts in the Pathophysiology of Sepsis
What Does Blood Purification Do?
What Has Been Done to Improve These Technologies?
Ciné Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Measurement of Renal Blood Flow
Renal Blood Flow during AKI
Implications for Future Research
Limitations of PC-MRI Technology
The Meaning of Transient Azotemia
Recent Studies and Systematic Reviews for PRA and ATN
Acute Kidney Injury in the Pediatric Population
Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Outcome
Distinctive Clinical Features of Pediatric AKI
Renal Replacement Therapy in Infants