Selected Off-Mainstream Sport Supplements
Beta-Alanine Supplementation in High-Intensity Exercise
Role of M-Carn as Buffer of H+ during High-Intensity Exercise
Other Suggested Physiological Roles of M-Carn
Regulation of M-Carn by β-Alanine
Ergogenic Effect of Raised M-Carn
Arginine and Citrulline Supplementation in Sports and Exercise: Ergogenic Nutrients?
L-Citrulline: Sources and Metabolism
L-Arginine: Sources and Metabolism. Synthesis of NO from NOS-Dependent Pathway
Dietary Nitrate and O2 Consumptionduring Exercise
Mechanistic Bases for Physiological Effects of Nitrate
GABA Supplementation and Growth Hormone Response
GABA and Pituitary Function
GABA and Growth Hormone Secretion
Nutritional Interventions and Athlete’s Health
Exercise, Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction and Probiotic Supplementation
Exercise and Disturbed Intestinal Barrier Function
Surrogate Markers of Practical Relevance to Estimate Intestinal Barrier Function
Potential of Probiotic Supplementation to Combat an Exercise-Induced Leaky Gut
Summary, Conclusion and Perspective
Pleuran (β-Glucan from Pleurotus ostreatus): An Effective Nutritional Supplement against Upper Respiratory Tract Infections?
β-Glucan as a Promising Nutritional Countermeasure
Pleuran (β-Glucan from Pleurotus ostreatus) Supplementation
Bovine Colostrum and Immune Function after Exercise
Exercise, Immune Function and Infection Symptoms
Supplementation with Mixed Fruit andVegetable Concentrates in Relation to Athlete’s Health and Performance: Scientific Insight and Practical Relevance
Supplementation with Mixed Fruit and Vegetable Juice Concentrates to Athlete’s Nutrition: Health Benefits or Not?
Can Supplementation with Mixed FVB Concentrates Improve Performance?
Inevitable: Athlete’s Health and Performance Are Housed under the Same Roof!
How Can Sport Nutrition Advisors Orientate to Decide Pro or Contra Supplementation with FVB Concentrates?
Cherry Juice Targets Antioxidant Potential and Pain Relief
Mechanism of Inflammation and Traditional Pharmacologic Therapy
Antioxidant Capacity of Tart Cherries
Tart Cherry Flavonoids as Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Effects of Tart Cherries on Muscle Injury and Recovery
Impact of Milk Consumption and Resistance Training on Body Composition of FemaleAthletes
Milk and Body Composition – Mechanism of Action
Milk, Whey Protein and Resistance Exercise – Acute Response
Dairy and Resistance Training – Chronic Studies
Dairy, Resistance Training and Bone Health – Chronic Studies
Milk/Dairy, Resistance Training and Weight Loss
Hydration and Fluid Balance
Glycerol Use in Hyperhydration and Rehydration: Scientific Update
Ruling by the World Anti-Doping Agency
Potential Negative Effects of Glycerol Hyperhydration
Latest Advancements in Glycerol Use during Rehydration
Considerations for Glycerol Use in Hyperhydration
Glycerol Use in Rehydration
Thermoregulatory and Cardiovascular Benefits
Salt and Fluid Loading: Effects on Blood Volume and Exercise Performance
Saline Delivery after Dehydration but prior to a Subsequent Exercise Bout
Saline Delivery during Dehydrating Exercise
Saline Delivery Pre-Exercise: Effects on Plasma Volume
Saline Delivery Pre-Exercise: Effects on Performance
Milk Protein and the Restoration of Fluid Balance after Exercise
Post-Exercise Rehydration
Milk Protein and Post-Exercise Rehydration
Current Aspects of Recovery
Chocolate Milk: A Post-Exercise Recovery Beverage for Endurance Sports
Low-Fat Chocolate Milk Composition
Low-Fat Chocolate Milk and Exercise Recovery
Chocolate Milk and Muscle Glycogen
Chocolate Milk and Protein Synthesis
Chronic Supplementation with Chocolate Milk
Role of Supplementary L-Carnitine inExercise and Exercise Recovery
Biosynthesis and Dietary Intake
Supplementation and Inadvertent Doping
Supplements and Inadvertent Doping – How Big Is the Risk to Athletes?
Inadvertent Contamination
Can Traces of Contamination Really Cause a Failed Doping Test?
What Can Be Done to Minimise Supplement Contamination?