Chapter 2: Multi-Drug Resistancein Cancer and New Approachesfor Its Overcoming
Role of Natural Productsin Overcoming MDR
Emerging Techniquesfor Overcoming MDR
Our Approaches for Overcoming MDR
Chapter 3: Tumor Fibroblasts:Pivotal Players in DrugResistance
Challenges in Cancer Chemotherapy
Types and Origins of Tumor Fibroblasts
Tumor Fibroblasts Shape the Architecture of Chemoresistance
Tumor Fibroblasts-Derived SolubleFactors Confer to Increased TumorCell Survival
Tumor Fibroblasts Contributeto EMT Induction
Strategies to Overcome TumorFibroblasts-Mediated Chemoresistance
Chapter 4: Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent Resistance
Why is ESA ResistanceClinically Important?
What Causes ESA Resistance?
How Should ESA Resistance Be Managed?
Chapter 5: Therapeutic Optionsfor Metastatic CastrationResistant Prostate Cancer:Has the Situation Improved?
Chapter 6: Current Trends in ProstateCancer Treatmentand Drug Resistance
Drugs That Target Androgen-Signalling
Chapter 7: Resistance of Metastatic RenalCell Carcinomas to Chemoand Immunotherapy:Clinicians’ Perspective
Surgical Management of Localised RCC
Surgical Management of Advanced RCC
Non-Surgical Managementof Metastatic RCC
Resistance to Radiotherapy
Resistance to Hormonal Therapy
Resistance to Chemotherapy
Molecular Mechanismsof Chemotherapy Resistance
Multi-Drug Resistance Molecules
Recent Advances in OvercomingChemotherapy Resistance
Chapter 8: Resistance of Renal CellCarcinoma to Targeted Therapy
Mammalian Target of Rapamycin(MTOR) Inhibitors
Resistance to Targeted Therapy
Alternative Pro-Angiogenic Pathwaysin Drug Resistance
Inadequate Target Inhibitionand Resistance to Therapy
Therapy-Mediated VEGF Up-Regulationin Drug Resistance
Faulty Mammalian Target of Rapamycin(MTOR) Pathway in Drug Resistance
Advances in Overcoming Resistanceto Targeted Therapy
Chapter 9: Molecular Mechanismsof Sunitinib Resistancein Renal Cell Carcinoma
Akt and p44/42 MAPKSignalling Pathways
Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition