2. Arrovian Social Choice
2.1. The Axiomatic Set-Up
2.2. The Spread of Decisiveness
2.3. A Possibility Result
3. Positionalist Aggregation
3.1. Ranking Rules of Various Types
3.3. Lack of Responsiveness
4. A Richer Informational Framework
5. Wicked Problems in Social Choice
6. Empirical Social Choice
6.2. Needs, Tastes, and Beliefs
6.3. Rawls’s Equity Axiom
Chapter 3: Conditions for the Benefit from and Need for Social Welfare in Hong Kong
Expected Impacts of Social Welfare on Life Satisfaction
Chapter 4: Safety Net Reconstruction: Reform and Development of Social Assistance in China
Background of Safety Net Reconstruction
The Rediscovery of Urban Poverty
The Condition of Rural Poverty
Process of Safety Net Reconstruction in China
Establishment and Evolution of MLSGS
Emergence and Development of Special Assistance Programs
Reform and Development of Social Assistance: Political Actions on Poverty
Chapter 5: Government Preference, Import Tariffs and Social Welfare
2. Mixed Oligopoly with Foreign Competitors
3. The Order of Moves and Equilibrium Outcomes
Case I: Domestic Leadership
Case II: Foreign Leadership
Case III: Cournot Competition
Appendix I. Proof of Proposition 3
Chapter 6: Social Safety Nets Reloaded: An Analysis of the Second Generation Safety Nets in Africa
Growth, Poverty, Inequality and Vulnerability in Africa
Risks and Vulnerability from Weak Employment Structure
Social Safety Nets (SSN)-Reloaded: The Second Generation Safety Nets
From Social Risk Management to Second Generation SSN
The Social Safety Net Landscape in Africa
Status of SSN-Reloaded in Africa
Current SSN Programmes in Africa
School Feeding Programmes
Assets Protection and Building Programmes
Features of SSN-Reloaded in Africa