Chapter 2. On the dynamic origin of dislocation structures in deformed solids
2. Sweeping and trapping mechanism
3. Model of dipolar wall structure formation
4. Coupling to the stress field
Chapter 3. Modelling the spatiotemporal aspects of the Portevin-Le Châtelier
2. Propagation mechanisms
Chapter 4. Plastic instabilities and their relation to fracture
2. Heterogeneous deformation in monotonie loading:
influence on toughness
3. Heterogeneous deformation in fatigue and the
Coffin-Manson law
4. A second example of damage percolation: ductility
of a brittle poIycrystal
Chapter 5. Dislocation and kink dynamics in f.c.c. metals studied by mechanical
2. Anelasticity and dislocation damping
3. Experimental techniques
Chapter 6. Screened disclinations in solids
2. Some simple geometrical properties of disclinations
3. Disclinations and structure levels of plastic flow
4. Different approaches to the calculation of energetic
properties of disclinations
5. Screened straight disclinations in an infinite
6. Disclination loops in an infinite continuum
7. External screening for disclination defects
8. Screened disclinations in rotational structures in
crystalline solids
9. Disclination mechanisms of plastic deformation
and hardening
10. Disclinations in non-crystalline materials
Chapter 7.
Mechanisms of yield stress anomalies in beryllium and Ni3 Al
2. Peierls mechanism and the locking-unlocking
3. The yield stress anomaly in beryllium
4. The yield stress anomaly in Ni3Al-type ordered
Chapter 8. Collective behavior and superdislocation motion in Ll2 alloys
4. Non-equilibrium phase transition and primary
5. Simplified superdislocation model
6. Discussion and conclusions
Chapter 9. Structure and characterization of the dislocations in tilt grain boundaries between ∑ = 1 and ∑ = 3:
a high resolution electron microscopy study
2. Structure of favoured and intermediate GBs
3. Characterization of the SU/GBD
4. SU Burgers vector evolution
Chapter 10. Misfit dislocation generation mechanisms in heterostructures
2. Theoretical and experimental background
3. Constrained-equilibrium model
4. Application of the model
Chapter 11. Evolution of dislocation structure on the interfaces associated with
diffusionless phase transitions
2. Transformation dislocations
3. Equation of equilibrium of an elastic domain
4. Dislocation representation of a wall of elastic
Chapter 12. Dislocation loops at crack tips: nucleation and growth—
an experimental study in silicon
3. Summary of observations
4. The nature and shape of loops emitted at crack tips
5. Dislocation nucleation and possible source
Chapter 13. Dislocation dynamics and brittle-to-ductile transitions
2. Static and dynamic models
3. Application of dynamic models
Chapter 14. Internal stresses and scaling laws
2. The internal stress due to dislocations
Chapter 15. Deformation, structure and properties of ceramics and crystals of high-Tc superconductors
2. Problems of deformation of HTSCs and
experimental details
3. Deformation of HTSC ceramics and single crystals
4. Microhardness of HTSCs
5. Change of the structure under indentation
6. Mechanical properties of fullerite C60
Chapter 16. Structure and mobility of polygonized dislocation walls in high purity
2. Experimental conditions
Chapter 17. Deformation mechanisms of a ferritic-martensitic steel between
290 and 870 K
2. Experimental procedure
Chapter 18. On the effect of nitrogen on the dislocation structure of austenitic
stainless steel
Chapter 19. Dislocation cell structures in copper in torsion and tension
Chapter 20. Dislocation distributions as seen by X-ray line profiles
2. X-ray diffraction technique
3. Tensile deformed [001]-orientated copper single
crystals cf.refs. 1,6
4. Fatigued copper
5. Wire-drawn copper single crystals
6. The behaviour of residual long-range internal
stresses as a function of strain
Chapter 21. The influence of dislocations on electrical resistivity anomalies in
palladium alloys
5. Summary and concluding remarks
Chapter 22. Dislocation structure in Ll2 long-range-ordered Ni3(Al,Ti) deformed in the temperature regime between –196
°C and 800 °C
2. Experimental procedure
3. Results and discussion
Chapter 23. Dynamic recovery of the microstructure of screw dislocations in high
purity b.c.c. metals
2. Experimental procedure
Chapter 24. Heterogeneous dislocation loop nucleation and free surface effects on
plastic deformation: an in situ transmission electron microscopy study
2. Experimental procedure
3. Results and discussion
Chapter 25. Effect of precipitation on the development of dislocation substructure in
low carbon steels during cold deformation
Chapter 26. Transformation of dislocation patterns in fatigued copper single crystals
2. Experimental procedure
3. Results and discussion
Chapter 27. Dislocation activity and differences between tensile and compressive
creep of yttria doped alumina
Chapter 28. High temperature deformation behavior of an Al-Fe-V-Si alloy
2. Experimental procedure
Chapter 29. Dislocation-associated elastic energy storage in mechanical
2. Hysteresis behaviour in a quantitative manner
3. Case study on Cu single crystals
4. Fatigue-related implications
Chapter 30. Dislocation structure and corduroy contrast in a 316L alloy fatigued at (0.3–0.5)
2. Experimental procedure
4. Discussion and conclusions
Chapter 31. On sequences of stable and unstable regions of flow along stress–strain
curves of solid solutions—experiments on Cu–Mn polycrystals
Chapter 32. Plastic deformation of single glide oriented Cu-2 to 15at.%Al crystals at
elevated temperatures
2. Results and discussion
Chapter 33. Onset mechanisms of discontinuous flow at low temperatures in one and two-phase Cu-Be alloys
Chapter 34. Hardening and softening in Zr-Sn polycrystals
2. Experimental procedure
3. Experimental results and discussion
Chapter 35. Low-temperature abrupt deformation processes in metals: kinetic and
statistical properties observed by means of electronic response
2. Electronic response on plastic deformation
3. Kinetics and statistics of deformation processes
Chapter 36. Rheological behaviour of mild steel under monotonie loading conditions
and cross-loading
Chapter 37. The Portevin-Le Châtelier effect in Al–2.92%Mg–.38%Mn alloy and
linear location of acoustic emission
2. Experimental procedure
Chapter 38. Stress corrosion microcleavage in a ductile f.c.c.
2. Corrosion, crack tip and dislocation pile-ups
Chapter 39. Dislocation-controlled stable crack growth in Mo and MgO
2. Stable crack growth in iron-silicon
Chapter 40. Low-energy dislocations and ductility of ferritic steels
2. Experimental procedure
3. Results and discussion
Chapter 41. The peak of flow stress in the L12 structure and the elimination of Kear-Wilsdorf locks
2. The properties of Kear–Wilsdorf
3. Determination of saturation stresses
4. Comparison with experiments and conclusion
Chapter 42. Calculation of cross-slip parameters in f.c.c. crystals
2. Our method of calculation
Chapter 43. Modelling high temperature creep of academic and industrial materials
using the composite model
2. Modelling the steady state and transient creep
behaviour of pure aluminium
3. Modelling subgrain hardening in NiCr22Co12Mo
4. Modelling strain softening in X 20 CrMoV 12 1
Chapter 44. Dynamical model of the wall structure in persistent slip bands of fatigued metals
I. Dynamical model of edge dislocation walls
3. Interacting edge dislocation currents in PSBs
4. The stationary solution
5. Distribution of the dipole heights
6. Moving dislocation walls
Chapter 45. Investigation of the formation of dislocation cell structures and the
strain hardening of metals by computer simulation
2. Development of cell structure and its
3. Strain hardening and dislocation structure
Chapter 46. Role of the secondary slip system in a computer simulation model of the
plastic behaviour of single crystals
2. Basic assumptions of the model
Chapter 47. Low-temperature dislocation internal friction in crystals
3. Experimental results and discussion
Chapter 48. Ultrasonic study of the interaction potential between a dislocation and asingle solute atom
2. Principle of the measurement
Chapter 49. Effects of magnetic fields on the dislocation unlocking fromparamagnetic centers in non-magnetic crystals
Chapter 50. A dislocation model for internal damping due to the thermal expansion
mismatch between matrix and particles in microheterogeneous materials
2. Experimental procedure
4. Modelling and discussion
Chapter 51. Interaction between dislocations and precipitates in an Al-Li alloy
4. Evaluation of parameters of interaction between
dislocations and precipitates
5. Conclusions for the model of the interaction
between dislocations and precipitates
6. Dislocation multiplication and the planarity of slip
Chapter 52. Comparison between simulation calculations and measurements concerning athermal yielding of precipitation hardening of
Cu-Co single crystals
3. Simulation calculation of critical shear stresses
4. Dissociation of dislocations
Chapter 53. Dislocation-point defects interaction in semiconductors and kink
3. Results and discussion
Chapter 54. Softening of á-iron by solute nitrogen atoms investigated between 30
and 300 K by use of stress-relaxation measurements
3. Evaluation of measurements
5. Analysis and discussion
Chapter 55. Mechanisms of dislocation motion and multiplication in ionic and
semiconductor crystals
Chapter 56. Dislocation substructures in plastically deformed A1N
Chapter 57. The influence of Peierls relief on low-temperature plasticity of CdTe
single crystals
3. Experimental results, analysis and discussion
Chapter 58. A new internal friction peak and the problem of the Peierls potential in
f.c.c. metals
2. Features of a new internal friction peak inaluminum
3. The picture obtained from the new peak
Chapter 59. A method for simulating electron microscope dislocation images
4. Results and discussion
Chapter 60. On the relationship between unusual mechanical properties and
deformation substructures in ordered Ni3Al
Chapter 61. A weak beam study of the dislocation structure in directionally solidified
Ni3Al during deformation
2. Experimental procedures
Chapter 62. Dislocation core structures in the ordered intermetallic alloy TiAl
2. Experimental procedures
3. Results and discussion
4. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 63. Observations of dislocations relevant to the anomalous yield stress in
Ll2 alloys
4. Anti-phase boundary tubes
Chapter 64. Transmission electron microscope in situ deformation of MC2
superalloy at room temperature
Chapter 65. Substructure of dislocations in the ( 111 ) plane in Ni3Ga single crystals
Chapter 66. The stress fields of edge dislocations near wedge-shaped boundaries
and bonded wedges
3. Numerical results and discussion
Chapter 67. Interactions between lattice dislocations and grain boundaries in Ll2 ordered compounds investigated by in situ transmission electron
microscopy and computer modelling experiments
4. Discussion and conclusions
Chapter 68. Arrangement of misfit dislocations at Ti3Al/TiAl phase boundaries
4. Model for the misfit dislocations
Chapter 69. Image forces on dislocations: the elastic modulus effect
2. The physical situation
Chapter 70. Misfit dislocations and other defects in thin films
2. The method of virtual defects (MVD)
3. Defects in one-phase films
4. Thin films on semi-infinite substrates
5. Dislocations in two-phase films
Chapter 71. Twin propagation in TiAl
2. Experimental procedure
Chapter 72. Changes in stacking fault sequences during the martensitic phase
transformation in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloys
Chapter 73. Twins and properties of classical and high- Tc superconductors
Author Index of Volume 164
Subject Index of Volume 164