Promoting Adolescent Health: A Dialog on Research and Practice is a collection of essays that discusses the insights provided by professionals into the problems of encouraging adolescent health. The book presents the open dialog between the views of pediatrics, cardiologists, psychologists, health educators, sociologists, and nutrition scientists.
The text gives discussions from a variety of perspectives on each of six problem areas: smoking, drugs and alcohol, sexuality, coronary risk factors, health-risk eating behaviors, and chronic disease. It also discusses the factors influential in smoking onset and describes the examination of health education and health promotion, adolescent medicine, developmental psychology, education, and research methodology.
The book will provide valuable insights for anthropologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, students, and researchers in the field of adolescent behaviors.
Perspectives on Adolescence
What Are the Barriers to Cross?
Challenging Basic Assumptions
The Challenge and the Chance
Chapter 2. Adolescent Health: Issues and Challenges
Major Health Problems of Adolescents
The Myth of the Healthy Adolescent
How Adolescents Make Health-Related Decisions
Implications for Federal Policy
Chapter 3. Adolescent Health in the United States as We Enter the 1980s
Provision of Health Services
Training and Manpower Issues
Chapter 4. Developmental Issues in Adolescent Health
The Biopsychosocial Perspective
Developmental Tasks of Adolescence
Implications for Intervention
Chapter 5. Adolescent Health: An Educational-Ecological Perspective
Chapter 6. Investigating Adolescent Health Promotion: Crossing Research Barriers
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 7. Control and Prevention of Smoking in Adolescents: A Psychosocial Perspective
Typical Psychosocial Influences on the Smoking Decision
Individual Characteristics
Critical Evaluations of Some Current Prevention Programs
Chapter 8. Broadening the Focus of Smoking Prevention Strategies
Initiation of Adolescent Smoking
Approaches to Smoking Prevention
Shortcomings of Current Prevention Strategies
Toward More Comprehensive Prevention Strategies
Chapter 9. Untested and Erroneous Assumptions Underlying Antismoking Programs
MYTH 1: The Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents Has Begun to Decline
MYTH 2: It Is Better to Intervene as Early as Possible
MYTH 3: Prevention Programs for Youth Are More Effective if They Emphasize the Short Term and Especially the Social Consequences of Smoking
MYTH 4: Media Intensive Prevention Programs Are Superior to Alternative Forms
MYTH 5: Activated Peer Opinion Leaders Substantially Enhance the Effectiveness of Smoking Prevention Programs
Part III: Drugs and Alcohol
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 10. The Prevention of Teenage Substance Use: Longitudinal Research and Strategy
The Woodlawn Study Population
A Two-Dimensional View of Mental Health
Other Prospective Studies of Drug Use
Sample Populations and Community Epidemiology
Prediction of Substance Use
Prediction of Teenage Psychiatric Symptoms
Chapter 11. Adolescent Drinking: Issues and Research
Factors Related to the Onset of Drinking and Problem Drinking
Community-based Approaches to Adolescent Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Adolescent Drinking: Future Research and
Development Needs
Chapter 12. Issues in the Development of Effective Prevention Practices
The Federal Government and Drug Abuse Prevention
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 13. Adolescent Sexuality
Health Issues of Sexuality at Adolescence
Biopsychosocial Development at Adolescence
Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Why the Change in Girls' Sexual Behavior? Some Myths
More Plausible Explanations
Implications for Adolescent Development
Implications for Intervention
Chapter 14. Adolescents as Parents: Possible Long-Range Implications
Consequences of Adolescent Childbearing Impacting Parenting
Developmental Outcome of Children
Chapter 15. Adolescent Sexuality: Whose Responsibility Is It?
The Conspiracy of Silence
Part V: Coronary Risk Factors
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 16. Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children and Coronary-Related Behavior
Interpretation of Results, Conclusion, and Implications
Chapter 17. Stress and Heart Disease: Does Blood Pressure Reactivity Offer a Link?
Cardiovascular Responsivity
Part VI: Health-Risk Eating Behaviors
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 18. Dietary Studies of Infants and Children: The Bogalusa Heart Study
Objectives and Design of the Bogalusa Heart Study
Interrelationships Among Diet and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Variables
Directions for Future Cross-Disciplinary Investigations of Health-Risk Eating Behaviors
Chapter 19. Nutrition Education Research: Fast or Famine?
Issues in Research Design
Recommendations and Conclusion
Chapter 2 0. Factors Influencing Dietary Habits : Experiences of the Oslo Youth Study
Influences on Eating Behavior
Chapter 21. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
Part VII: Chronic Disorders and Chronicity
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 22. Conceptual Barriers to the Treatment of Chronic Disease: Using Pediatric Hypertension as an Example
The Background of the Problem
Chapter 23. Living with Chronic Illness
Intervention and Research Opportunities
Part VIII: Critical Issues in Research on Adolescent Health Promotion
Chapter 24. Critical Issues in Research on Adolescent Health Promotion
Some Critical Issues for Explanatory Research
Some Critical Issues for Intervention Research