Models for Therapeutic Manipulation
Efficacy of Therapeutic Measures
Efficacy of Therapeutic Measures
Chapter [2]. Models of Angiogenesis and the Blood-Brain Barrier
Techniques for Localization of Proliferating Vasculature (Angiogenesis)
Strategies for Determining Temporal Sequence and Source of Neovascularization in Neural Transplants
Techniques to Determine Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability
Section II: Transiently Removing the Blood-Brain Barrier
Chapter [3]. Osmotic Opening of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Brain Tumor Chemotherapy
Osmotic Opening of Blood-Brain Barrier
Size Dependence of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability
Osmotic Opening and Brain Tumor Chemotherapy
Chapter [4]. Osmotic Blood-Brain Barrier Modification: Increasing Delivery of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents to the Brain
Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption
Development of Animal Models
Confirming Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption
Factors Influencing Successful Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption and Agent Delivery
Section III: Facilitated Transport through the Blood-Brain Barrier
Chapter [5]. Peripheral Administration of Nerve Growth Factor Conjugated to an Anti-transferrin Receptor Antibody Increases Cholinergic Neuron Survival in Intraocular Forebrain Transplants
Chapter [6]. Ferrotransferrin and Antibody against the Transferrin Receptor as Potential Vehicles for Drug Delivery across the Mammalian Blood-Brain Barrier into the Central Nervous System
Iron, Transferrin, and Transferrin Receptor
Preparation and Application of Ferrotransferrin and Antibody against the Ferrotransferrin Receptor
Analyses of Potential Transcytosis of Blood-Borne, Receptor-Mediated Probe Molecules across the Blood-Brain Barrier
Transendothelial Pathways for Ferrotransferrin and Antibody against the Ferrotransferrin Receptor as Vehicles for Circumventing the Blood-Brain Barrier
Chapter [7]. DepoFoam-Mediated Drug Delivery into Cerebrospinal Fluid
Synthesis of DepoFoam-Encapsulated Ara-C (DTC 101)
Preparation of DepoFoam-Encapsulated Methotrexate (Depo/MTX)
Preparation of Depo/Morphine
Central Nervous System Pharmacokinetic Analysis
Intraventricular Pharmacokinetics of DTC 101 in Rats
Intralumbar Pharmacokinetics of DTC 101 in Monkeys
Intracisternal Pharmacokinetics with Depo/MTX in Rats
Intraventricular Pharmacokinetics of DTC 101 in Humans
Section IV: Polymeric Release Systems for the Central Nervous System
Chapter [8]. Interstitial Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System Using Controlled Release Polymers: Chemotherapy for Brain Tumors
Chapter [9]. Sustained Intracerebral Delivery of Nerve Growth Factor with Biodegradable Polymer Microspheres
Chapter [10]. Polymerie Drug Carrier Systems in the Brain
Polymers for Drug Delivery
Nondegradable Implants for Treatment of Brain Cancer
Biodegradable Implants for Treatment of Brain Cancer
Delivery of Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators
Section V: Using Pump Delivery Devices within the Brain
Chapter [11]. Using Osmotic Minipumps for Intracranial Delivery of Amino Acids and Peptides
Intracerebroventricular Injection versus Microinjection into Brain
Minipump Delivery Systems
Practical Considerations for Cannulation and Minipump Use
Chapter [12]. Continuous Central Nervous System Infusion with Alzet Osmotic Pumps
Construction of Infusion Devices
Preimplantation Preparation of Pumps and Infusion Devices
Infusion/Treatment Protocols
Chapter [13]. Injection of Biologically Active Substances into the Brain
Preparing Guide Cannula and Stylet
Inserting Guide Cannula-Stylet Assembly
Injecting Solutions into Ventricular System
Unilateral 6-Hydroxydopamine Lesions
Injection of Cells into Brain Parenchyma
Section VI: Using Implanted Living Tissues within the Brain
Chapter [14]. Factors Important in the Survival of Dopamine Neurons in Intracerebral Grafts of Embryonic Substantia Nigra
Use of Cell Suspensions and Vital Stains
In Vivo Intracerebral Grafts
Chapter [15] Techniques in Adrenal Medullary Transplantation for Experimental Nonhuman Primate Parkinsonism
Adrenalectomy in Nonhuman Primate
Peripheral Nerve Harvesting in Nonhuman Primate
Striatal Grafting and Cografting for Nonhuman Primate Parkinsonian Syndromes
Chapter [16]. Technical Aspects of Transplantation of the Adrenal Medulla to the Caudate Nucleus as a Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
Preparation of Adrenal Medulla
Section VII: Creating Cell Lines for Transplant Therapies
Chapter [17]. Transplantation of Epidermal Growth Factor-Responsive Neural Stem Cell Progeny into the Murine Central Nervous System
Production and in Vitro Characterization of Epidermal Growth Factor-Responsive Neural Stem Cells
Identification of Stem Cell Progeny and Their Differentiation Potential in Vitro
Formation of Myelinating Oligodendrocytes by Epidermal Growth Factor-Responsive Stem Cell Progeny when Transplanted in Vivo
Differentiation and Survival of Epidermal Growth Factor-Responsive Stem Cells, Genetically Tagged with Escherichia coli ß-Galactosidase Gene, When Implanted into Mouse Cerebral Cortex
Transgenic Mouse-Derived Neural Stem Cells: A Source of Marked Glial Cells for Central Nervous System Transplantation
Chapter [18]: Application of Astrocyte Transplants as a Therapeutic Intervention
Methodological Considerations for Implantation
Preparation and Implantation of Astrocytes into Brain
Characterization of Astrocyte Implants
Chapter [19]. Development of Immortalized Cell Lines for Transplantation in Central Nervous System Injury and Degeneration Models
Establishment of Immortalized Cell Line
Selection and Characterization
Section VIII: Using Implanted Living Cells within the Central Nervous System
Chapter [20]. Use of Genetically Modified Cells to Deliver Neurotrophic Factors and Neurotransmitters to the Brain
In Vitro Development and Characterization of Engineered Cells
In Vivo Characterizations of Engineered Cells
Chapter [21]. Neuropeptide and Catecholamine Delivery to Central Nervous System by Implanted Chromaffin Cells
Spinal Subarachnoid Grafts
Section IX: Using Implanted Encapsulated Cells within the Brain
Chapter [22]. Microencapsulation of Cells in Thermoplastic Copolymer (Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-Methyl Methacrylate)
Chapter [23]. Hydrogel Applications for Encapsulated Cellular Transplants
Microencapsulation Process
Chapter [24]. Tests for Validating the Safety of Encapsulated Xenografts
Xenogeneic Cells in Transplants
Tests for Uniformity of Immunoisolation Devices
Testing, Implanting, and Removing Devices
Section X: Induced Gene Expression in Intrinsic Central Nervous System Cells with DNA Injected into the Brain
Chapter [25]. Particle Bombardment for Gene Transfer into Nerve Cell Systems
Accell Gene Transfer Technique
Application to Central Nervous System Primary Cultures and Cell Expiants
Application to Mammalian Somatic Tissues in General
Section XI: Viral Transfection of Intrinsic Cells within the Brain
Chapter [26]. A Defective Herpes Simplex Virus Vector System for Genetic Intervention in the Adult Brain: Applications to Gene Therapy and Neuronal Physiology
Introduction: Genetic Intervention in Brain
Strategies for Manipulation of Neuronal Physiology by Genetic Intervention
Gene Therapy Approaches with HSV-1 Vectors
Defective HSV-1 Vector System for Gene Transfer into Neuronal Cells
Alteration of Neuronal Physiology by Expression of Unregulated Adenylate Cyclase in Neurons
Chapter [27]. Expression of Neurotrophic Genes from Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Vectors: Modifying Neuronal Phenotype
Packaging of Defective HSV-1 Viral Vectors
Specifics about Packaging Procedure
Other Viral Vectors Systems
Safety and Other Issues Related to Vector Use
Section XII: Predicting the Future of Central Nervous System Delivery System Technologies
Chapter [28]. Assessing Commercial Potential of Central Nervous System Delivery Approaches
Assessing Market Size and Value
Identifying Key Issues for Analysis
Identifying Competitive Therapeutic, Economic, and Societal Advantages
Ranking Therapeutic Approaches