Types of occupational health service
Chapter 2. Pre-placement screening
Chapter 3. Principles of toxicology
Dose-response relationships
Bioaccumulation and excretion
Uptake and excretion of volatile materials
Chapter 4. The introduction and monitoring of occupational diseases
Occupational lung diseases
Neuropsychiatrie disorders
Malignancies of the genitourinary tract
The musculoskeletal system
Chapter 5. Mental health of people at work
Prevalence of mental illness in the community
Selection factors in occupational settings
Epidemiology and symptomatology of the major categories of mental illness
Basic essential skills for eliciting psychological symptoms
Physical consequences of mental illness
Occupational consequences of mental illness
Domestic consequences of mental illness
Conclusions: implications for occupational health services
Health effects of vibration
Introduction: definitions
Practical use of parameters and formulae
Chapter 8. Ionizing radiation
Principles of control of radiation exposure
Chapter 9. Thermal stresses in occupations
Origins of thermal stress
Environmental components and their measurement
The thermal effects of clothing
Indices of thermal stress
Evaluation and control of occupational thermal stress
Chapter 10. Biological monitoring of exposure to industrial chemicals
Introduction: definition and role of biological monitoring of exposure
Methods in biological monitoring of exposure
Criteria for selecting biological tests
Interpretation of the results
Analytical and ethical aspects
Chapter 11. Pulmonary function and assessment
Introduction: structure and function of the ear
Categories of hearing loss
Development of noise-induced hearing loss
Measurement of hearing loss
Interpretation of audiograms
Chapter 13. Vaccination policies
Chapter 14. Principles of occupational epidemiology
Introduction: historical background
Epidemiological study designs
Technical comments on study designs
Validity in occupational health epidemiology
Appendix A: relation of rates
Appendix B: aetiological fraction
Appendix C: principal procedure of cohort analysis using nationalrates
Appendix D: analysis of stratified case-referent data
Chapter 15. Survey design
Introduction: the scope of occupational epidemiology
Tests, records and definitions
Ethical and 'political' issues
Chapter 16. Atmospheric monitoring
Chapter 17. Analytical methods
Chapter 18. Sickness absence
Introduction: responsibilities, costs and definition
Absence records: personnel and occupational health records
Measuring absence: basic statistics and misconceptions
Factors known to influence sickness absence
The certification of sickness: the doctor or the patient?
Positive action: diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Conclusions: control of sickness absence
Chapter 19. Toxicity testing of industrial chemicals
Legislative provisions for toxicity testing
Performance of test procedures
Details and interpretation of test procedures
Appendix: UK Documentation and Legislation
Work design and organization
Ergonomics and the occupational health professional
Chapter 21. Protective clothing
Classification of protective clothing
Protective clothing systems: brief descriptions
A methodical approach to the selection of protective clothing
Chapter 22. Health effects of hyperbaric environments
Decompression sickness or DCS
Other effects due to gas absorption and decompression
Diving chamber environment
The compressed air tunnel environment
Other aspects of hyperbaric environments
Chapter 23. Treatment and first aid services
Factors influencing the establishment of treatment services
Matching the service to the need
Treatment services in the United Kingdom
Concentration of treatment services
Rehabilitation and resettlement at work
Chapter 24. Emergency medical treatment
Emergencies incidental to work
Emergencies directly related to work
Chapter 25. Vocational rehabilitation and resettlement
What do we mean by vocational rehabilitation
Current services in Britain
Vocational rehabilitation overseas
Vocational evaluation and work adjustment
Conclusions: the need for professional education and development
Chapter 26. Migrant workers
Chapter 27. Special problems in developing countries
The nations of the developing world
Occupational health services for developing countries
The setting of exposure levels in the work environment
Research and developing countries
Chapter 28. Health promotion and counselling
Introduction: Health for All by the Year 2000
Occupational health and preventive activities
The health promotion concept
Health promotion in the workplace
The scope of health promotion
Participation in health promotion programmes
Distinction between health promotion programmes (HPPs) and employee assistance programmes (EAPs)
Prevention of cardiovascular disease
Prevention of alcohol problems and substance abuse
Smoking policies and smoking cessation
Further reading: counselling