Conclusions of relevance to clinical endocrinology
Chapter 3. The Physiology of the Endocrine System
Endocrine control of the gastrointestinal tract
Chapter 4. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia and Molecular Genetics
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type
Chapter 5. Modern Techniques of Hormone Measurement and Their Interpretation
Radioimmunoassay or immunometric assay?
Assay formulations and automation technology
Effects of new assay technologies on clinical interpretation of hormone measurements
Chapter 6. Paraendocrine Syndromes
Principles of diagnosis and management of ectopic hormone production
Ectopic hormone syndromes
Chapter 7. Anaesthetic Considerations in Endocrine Surgery
Anaesthesia for pituitary surgery
Anaesthesia for thyroid surgery
Anaesthesia for adrenal surgery
Anaesthesia for abdominal endocrine surgery
Anaesthesia for endocrine surgery during pregnancy
Chapter 8. Endocrine Problems in Pregnancy
Thyroid disease and thyroid function in pregnancy
Management of the enlarged non-toxic goitre during pregnancy
Parathyroid disease and calcium haemostasis in pregnancy
Chapter 9. Modern Histological Imaging Methods
Products of the diffuse neuroendocrine system
Chapter 10. Legal Aspects of Endocrine Surgery
What to do if you make a mistake
Part II: Pituitary Syndromes
Chapter 11. Imaging of the Pituitary
Plain film assessment of the pituitary fossa
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary
Chapter 12. Surgical Pathology of the Pituitary Gland
Adenomas of the anterior pituitary
Classification of pituitary adenomas
Tumours other than pituitary adenomas
Vascular disorders of the pituitary
Chapter 13. Non-surgical Management of Pituitary Tumours
Hormone replacement treatment
Chapter 14. The Management of Pituitary Adenomas by Yttrium-90 Interstitial Irradiation
Radiological criteria for feasibility of 90Y implantation
Choice of irradiation dose for the various types of adenoma
Calculation of pituitary dimensions, the required implant position, length of the rods and the required radioactivity
Pre- and postoperative management
Histological and hormonal response pituitary and adjacent tissues to 90Y implantation
Results from 90Y implantation of the various tumour types
Conclusions and future strategy
Chapter 15. Surgery of Pituitary Tumours
Bilateral simultaneous inferior petrosal sinus sampling
Other hypersecretory syndromes
Non-functioning macroadenomas
Current indications for surgery
Chapter 16. Management of Simple and Non-toxic Goitre
The imaging of the thyroid in multinodular goitre
Chapter 17. Imaging of the Thyroid
Imaging for hyperthyroidism
Imaging for thyroid cancer
Imaging for ectopic thyroid
Chapter 18. Surgical Pathology of the Thyroid
Normal anatomy and histology
Inflammatory enlargement of the thyroid
Other tumours of the thyroid
Chapter 19. Surgical Anatomy of the Thyroid Gland and the Technique of Thyroidectomy
Technique of thyroidectomy
Re-exploration of the thyroid
Chapter 20. Surgery of Thyroid Cancer
Factors influencing management decisions
Presentation, diagnosis and treatment
Thyroid cancer in children and adolescents
Chapter 21. Thyroid Lymphoma
Unusual thyroid lymphomas
Chapter 22. Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid
Chapter 23. The Radiotherapy and Management of Thyroid Tumours
Differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Chapter 24. Medical Aspects of Thyroid Disease
Drugs and thyroid function
Chapter 25. Management of Thyroid Eye Disease
Natural history of the condition and timing of surgery
Chapter 26. Management of the Damaged Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve following Thyroid Surgery
Anatomical considerations
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
Remedial measures for unilateral paralysis
Part IV: Parathyroid Disease
Chapter 27. Calcium and Bone Metabolism
Plasma calcium homoeostasis
Bone calcium homoeostasis
Regulation of bone cell activity
Chapter 28. The Medical Management of Hypercalcaemia
Management of malignant hypercalcaemia
Primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcaemia
Chapter 29. Imaging of the Parathyroids
Intravenous digital subtraction angiography
Chapter 30. Indications for Surgery in Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Pathogenesis and aetiology
Limitations of medical treatment and the need for surgery
Chapter 31. Surgical Pathology of the Parathyroids in Primary and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Histological evaluation of parathyroid function
Chapter 32. Surgery of the Parathyroids
Anatomy of the parathyroid
Implications of the various sites of parathyroid glands
Peroperative localization of the parathyroid
Management of various parathyroid pathologies
Concomitant thyroid pathology at exploration
The surgical treatment of secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism
Chapter 33. Phaeochromocytoma and Related Tumours
Origin and prevalence of phaeochromocytoma
Clinical features of phaeochromocytoma and their pathophysiological basis
Biochemical diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma
Chapter 34. Syndromes of Corticosteroid Excess
Biochemistry of adrenal hormones
Glucocorticoids and Cushing's syndrome
Treatment of Cushing's syndrome
Mineralocorticoids and primary hyperaldosteronism
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Chapter 35. Imaging of the Adrenals
Diseases of the adrenal gland
Chapter 36. Surgical Pathology of the Adrenal Cortex and Medulla
Adrenal medullary hyperplasia
Chapter 37. Surgical Anatomy and Surgery of the Adrenal Glands
Pathology and indications for surgery
Chapter 38. Neuroblastomas
Chapter 39. Masculinizing and Feminizing Syndromes
Normal sexual differentiation
Masculinizing syndromes (Female pseudohermaphroditism)
Feminizing syndrome (male pseudohermaphroditism)
Management of ambiguous genitalia — a practical approach
Part VI: Endocrine Tumours of the Gut
Chapter 40. Diagnosis and Medical Management of Gastroenteropancreatic Tumours
Chapter 41. Surgical Aspects of Carcinoid Tumours
Specific features of the more clinically important tumours
Chapter 42. Surgery of Endocrine Tumours of the Pancreas
Other rare secreting tumours
Chapter 43. Imaging Endocrine Tumours of the Gut
Islet cell tumours of the pancreas
Chapter 44. Management of Secondary Endocrine Tumours of the Liver
Chapter 45. Surgical Pathology of Endocrine Tumours of the Alimentary Tract
General features of endocrine neoplasms of the alimentary tract
Endocrine tumours of the pancreas
Chapter 46. Some Commonly used Endocrine Diagnostic Tests