Fine and coarse moduli spaces in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
1. Introduction and notation
2. Affine and projective parametrizations of the Λ-modules of dimension vector 𝐝
3. Quotient varieties on the geometric market—generalities and representation-theoretic particulars
4. Rendering Riemann’s classification philosophy more concrete
5. Approach A: King’s adaptation of Mumford stability: Focusing on the objects which are (semi-)stable relative to a weight function
6. Approach B. Slicing Λ-𝑚𝑜𝑑 into strata with fixed top
7. Slicing Λ-𝑚𝑜𝑑 more finely, in terms of radical layerings Representation-theoretically optimal coordinatization of 𝔊𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔰^{𝔗}_{𝐝}
8. Problems. Pros and Cons of Approach B
More Representations of Wild Quivers
2. Spectral properties of the Coxeter transformations
4. The regular components
5. Partial tilting modules
6. The perpendicular category of a rigid regular module
7. A functor between categories of regular modules
9. Factorisations of morphisms
Phantom Morphisms and Salce’s Lemma
4. The Flat Cover Conjecture
6. Salce’s Lemma for Ideals
10. The Powers of the Phantom Ideal
5. Self-dual idempotents and Morita algebras
Universal deformation rings of group representations, with an application of Brauer’s generalized decomposition numbers
2. Mazur’s deformation theory
3. Universal deformation rings of modules for finite groups
4. Brauer’s generalized decomposition numbers and universal deformation rings
Derived Representation Schemes and Noncommutative Geometry
3. Representation Schemes
4. Cyclic Homology and Higher Trace Maps
5. Abelianization of the Representation Functor
Classifying torsion pairs for tame hereditary algebras and tubes
2. Torsion pairs and tilting for finite dimensional algebras
3. Big cotilting modules for finite dimensional algebras
5. Combinatorial classifications
Problems solved by using degrees of irreducible morphisms
1. Preliminaries and Notation
3. Characterizations of the notion of degree
4. Composite of irreducible morphisms and the powers of the radical of a module category
5. Degrees and finite representation type of an algebra
6. On the bound of the radical of a module category
3. Partially ordered sets
4. An algorithmic approach