SCHOLAR—a Scientific Celebration Highlighting Open Lines of Arithmetic Research ( Contemporary Mathematics )

Publication series :Contemporary Mathematics

Author: A. C. Cojocaru;C. David;F. Pappalardi  

Publisher: American Mathematical Society‎

Publication year: 2015

E-ISBN: 9781470428433

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781470414573

Subject: O1 Mathematics

Keyword: Number Theory

Language: ENG

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SCHOLAR—a Scientific Celebration Highlighting Open Lines of Arithmetic Research


Title page



1. Conference overview

2. M. Ram Murty’s mathematical legacy

3. Acknowledgements

On the Greatest Prime Factor of Some Divisibility Sequences

1. Introduction and results

2. Polynomial Case

3. Elliptic Curve Case


A Number Field Extension of a Question of Milnor

1. Introduction

2. The analogous case for the space generated by the values of 𝐿(1,𝜒)

3. Extended Milnor conjecture over number fields intersecting \Q(𝜁_{𝑞}) trivially

4. Extended Milnor conjecture over number fields intersecting \Q(𝜁_{𝑞}) non-trivially

5. Space generated by normalised Hurwitz zeta values


Mixing Rates of Random Walks with Little Backtracking

1. Introduction

2. Proofs of main results

3. Comparing the mixing rates of simple, non-backtracking and cliquewise non-backtracking random walks

4. Examples




Additive and Multiplicative Functions with Similar Global Behavior

1. Introduction

2. Additive and multiplicative function functions with the same limit distribution

3. Additive and multiplicative functions with same mean and variance

4. Additive and multiplicative functions whose mean value behaves like loglog𝑛

5. Multiplicative functions with a large variance

6. Numerical computations

7. Final remarks


Multidimensional Sequences Uniformly Distributed Modulo 1 Created from Normal Numbers

1. Introduction

2. Main result

3. Final remarks


The Index of 𝑎 Modulo 𝑝

1. Introduction

2. Proof of Theorem 1.3

3. Proof of Theorem 1.5


Determining Optimal Test Functions for Bounding the Average Rank in Families of 𝐿-Functions

1. Introduction

2. Extension of the Conditions of [ILS]

3. Smoothness Almost Everywhere

4. A System of Integral Equations

5. Finding Coefficients

6. Conclusion and Future Work


Familles d’équations de Thue associées à un sous-groupe de rang 1 d’unités totalement réelles d’un corps de nombres

1. Le résultat principal

2. Un lemme élémentaire

3. Démonstration du théorème 1.2

4. Familles d’exemples


Cyclicity of Quotients of Non-CM Elliptic Curves Modulo Primes

1. Introduction

2. Notations

3. Preliminary lemmas

4. Main tools for the proof of Theorem 1.1

5. Proof of Theorem 1.1

6. Elliptic Curves with CM

7. Final remarks



On the Euler Kronecker Constant of a Cyclotomic Field, II

1. Introduction

2. Preliminary Results

3. Proof of the Theorem

4. Conjectural Argument


The Generalized Dedekind Determinant

1. Introduction

2. A lemma from elementary linear algebra

3. The Dedekind determinant and proof of Theorem 1.1

4. A combinatorial analog of the Dedekind determinant and proof of Theorem 1.2

5. A modular analogue of the Dedekind determinant

6. The Redheffer matrix revisited

7. Link with chromatic polynomials

8. Concluding remarks


A Remark on Elliptic Curves with a Given Number of Points over Finite Fields

1. Introduction

2. Preliminaries

3. Proof of Theorem 1.5

4. Proof of Lemma 3.1


Recovering Cusp Forms on 𝐺𝐿(2) from Symmetric Cubes


1. Preliminaries

2. Two Lemmas

3. Proof of Theorem A

4. Proof of Corollary B


Arithmetic Nature of Some Infinite Series and Integrals

1. Some results on the transcendence of infinite series

2. Integrals



Points on Varieties over Finite Fields in Small Boxes

1. Introduction

2. Examples of Varieties

3. Hyperbolas

4. Plane Curves

5. Weierstraß Equations

6. Erdős–Graham Equation

7. Variations and Generalisations



Bounds for the Lang-Trotter Conjectures

1. Introduction

2. Chebotarev bounds

3. Galois representations

4. Proof of Theorem 1.2

5. Proof of Theorem 1.3

6. Proof of Corollary 1.4

7. Proof of Theorem 2.2


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