3.3. Energy Conversion Technologies
4.3. Energy Conversion Technologies
5. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
5.3. Energy Conversion Technologies
Resource Assessment Assistance
Status of Wave and Tidal Power Technologies for the United States
Marine Renewable Energy Resource Estimates
Marine Renewable Energy Technology Maturity Path
Overview of Wave and Tidal Power Technologies
Summary of Research and Development Needs
Potential Contribution of NREL
Technology White Paper on
Ocean Current Energy Potential on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf
Resource Utilization Technologies
Environmental Considerations
Technology White Paper on Wave Energy Potential on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf
Resource Utilization Technologies
Environmental Considerations
Report to Congress on the Potential Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies
Potential Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies
Options to Prevent Adverse Environmental Impacts
The Potential Role of Monitoring and Adaptive Management
The Components of an Adaptive Management Program
Acronyms and Abbreviations
2. Description of Technologies
2.1. Current Energy Technologies
2.2. Wave Energy Technologies
2.3. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
2.4. Marine and Hydrokinetic Technologies Database
3. Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Options
3.1. Alteration of Currents and Waves
3.1.1. Potential Near Field and Far Field Impacts of Hydrodynamic Alterations
3.1.2. Mitigation Options to Address Hydrodynamic Alterations
3.2. Alteration of Substrates and Sediment Transport and Deposition
3.2.1. Potential Near Field and Far Field Impacts of the Alteration of Sediment Transport
3.2.2. Mitigation Options to Address the Alteration of Sediment Transport
3.3. Impacts of Habitat Alterations on Benthic Organisms
3.3.1. Displacement of Benthic Organisms by Installation of the Project
3.3.2. Alteration of Habitats for Benthic Organisms during Operation
3.3.3. Mitigation Options to Address Habitat Alterations for Benthic Organisms
3.4.1. Noise in the Aquatic Environment and Its Effects on Animals
3.4.2. Mitigation Options to Address Noise
Use of Sound Insulation within and around the Device
Employment of Bubble Screens and other Noise Barriers during Installation
Operation of AMDs to Exclude Animals from the Area
Location of the Project Away from Sensitive Environments
Limiting the Noisiest Activities to Least Sensitive Times
3.5. Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
3.5.1. Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Aquatic Organisms
3.5.2. Mitigation Options for Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
3.6. Toxic Effects of Chemicals
3.6.1. Toxicity of Paints, Anti-Fouling Coatings, and other Chemicals
3.6.2. Mitigation Options to Address Chemical Toxicity
3.7. Interference with Animal Movements and Migrations
3.7.1. Alteration of Local Movement Patterns
3.7.2. Interference with Migratory Animals
3.7.3. Mitigation Options to Address Local and Migratory Movements of Animals
3.8. Collision and Strike
3.8.1. Effects of Rotor Blade Strike on Aquatic Animals
3.8.2. Effects of Water Pressure Changes and Cavitation
3.8.3. Mitigation Options to Address Collision and Strike
3.9. Impacts of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
3.9.1. Effects on Ocean Ecosystems
3.9.2. Mitigation Options to Address Effects of OTEC Technologies on Ocean Ecosystems
4. Environmental Assessment, Adaptive Management, and Environmental Monitoring
4.1. Environmental Impact Assessment Approaches
4.2. Incorporating Adaptive Management into Development and Environmental Monitoring of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies
4.3. Federal Licensing of Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Technologies
4.4. Environmental Monitoring
4.4.1. Monitoring for Alteration of Currents and Waves
4.4.2. Monitoring for Effects on Sediment Transport
4.4.3. Monitoring for Effects of Benthic Habitat Alterations
4.4.4. Monitoring for Effects of Noise
4.4.5. Monitoring for Electromagnetic Fields
4.4.6. Monitoring the Toxic Effects of Chemicals
4.4.7. Monitoring Interference with Animal Movements and Migrations
4.4.8. Monitoring the Effects of Strike
4.4.9. Monitoring of OTEC Projects
4.4.10. Monitoring for Cumulative Impacts of Multiple Units and Multiple Energy Projects
Appendix A. List of Individuals, Agencies, and Organizations Contacted
Appendix B. Technology Concepts and Developers
DOE’s Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Technology Database
Appendix C. Noise in the Aquatic Environment and its Effects on Aquatic Animals
Expressing Underwater Sounds
Noise Produced by Ocean Energy Technologies
Potential Effects of Noise on Aquatic Animals
Appendix D. Electromagnetic Fields in the Aquatic Environment and their Effects on Aquatic Animals
Nature of the Underwater Electromagnetic Field
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Aquatic Organisms