The post-Second World War development effort
The rise of neo-liberalism: embracing the market, reducing state power, more poverty
Alternatives to market fundamentalism: embedded autonomy and the interventionist state
2. Who Pays for Market Fundamentalism?
Background to theories of gender and development
Women’s work as defined by the market
Neo-liberalism and increasing women’s employment
Women’s invisible contributions
Labour of love: the care economy and declining social services
The interventionist state versus market fundamentalism
3. Taiwan: Neo-Liberalism or Developmentalist State?
The making of modern Taiwan
Women's role in Taiwan’s economic success
Invisible economic contributions
Community and volunteer work: state-initiated organizations
Gender politics, civil society and Taiwan’s future
4. Indonesia: Paper Tiger and the Asian Crisis
Modern Indonesia: state structure and political economy
Women’s role in the economy
5. The Philippines: Exporting Women Is Good for Growth
Modern Filipino state structure and development strategy
Women’s role in the economy
6. Conclusion: Liberalization in Crisis
Challenging neo-liberalist assumptions
APEC and the unholy marriage of neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism
Neo-liberalism in crisis: looking into the future