Food versus Fuel :An Informed Introduction to Biofuels ( 1 )

Publication subTitle :An Informed Introduction to Biofuels

Publication series :1

Author: Rosillo-Calle   Frank;Johnson   Francis;Pimentel   David  

Publisher: Zed Books‎

Publication year: 2010

E-ISBN: 9781848133846

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781848133822

Subject: F407 industrial economy;X Environmental Science, Safety Science;X2 Social and Environment

Keyword: 工业经济,社会与环境,环境科学、安全科学

Language: ENG

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Presents an introduction to the science and economics behind a well-worn debate, that debunks myths and provides quality facts and figures for academics and practitioners in development studies, environment studies, and agricultural studies.


1.1 Land requirements for biofuel production

2.1 Total amount of above ground biomass

2.2 Energy inputs and costs of corn production per hectare in the United States

2.3 Inputs per 1,000 litres of 99.5% ethanol produced from corn

2.4 Average inputs and energy inputs per hectare per year for switchgrass production

2.5 Inputs per 1,000 litres of 99.5% ethanol produced from US switchgrass

2.6 Energy inputs and costs in soybean production per hectare in the US

2.7 Inputs per 1,000 kg of biodiesel oil from soybeans

3.1 Ethanol and biodiesel GHG emission reduction for selected paths

3.2 Energy balance in ethanol production

3.3 Land use for agriculture in selected countries

3.4 Displacement of 10 percent of world gasoline and diesel consumption

3.5 Biofuels production costs

3.6 Potential of sugarcane production in Brazil

3.7 Productivity in 2005 and expected gains for 2015 and 2025

3.8 The value of the jatropha industry to a household economy

4.1 Variation in required residue retention for continuous corn on select soils subject to rainfall and wind forces and two different field management practices

4.2 Cropping practice, yield assignment, and residue production

5.1 Population and access to electricity

6.1 Projections for biofuel production and petroleum/biofuel demand in transport sector

6.2 Total land area required for meeting total projected biofuel demand, where each biofuel crop is assumed to meet 10 percent of the biodiesel or ethanol demand, for 2030

6.3 Biofuel carbon debt, and the number of years required to repay it in nine scenarios of biofuel production

6.4 Mean annual CO2 emission averaged over a 30-year period from land conversion, under different scenarios where each biofuel crop is assumed to meet 10 percent of the biodiesel or ethanol demand in 2030

6.5 Biofuel crops: rainfall and land/climate requirements, and cultivation practices

7.1 Population development projections

7.2 Expected demand for cereals by region for all uses, food, and feed

7.3 Transportation fuel demand

7.4 IEA second-generation biofuel cost assumptions for 2010, 2030, and 2050

3.1 Evolution of Brazilian sugarcane, sugar, and ethanol production

3.2 Cost learning curve for sugarcane ethanol in Brazil

4.1 Comparison of meat and milk consumption changes over the last 40 years and projected changes according to similar rates for the next 20 years

4.2 Landscape management vision to more fully integrate economic, environmental, and social aspects of agriculture into integrated systems to produce food, feed, fibre, and fuel sustainably

4.3. Typical sugar beet distribution system

4.4 The Advanced Uniform-Format feedstock supply system

4.5 Projected 2008 biomass resource availability at different price levels without a grower payment

5.1 Twenty main commodities in 1997

5.2 Twenty main commodities in 2007

6.1 Biofuel crops, feedstocks, and fuels

7.1 Various conversion routes for biomass to biofuels




1 Food versus Fuel: Setting the Scene

The pro- and anti-biofuels arguments

Produce food or fuel?

Climate change and greenhouse gases

The role of biofuels in wealth creation and distribution

Food prices

Land use and intensification of production

Table 1.1 Land requirements for biofuel production


Energy balance

Sustainability and certification schemes for biofuels

Main conclusions



2 Why We Should Not Be Using Biofuels

Food and malnourishment

World cropland and water resources

Energy resources and use

Table 2.1 Total amount of above ground biomass

Biomass resources

Corn ethanol

Table 2.2 Energy inputs and costs of corn production per hectare in the United States

Table 2.3 Inputs per 1,000 litres of 99.5 percent ethanol produced from corn

Grass and cellulosic ethanol

Table 2.4 Average inputs and energy inputs per hectare per year for switchgrass production

Table 2.5 Inputs per 1,000 litres of 99.5 percent ethanol produced from US switchgrass

Soybean biodiesel

Table 2.6 Energy inputs and costs in soybean production per hectare in the US

Table 2.7 Inputs per 1,000 kg of biodiesel oil from soybeans

Rapeseed and canola biodiesel

Oil palm

Algae for oil production



3 Why Biofuels are Important

Overall benefits of biofuels

Table 3.1 Ethanol and biodiesel GHG emission reduction for selected paths

Table 3.2 Energy balance in ethanol production

Land use

Table 3.3 Land use for agriculture in selected countries

Table 3.4 Displacement of 10 percent of world gasoline and diesel consumption

Land-use policies and impacts on food prices

Figure 3.1 Evolution of Brazilian sugarcane, sugar, and ethanol production

Why biofuels are the most urgent alternative to fossil fuels

The complex nature of biofuels

Broad impacts on agriculture and rural development

The impact of subsidies

Case Study: The potential of ethanol from sugarcane in Brazil

Table 3.5 Biofuels production costs

Figure 3.2 Cost learning curve for sugarcane ethanol in Brazil

Table 3.6 Potential of sugarcane production in Brazil

Table 3.7 Productivity in 2005 and expected gains for 2015 and 2025

Case Study: Jatropha cultivation in Zambia

Table 3.8 The value of the jatropha industry to a household economy

Main conclusions



4 Agriculture and Land Use Issues

Assessing resource potential

Figure 4.1 Comparison of meat and milk consumption changes over the last 40 years and projected changes according to similar rates for the next 20 years

Meeting the challenge: sustainable agricultural systems

Case Study: Implementing sustainabilty criteria to guide resource access

Table 4.1 Variation in required residue retention for continuous corn on select soils subject to rainfall and wind forces and two different field management practices

Table 4.2 Cropping practice, yield assignment, and residue production

Figure 4.2 Landscape management vision to more fully integrate economic, environmental, and social aspects of agriculture into integrated systems to produce food, feed, fibre, and fuel sustainably

Meeting the challenge: engineering accessible markets

Figure 4.3 Typical sugar beet distribution system

Figure 4.4. The Advanced Uniform-Format feedstock supply system

Figure 4.5 Projected 2008 biomass resource availability at different price levels without a grower payment



5 The Role of Biofuels in Promoting Rural Development

Job creation and wages

Health and gender

Impacts on food production

Contributions to poverty reduction and livelihoods

Table 5.1 Population and access to electricity

Infrastructure, investment, and capacity development

Trade and globalization

Figure 5.1 Twenty main commodities in 1997

Figure 5.2 Twenty main commodities in 2007

Policies and verification systems to promote sustainability




6 Biofuels and Climate Change

Biofuel crops and technologies

Figure 6.1 Biofuel crops, feedstocks, and fuels

Biofuel production, programmes, and targets

Table 6.1 Projections for biofuel production and petroleum/biofuel demand in transport sector

Land area for biofuel production

Table 6.2 Total land area required for meeting total projected biofuel demand, where each biofuel crop is assumed to meet 10 percent of the biodiesel or ethanol demand, for 2030

Implications for food production

Biofuel production and GHG emissions

Table 6.3 Biofuel carbon debt, and the number of years required to repay it in nine scenarios of biofuel production

Table 6.4 Mean annual CO2 emission averaged over a 30-year period from land conversion, under different scenarios where each biofuel crop is assumed to meet 10 percent of the biodiesel or ethanol demand in 2030


Projections of climate change

Table 6.5 Biofuel crops: rainfall and land/climate requirements, and cultivation practices

Impacts of climate change on biofuel production



7 Future Trends in Biomass Resources for Food and Fuel

Future resource demands

Table 7.1 Population development projections

Table 7.2 Expected demand for cereals by region for all uses, food, and feed

Table 7.3 Transportation fuel demand

The bioscience revolution

Box 7.1 GM crops to date

Future crops and feedstocks for biofuels

Figure 7.1 Various conversion routes for biomass to biofuels

Table 7.4 IEA second-generation biofuel cost assumptions for 2010, 2030, and 2050

Biomass resources in transition



8 Food versus Fuel: Concluding Remarks

Setting the scene

The anti-biofuels arguments

The pro-biofuels arguments

Agriculture and land use

Socio-economic objectives and impacts

Climate change implications

Future trends


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