Table 7.1 Major microfinance lending models: an overview
Table 27.1 Regression results
Table 27.2 Oaxaca decomposition of the gender wage gap in 1997 and 2002
Box 21.1 Common characterizations of the ‘feminization of poverty’
Box 21.2 Women’s views on the unevenness of gendered responsibilities for dealing with poverty in The Gambia, Philippines and Costa Rica
D: Discourse/language of WID
References and further reading
1 | The history of international development: concepts and contexts
The origins of development
Development and/as modernization
2 | Financial crises and the impact on women: a historical note
The nature of financial crises
The gendered impact of financial crises
Informal sector and the care economy
3 | Gender and development: theoretical perspectives
Challenging the growth agenda
From WID to gender and development
4 | Women’s role in economic development
Male and female farming systems (Chapter 1)
Loss of status under European rule (Chapter 3)
5 | The invisible heart: care and the global economy
Human development, capabilities and care
6 | Feminist political ecology
A brief positioning of the FPE approach
The evolving analysis of FPE
FPE: A transformational agenda
7 | Women and microcredit: a critical introduction
Historical and sociocultural origins
Table 7.1 Major microfinance lending models: an overview
Microcredit and women’s empowerment
8 | Negotiating multiple patriarchies: women and microfinance in South India
Indian SHGs: women-owned and -managed collectives
Institutional players in SHG promotion and financing
Women and banks: gendered interfaces
Subverting enterprise-promotion loans: fitting policy to reality
Women’s strategies for survival and change
9 | Gender as a social determinant of health: evidence, policies, and innovations
Gendered structural determinants of health
Intermediary factors – discriminatory values, norms, practices and behaviors
Removing organizational plaque
10 | Peace-building and reconstruction with women: reflections on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine
Peace-building, reconstruction, and gender justice
Reconstruction with women: concluding thoughts
11 | Under Western eyes: feminist scholarship and colonial discourses
‘Women’ as category of analysis, or: we are all sisters in struggle
Women and the development process
12 | Do Muslim women really need saving? Anthropological reflections on cultural relativism and its others
Cultural explanations and the mobilization of women
Beyond the rhetoric of salvation
13 | The ‘gender lens’: a racial blinder?
A paradoxical relationship
Development and the construction of difference
14 | From missionaries to microcredit? ‘Race’, gender and agency in neoliberal development
15 | Development’s encounter with sexuality: essentialism and beyond
Conceptualizing ‘sex’: essentialism and constructivism
Development’s encounters with sexuality
Reflections and recommendations
PART TWO Households, families and work
B: Households and capitalism
C: Violence in households
D: Female-headed households
References and further reading
16 | Accounting for women’s work: the progress of two decades
17 | ‘In the eyes of a child, a father is everything’: changing constructions of fatherhood in urban Botswana?
Rethinking fatherhood? Gender, HIV/AIDS and the rights of children
Fatherhood in Botswana: across time and space
Exploring changing constructions of fatherhood in Gaborone, Botswana
18 | Daughters, decisions and domination: an empirical and conceptual critique of household strategies
Problems in household research
Implications of household strategies
19 | Subordination and sexual control: a comparative view of the control of women
Class domination and sexual ideology
Sexual control and the labour market
20 | Discarded daughters: the patriarchal grip, dowry deaths, sex ratio imbalances and foeticide in India
Too expensive? Missing female children
Dowry deaths, domestic cruelty and sex-ratio imbalances
Looking to the future: forces for and against change
21 | The ‘feminization of poverty’ and the‘feminization’ of anti-poverty programmes: room for revision?
What is understood by the ‘feminization of poverty’?
Box 21.1 Common characterizations of the ‘feminization of poverty’
The importance of the feminization of poverty thesis in engendering poverty analysis and poverty reduction strategies
Problems with the ‘feminization of poverty’ thesis for analysis and policy
Box 21.2 Women’s views on the unevenness of gendered responsibilities for dealing with poverty in The Gambia, Philippines and Costa Rica
Room for revising the ‘feminization of poverty’ thesis
Conclusion and possible policy directions
PART THREE Women in the global economy
Introduction to Part Three
A: Women and industrialization
B: Women in the informal sector
C: Structural adjustment and women
References and further reading
22 | The subordination of women and the internationalization of factory production
World market factories: the latest phase of the internationalization of capital
Labour-force requirements
Where do women get their skills?
Behind the mirage of docility
Secondary status in the labour market
The limits to liberation through factory work
The dialectic of capital and gender
Instability of employment
23 | Maquiladoras: the view from the inside
Looking for a job: a personal account
Working at the maquiladora
25 | Slavery and gender: women’s double exploitation
Gender-specific forms of slavery
Bonded labour and gender issues
The worst forms of child labour
Working towards ending slavery
26 | Globalization and the increase in transnational care work: the flip side
The flip side: female transnational workers – what care do they receive?
The flip side: their families – what care do they receive?
Conclusion: what are the options?
27 | The Korean economic crisis and working women
Status of women workers in Korea
Effects of the crisis on women workers
Table 27.1 Regression results
Table 27.2 Oaxaca decomposition of the gender wage gap in 1997 and 2002
PART FOUR International women in social transformation
Introduction to Part Four
C: State policy and women’s health and reproductive rights
D: Women and ideological change
References and further reading
28 | International financial architecture: a view from the kitchen
Decontrol of the dealing room
The gender implications of financial crises: downloading risks to the kitchen
Social policy, gender equality and financial policy
Three biases to avoid in building new economic architecture
Putting social justice first: creating new spaces
29 | ‘One step forward, two steps backward’ – from labor market exclusion to inclusion: a gender perspective on effects of the economic crisis in Turkey
Gendered effects on labor market outcomes of economic crisis
Growth strategies and women’s labor market situation in Turkey
Impact of the crisis on the country’s labor market
Effects of the crisis on provincial economies and labor markets
30 | Gender, climate change and human security: lessons from Senegal
Women’s coping strategies: strengthening security
Case study: gender, human security and climate change in Senegal
Women’s position and gender issues
Impacts of climate change and women: vulnerability in accessing resources
Women’s adaptation to climate change
31 | The population bomb is back – with a global warming twist
Right links: reproductive justice/environmental justice/climate justice
32 | Caring for people with HIV: state policies and their dependence on women’s unpaid work
Care work’s visibility to policy-makers
Home-based care as a policy option
Situational analysis – home-based care in South Africa and Zimbabwe
Policy considerations and change
33 | The right to have rights: resisting fundamentalist orders
34 | African women’s movements negotiating peace
Turning point in women’s mobilization
Women’s new peace activism
Women and formal peacemaking processes
International and regional mobilization
35 | ‘I am somebody!’: Brazil’s social movements educate for gender equality and economic sustainability
Workers elected a president but did not control the government
Miracles are human creations: the popular education alternative
How education transformed a community and built black pride
Women’s power grows with the Solidarity Economy
Brazil’s ‘integrated education’ serves long-run as well as short-term goals
36 | Capitalism and socialism: some feminist questions
What directions for change?
PART FIVE Women organizing themselves for change: transnational movements, local resistance
Introduction to Part Five
A: Transnational, regional and national movements
B: Community organizing and non-governmental organizations
C: Work-centered organizing
References and further reading
37 | The global women’s movement: an introduction
38 | ‘Under Western eyes’ revisited: feminist solidarity through anti-capitalist struggles
Under and (inside) Western eyes: at the turn of the century
Feminist methodologies: new directions
Anti-globalization struggles
Anti-globalization scholarship and movements
39 | Challenges in transnational feminist mobilization
Hubris in transnational assistance
Oversimplifications and disregard of context
Homogenizing and essentializing partners
40 | The international women’s commission of La Vía Campesina
41 | Birthing and growing the African Feminist Forum
The conception of the AFF
The Charter of Feminist Principles for African Feminists
42 | Women’s community organizing in Quito: the paradoxes of survival and struggle
Community women’s organizing in Quito, Ecuador
The paradoxes of struggle and survival
43 | Feminist nation-building in Afghanistan: an examination of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Afghanistan’s revolutionary women from Marx to marginalization
Male supporters and counter-patriarchal gender politics
44 | Struggle, perseverance, and organization in Sri Lanka’s export processing zones
The creation of a gendered working class
Struggle: the challenges of organizing workers
Freedom of association and organizing at Jaqalanka Apparels Pty Ltd
Perseverance: understanding forms of organizing found in Sri Lankan EPZs
Lessons learned from the Sri Lankan experience