Geometry, Groups and Dynamics ( Contemporary Mathematics )

Publication series :Contemporary Mathematics

Author: C. S. Aravinda;William M. Goldman;Krishnendu Gongopadhyay  

Publisher: American Mathematical Society‎

Publication year: 2015

E-ISBN: 9781470423438

P-ISBN(Hardback):  9780821898826

Subject: O152 group theory

Keyword: 暂无分类

Language: ENG

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Geometry, Groups and Dynamics


This volume contains the proceedings of the ICTS Program: Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, held December 3–16, 2012, at CEMS, Almora, India. The activity was an academic tribute to Ravi S. Kulkarni on his turning seventy. Articles included in this volume, both introductory and advanced surveys, represent the broad area of geometry that encompasses a large portion of group theory (finite or otherwise) and dynamics in its proximity. These areas have been influenced by Kulkarni's ideas and are closely related to his work and contribution.


Title page




Complex Kleinian groups


1. Kleinian groups in real hyperbolic space

2. Complex Kleinian groups

3. On the classification of projective automorphisms

4. Dynamics in complex dimension 2

5. Geometry in complex dimension 2


Complete Lorentzian 3-manifolds

1. Introduction

2. Basic Lorentzian geometry

3. Proper actions and locally homogeneous Lorentzian 3-manifolds

4. Affine deformations and the Margulis invariant

5. Einstein Universe


The Goldman bracket and the intersection of curves on surfaces

1. Introduction

2. The \Z-module of curves

3. The Goldman bracket

4. Examples

5. Relation between the bracket of two curves and the number of intersection points.

6. Open problems and generalizations


An introduction to flows on homogeneous spaces

1. Homogeneous spaces

2. Measures on homogeneous spaces

3. Ergodic properties

4. Unitary representations

5. Flows on 𝑆𝐿(2,\R)/Γ

6. Flows on 𝑆𝐿(𝑛,\R)/Γ

7. Duality

8. Diophantine approximation

9. Geodesic flows and applications


Quantitative Geometry of Hyperbolic Manifolds

1. The Banach-Tarski paradox

2. Uniform restrictions on discrete groups

3. Quantitative Mostow rigidity

4. Diameter and homology


Discrete Groups and Riemann Surfaces

1. Prerequisites

2. Riemann surfaces

3. Holomorphic maps

4. Galois groups

5. Uniformization

6. Greenberg-Singerman extensions

7. Further reading


A Note on Chern’s Theorem on Invariant Measures

1. Introduction

2. Chern’s Criterion for existence of Invariant measures

3. A New approach to Chern’s Theorem

4. Cauchy-Crofton Type Formulae


Random Affine Lattices


Upper central series for the group of unitriangular automorphisms of a free associative algebra

1. Introduction

2. Some previous results and remark

3. Unitriangular group 𝑈₂

4. Unitriangular group 𝑈₃

5. Center of the unitriangular group 𝑈_{𝑛}, 𝑛≥4


Hermitian structure and bundles on 𝐺/Γ

1. Introduction

2. Hermitian structure on 𝐺/Γ

3. Automorphisms of the pair (𝐺,Γ)

4. Homogeneous bundles on 𝐺/Γ

5. Extendable homomorphisms from the lattice


Log-Riemann surfaces, Caratheodory convergence and Euler’s formula

1. Introduction

1.1. Acknowledgements

2. Log-Riemann surfaces

2.1. Definitions

2.2. Examples

3. Caratheodory Theorem for log-Riemann surfaces

3.1. Caratheodory convergence of log-Riemann surfaces

3.2. Convergence of uniformizations


Uniformization of simply connected finite type Log-Riemann surfaces

1. Introduction

2. Cell decompositions of log-Riemann surfaces

2.1. Decomposition into stars

2.2. The skeleton and fundamental group

2.3. Truncation and approximation by finite sheeted surfaces

2.4. Compactness for uniformly finite type log-Riemann surfaces

2.5. Decomposition into Kobayashi-Nevanlinna cells

2.6. Kobayashi-Nevanlinna parabolicity criterion

3. Uniformization theorems


The Euler Characteristic of a Haken 4-Manifold

1. Introduction

2. Basic Facts about Haken 𝑛-Manifolds

3. Approach to the Sign Conjecture for Haken 4-Manifolds

4. Results

5. Determination of 𝜙-function and the transformation law

6. Evaluation of the 𝜙-function on Haken 4-cells

7. Concluding Discussion



A discreteness criterion for groups containing parabolic isometries

1. Preliminaries

2. The Criterion

3. The 4-dimensional case


On the 𝑧-classes in a centrally finite division ring

1. Introduction

2. Some Generalities on 𝑧-Classes

3. 𝑧-Classes in Centrally Finite Division Rings

4. Wedderburn’s Theorem on Finite Division Rings


On Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature

1. Introduction

2. The pseudo-Riemannian geometry of 𝐺

3. Contracting maps and properly discontinuous actions

4. Main results


On the asymptotic behavior of complex earthquakes and Teichmüller disks

1. Introduction

2. Background

3. Preliminaries

4. Proof of Theorem 1.1

5. Plumbing disks and Theorem 1.2


Characteristically Simple Beauville Groups, I: Cartesian Powers of Alternating Groups

1. Introduction

2. Beauville surfaces and structures

3. Generating cartesian powers

4. Evaluating 𝜑₂(𝐻), 𝑑₂(𝐻) and 𝑐₂(𝐻)

5. Beauville structures in cartesian powers

6. Primitive permutation groups

7. Small alternating groups

8. Larger alternating groups


Relatively Hyperbolic Spaces

1. Introduction

2. Hyperbolicity and Nearest Point Projections

3. Electric Geometry

4. Application



Complex hyperbolic free groups with many parabolic elements

1. Introduction

2. Fixed point tetrahedra of thrice punctured sphere groups

3. Constructing thrice punctured sphere groups from tetrahedra

4. Thrice punctured sphere groups with a three-fold symmetry.

5. Discreteness


On Fatou components and omitted values

1. Introduction

2. Implications of an omitted value

3. The Result and its Proof

4. Examples


Some dynamical properties of certain meromorphic functions

1. Introduction

2. Notations

3. Basic Dynamical Properties of 𝑆_{𝜆}

4. The Dynamic Planes of the Function 𝑓∈𝐹


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