Spring: Developing Java Applications for the Enterprise

Author: Ravi Kant Soni;Amuthan Ganeshan;Rajesh RV  

Publisher: Packt Publishing‎

Publication year: 2017

E-ISBN: 9781787282223

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781787127555

Subject: TP Automation Technology , Computer Technology;TP399 In other aspects of the application

Keyword: 在其他方面的应用,自动化技术、计算机技术

Language: ENG

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Spring: Developing Java Applications for the Enterprise


Module 2 Table of Contents

Module 3 Table of Contents

Evolution of the Spring Framework

Spring Framework Architecture

Benefits of the Spring Framework

Creating an application in Spring



Chapter 2: Inversion of Control in Spring

Understanding Inversion of Control

Dependency Injection

Bean definition inheritance

Autowiring in Spring

The bean's scope

The Spring bean life cycle



Chapter 3: DAO and JDBC in Spring

Overview of database

The DAO design pattern

JDBC without Spring

Spring JDBC packages

JDBC with Spring

What is JdbcTemplate

JDBC batch operation in Spring

Calling a stored procedure



Chapter 4: Hibernate with Spring

Why Object/Relational Mapping?

Introducing ORM, O/RM, and O/R mapping

Introducing Hibernate

Integrating Hibernate with the Spring Framework

Hibernate Query Language

Hibernate Criteria Query Language



Chapter 5: Spring Security

What is Spring Security?

Servlet filters review

Security use case

Spring Security configuration

Securing web application's URL access

Logging into web application

Users authentication

Method-level security

Let's get down to business



Chapter 6: Spring Testing

Testing using JUnit 4

Testing using TestNG

Agile software testing

Create unit tests of the Spring MVC controller

Spring MVC test framework



Chapter 7: Integrating JavaMail and JMS with Spring

E-mail support in Spring

Spring Java Messaging Service



Appendix A: Solutions to Exercises

Chapter 1, Introducing the Spring Framework

Chapter 2, Inversion of Control in Spring

Chapter 3, DAO and JDBC in Spring

Chapter 4, Hibernate with Spring

Chapter 5, Spring Security

Chapter 6, Spring Testing

Chapter 7, Integrating JavaMail and JMS with Spring

Appendix B: Setting up the Application Database – Apache Derby

Module 2: Introduction Page

Chapter 1: Configuring a Spring Development Environment

Setting up Java

[Time for action – installing JDK]

Time for action – installing JDK

Time for action – setting up environment variables

Configuring a build tool

[Time for action – installing the Maven build tool]

Time for action – installing the Maven build tool

Installing a web server

[Time for action – installing the Tomcat web server]

Time for action – installing the Tomcat web server

Configuring a development environment

[Time for action – installing Spring Tool Suite]

Time for action – installing Spring Tool Suite

Time for action – configuring Maven on STS

Time for action – configuring Tomcat on STS

Creating our first Spring MVC project

[Time for action – creating a Spring MVC project in STS]

Time for action – creating a Spring MVC project in STS

Time for action – adding Java version properties in pom.xml

What just happened?

Spring MVC dependencies

Time for action – adding Spring jars to the project

What just happened?

A jump-start to MVC

Time for action – adding a welcome page

What just happened?

The Dispatcher servlet

Time for action – configuring the Dispatcher servlet

What just happened?

Deploying our project

[Time for action – running the project]

Time for action – running the project


Chapter 2: Spring MVC Architecture – Architecting Your Web Store

Dispatcher servlet

[Time for action – examining request mapping]

Time for action – examining request mapping

What just happened?

Pop quiz – request mapping

Understanding the Dispatcher servlet configuration

[Time for action – examining the servlet mapping]

Time for action – examining the servlet mapping

What just happened?

Servlet mapping versus request mapping

Pop quiz – servlet mapping

Web application context

View resolvers

Time for action – understanding web application context

What just happened?

Understanding the web application context configuration

[Pop quiz – web application context configuration]

Pop quiz – web application context configuration

Model View Controller

Overview of the Spring MVC request flow

The web application architecture

The Domain layer

Time for action – creating a domain object

What just happened?

The Persistence layer

Time for action – creating a repository object

What just happened?

The Service layer

Time for action – creating a service object

What just happened?

Have a go hero – accessing the product domain object via a service

An overview of the web application architecture

[Have a go hero – listing all our customers]

Have a go hero – listing all our customers


Chapter 3: Control Your Store with Controllers

The role of a Controller in Spring MVC

Defining a Controller

[Time for action – adding class-level request mapping]

Time for action – adding class-level request mapping

What just happened?

Default request mapping method

Pop quiz – class level request mapping

Handler mapping

Using URI template patterns

[Time for action – showing products based on category]

Time for action – showing products based on category

What just happened?

Pop quiz – request path variable

Using matrix variables

[Time for action – showing products based on filters]

Time for action – showing products based on filters

What just happened?

Understanding request parameters

[Time for action – adding a product detail page]

Time for action – adding a product detail page

What just happened?

Pop quiz – the request parameter

Time for action – implementing a master detail View

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding multiple filters to list products


Chapter 4: Working with Spring Tag Libraries

The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library

Serving and processing forms

[Time for action – serving and processing forms]

Time for action – serving and processing forms

What just happened?

Have a go hero – customer registration form

Customizing data binding

[Time for action – whitelisting form fields for binding]

Time for action – whitelisting form fields for binding

What just happened?

Pop quiz – data binding

Externalizing text messages

[Time for action – externalizing messages]

Time for action – externalizing messages

What just happened?

Have a go hero – externalizing all the labels from all the pages


Chapter 5: Working with View Resolver

Resolving Views


[Time for action – examining RedirectView]

Time for action – examining RedirectView

What just happened?

Pop quiz – RedirectView

Flash attribute

Serving static resources

[Time for action – serving static resources]

Time for action – serving static resources

What just happened?

Pop quiz – static view

Time for action – adding images to the product detail page

What just happened?

Multipart requests in action

[Time for action – adding images to a product]

Time for action – adding images to a product

What just happened?

Have a go hero – uploading product user manuals to the server

Using ContentNegotiatingViewResolver

[Time for action – configuring ContentNegotiatingViewResolver]

Time for action – configuring ContentNegotiatingViewResolver

What just happened?

Working with HandlerExceptionResolver

[Time for action – adding a ResponseStatus exception]

Time for action – adding a ResponseStatus exception

What just happened?

Time for action – adding an exception handler

What just happened?


Chapter 6: Internalize Your Store with Interceptor

Working with interceptors

[Time for action – configuring an interceptor]

Time for action – configuring an interceptor

What just happened?

Pop quiz – interceptors

LocaleChangeInterceptor – internationalization

[Time for action – adding internationalization]

Time for action – adding internationalization

What just happened?

Have a go hero – fully internationalize the product details page

Mapped interceptors

[Time for action – mapped intercepting offer page requests]

Time for action – mapped intercepting offer page requests

What just happened?


Chapter 7: Incorporating Spring Security

Using Spring Security

[Time for action – authenticating users based on roles]

Time for action – authenticating users based on roles

What just happened?

Pop quiz – Spring Security

Have a go hero – play with Spring Security


Chapter 8: Validate Your Products with a Validator

Bean Validation

[Time for action – adding Bean Validation support]

Time for action – adding Bean Validation support

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding more validation in the Add new product page

Custom validation with JSR-303/Bean Validation

[Time for action – adding Bean Validation support]

Time for action – adding Bean Validation support

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding custom validation to a category

Spring validation

[Time for action – adding Spring validation]

Time for action – adding Spring validation

What just happened?

Time for action – combining Spring validation and Bean Validation

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding Spring validation to a product image


Chapter 9: Give REST to Your Application with Ajax

Introduction to REST

[Time for action – implementing RESTful web services]

Time for action – implementing RESTful web services

What just happened?

Time for action – consuming REST web services

What just happened?

Handling web services in Ajax

[Time for action – consuming REST web services via Ajax]

Time for action – consuming REST web services via Ajax

What just happened?


Chapter 10: Float Your Application with Web Flow

Working with Spring Web Flow

[Time for action – implementing the order processing service]

Time for action – implementing the order processing service

What just happened?

Time for action – implementing the checkout flow

What just happened?

Understanding flow definitions

Understanding checkout flow

Pop quiz – web flow

Time for action – creating Views for every view state

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding a decision state


Chapter 11: Template with Tiles

Enhancing reusability through Apache Tiles

[Time for action – creating Views for every View state]

Time for action – creating Views for every View state

What just happened?

Pop quiz – Apache Tiles


Chapter 12: Testing Your Application

Unit testing

[Time for action – unit testing domain objects]

Time for action – unit testing domain objects

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding tests for Cart

Integration testing with the Spring Test context framework

[Time for action – testing product validator]

Time for action – testing product validator

What just happened?

Time for action – testing product Controllers

What just happened?

Time for action – testing REST Controllers

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding tests for the remaining REST methods


Thank you readers!

Appendix A: Using the Gradle Build Tool

Installing Gradle

The Gradle build script for your project

Understanding the Gradle script

Appendix B: Pop Quiz Answers

Chapter 2, Spring MVC Architecture – Architecting Your Web Store

Chapter 3, Control Your Store with Controllers

Chapter 4, Working with Spring Tag Libraries

Chapter 5, Working with View Resolver

Chapter 6, Internalize Your Store with Interceptor

Chapter 7, Incorporating Spring Security

Chapter 10, Float Your Application with Web Flow

Chapter 11, Template with Tiles

Module 3: Introduction Page

Chapter 1: Demystifying Microservices

The evolution of microservices

What are microservices?

Microservices – the honeycomb analogy

Principles of microservices

Characteristics of microservices

Microservices examples

Microservices benefits

Relationship with other architecture styles

Microservice use cases


Chapter 2: Building Microservices with Spring Boot

Setting up a development environment

Developing a RESTful service – the legacy approach

Moving from traditional web applications to microservices

Using Spring Boot to build RESTful microservices

Getting started with Spring Boot

Developing the Spring Boot microservice using the CLI

Developing the Spring Boot Java microservice using STS

Developing the Spring Boot microservice using Spring Initializr – the HATEOAS example

What's next?

The Spring Boot configuration

Changing the default embedded web server

Implementing Spring Boot security

Enabling cross-origin access for microservices

Implementing Spring Boot messaging

Developing a comprehensive microservice example

Spring Boot actuators

Configuring application information

Adding a custom health module

Documenting microservices


Chapter 3: Applying Microservices Concepts

Patterns and common design decisions

Microservices challenges

The microservices capability model


Chapter 4: Microservices Evolution – A Case Study

Reviewing the microservices capability model

Understanding the PSS application

Death of the monolith

Microservices to the rescue

The business case

Plan the evolution

Migrate modules only if required

Target architecture

Target implementation view


Chapter 5: Scaling Microservices with Spring Cloud

Reviewing microservices capabilities

Reviewing BrownField's PSS implementation

What is Spring Cloud?

Setting up the environment for BrownField PSS

Spring Cloud Config

Feign as a declarative REST client

Ribbon for load balancing

Eureka for registration and discovery

Zuul proxy as the API gateway

Streams for reactive microservices

Summarizing the BrownField PSS architecture


Chapter 6: Autoscaling Microservices

Reviewing the microservice capability model

Scaling microservices with Spring Cloud

Understanding the concept of autoscaling

Autoscaling approaches

Autoscaling BrownField PSS microservices


Chapter 7: Logging and Monitoring Microservices

Reviewing the microservice capability model

Understanding log management challenges

A centralized logging solution

The selection of logging solutions

Monitoring microservices

Data analysis using data lakes


Chapter 8: Containerizing Microservices with Docker

Reviewing the microservice capability model

Understanding the gaps in BrownField PSS microservices

What are containers?

The difference between VMs and containers

The benefits of containers

Microservices and containers

Introduction to Docker

Deploying microservices in Docker

Running RabbitMQ on Docker

Using the Docker registry

Microservices on the cloud

Running BrownField services on EC2

Updating the life cycle manager

The future of containerization – unikernels and hardened security


Chapter 9: Managing Dockerized Microservices with Mesos and Marathon

Reviewing the microservice capability model

The missing pieces

Why cluster management is important

What does cluster management do?

Relationship with microservices

Relationship with virtualization

Cluster management solutions

Cluster management with Mesos and Marathon

Implementing Mesos and Marathon for BrownField microservices

A place for the life cycle manager

The technology metamodel


Chapter 10: The Microservices Development Life Cycle

Reviewing the microservice capability model

The new mantra of lean IT – DevOps

Meeting the trio – microservices, DevOps, and cloud

Practice points for microservices development

Microservices development governance, reference architectures, and libraries



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