Chapter 1: Analysis for a qualification test procedure with FMCIA (finite Markov chain imbedding approach)
1.2. Illustrate test procedure
2. Mathematical description for modeling
3. Quantitative analysis for the test procedure
3.1. Probability of acceptance
3.2. Expected number of tests
3.3. Expected number of improvement actions
Chapter 2: Quantitative security evaluation of an intrusion tolerant system
3.1. Availability formulation and optimal preventive patch management policy in continuous-time model
3.2. Availability formulation and optimal preventive patch management policy in discrete-time model
4.2. Description of MRSPNs for the SITAR
5.1. Security evaluation with semi-Markov models
5.1.1. Continuous-time model
5.1.2. Discrete-time model
5.2. Transient analysis with MRSPN modeling
Chapter 3: Mathematics and acoustics
3. Sound propagation in horn
4. Sound propagation in pipes
4.1. Piston with fixed end
4.2. Piston with open end
5. Diffraction, scattering, reflection, and refraction of sound
6. Sound propagation in cavity and waveguide
6.1. Sound propagation in cavity
6.2. Sound propagation in waveguide
7. Sound propagation in periodic structure (sonic crystal)
8.1. Transmission loss in mufflers
9. Other acoustic applications
Chapter 4: Signature reliability of sliding window coherent system
2. Appraisal reliability of SWS
2.1. Algorithm for estimation of reliability of the SWS
2.2. Algorithm for assessment of the signature of SWCS with its reliability function
2.3. Algorithm to evaluate the expected lifetime of SWCS with minimum signature
2.4. Algorithm for estimation of the Barlow-Proschan index of SWCS
2.5. Algorithm for assessing the expected value of component X and expected cost rate of SWCS when working elements are f ...
3. Coherent system and expected lifetime of the SWCS
4. Illustration of the proposed model
4.1. Signature of the SWCS
4.2.1. From expected lifetime
4.2.2. From reliability function
4.3. Barlow-Proschan index
Chapter 5: Series-parallel system study under warranty and preventive maintenance
2. Mathematical modeling details
2.1. Assumptions and notations
2.3. Formulation of the model
2.4. Solution of the model
3. Particular cases and numerical computations
3.1. Availability analysis
3.2. Reliability analysis
3.3. MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) analysis
3.5. Sensitivity analysis
3.5.1. Availability sensitivity
3.5.2. Reliability sensitivity
Chapter 6: On solving complex reliability optimization problem using multi-objective particle swarm optimization
1.1. Multi-objective reliability optimization problems
1.3. Particle swarm optimization
2. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization incorporating the mechanism of crowding distance
3. Application of MOPSO-CD in reliability optimization problems
4. Analysis of MOPSO-CD in reliability optimization problems
Chapter 7: Free vibration and connecting bolt constraint-based FEA analysis of heavy vehicle medium duty transmission gea ...
2. CAD model and material properties
3. FEA simulation: modal analysis
4. FEA results and discussion
5. FEA natural frequency comparison for different materials
6. Connecting bolt constraint analysis
Chapter 8: Maintenance grouping models for multicomponent systems
2. Failure modeling and maintenance problems
2.1. Failure modeling, maintenance operations, and costs
2.2. Maintenance constraints and opportunities
2.2.1. Maintenance constraints
2.2.2. Opportunities for maintenance
2.3. Need of dynamic grouping
3. Grouping maintenance approach
3.1. Step 1: Individual maintenance optimization
3.2. Step 2: Tentative planning
3.3. Step 3: Maintenance grouping optimization
3.3.1. Phase 1: Mathematical formulation
3.3.2. Phase 2: Finding an optimal grouping structure
3.4. Step 4: Updating of the grouped maintenance planning
4.2. Limited repairmen number
4.3. Limited maintenance duration
4.4. Limited maintenance duration and limited repairmen number
5. Dynamic grouping and maintenance opportunities
5.1. Maintenance opportunities modeling
5.2. Updating of maintenance planning
5.3.1. Grouped maintenance planning
5.3.2. On-line updating of maintenance planning
6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 9: Reliability estimation considering warranty data, usage rate profile, and qualitative information on design ch ...
2. Estimation of censored data for surviving population
2.2. Usage rate distribution
2.3. Estimation of accumulated usage of censored data
3. Field reliability estimation
3.2. A case example of field reliability estimation
4. Impact of design change on reliability improvement
4.1. Fuzzy logic in reliability
4.2. Input-output variables identification
4.3. Fuzzy linguistic variables for input-output variables
4.4. Fuzzy rules, reasoning, and defuzzification
4.5. Fuzzy reliability analysis
4.5. A case example of updating the reliability using fuzzy logic
Chapter 10: Operational sustainability assessment of multipower source traction drive
2. Brief description of the LZ-transform method
3. Multistate model of the multipower source traction drive
3.2. Diesel generator's subsystem
3.3. The main switchboard
3.4. Electric energy converter
3.5. Electric motors subsystem
3.6. Multistate model for multipower source traction drive
4. Power performance calculation