This book contains papers presented at the fifth Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA) conference held at Carleton University (Ottawa, ON). The invited speakers focused on arithmetic algebraic geometry and elliptic curves, diophantine problems, analytic number theory, and algebraic and computational number theory. The contributed talks represented a wide variety of areas in number theory. David Boyd gave an hour-long talk on “Mahler's Measure and Elliptic Curves”. This lecture was open to the public and attracted a large audience from outside the conference.
Pál Erdős, 26 March, 1913–20 September, 1996
Conference banquet in honour of Richard K. Guy
Rational curves with zero self intersection on certain 𝐾3 surfaces
Notes on Ramanujan’s singular moduli
The operator 𝑥+(1/𝑥)-2 and the reciprocal integers
Integral points on cubic surfaces
The last exhaustive computation of class groups of complex quadratic number fields
Diophantine approximation in projective space
Bounds for odd perfect numbers
Automorphic 𝐿-functions in level aspect
The number field sieve on many computers
On the order of 𝑎 (mod 𝑝)
A special case of Cohen-Lenstra heuristics in function fields
An asymptotic expansion of Ramanujan
Improving Ramachandra’s and Levesque’s unit index
On the middle factor of the period polynomial for finite fields
On the distribution of champs
Sextic number fields with discriminant (-1)^{𝑗}2^{𝑎}3^{𝑏}
Traces of singular moduli and the Fourier coefficients of the elliptic modular function 𝑗(𝜏)
Problème d’Eisenstein pour le conducteur 3
Liens entre le théorème de Mason et la conjecture (𝑎𝑏𝑐)
On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms
An analysis of Shanks’s algorithm for computing square roots in finite fields
On the equation 𝑎₁𝑝₁+𝑎₂𝑝₂+𝑎₃𝑝₃=𝑏 with prime variables in arithmetic progressions
Integers represented by ternary quadratic forms
Some uniformity results following from the Lang conjectures
Fourier coefficients of cusp forms
Beer and continued fractions with periodic periods
An inequality for polynomials
Some integrals of theta functions in Ramanujan’s lost notebook
Arithmetic of a certain Calabi-Yau threefold
Diophantine approximation in Euclidean spaces
Transcendance et indépendance algébrique de valeurs de fonctions modulaires
On the rank of ideal class groups
Conference problems session conducted by J. L. Selfridge