Chinese Physics B

Publisher: IOP Publishing

Founded in: 1992

Total resources: 34

E-ISSN: 1741-4199

ISSN: 1674-1056

Subject: O4 Physics


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Chinese Physics B


Phase equilibrium of Cd1–xZnxS alloys studied by first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations

By Zhang Fu-Zhen,Xue Hong-Tao,Tang Fu-Ling,Li Xiao-Kang,Lu Wen-Jiang,Feng Yu-Dong in (2016)

Chinese Physics B , Vol. 25, Iss. 1, 2016-01 , pp. 13103-13109

IOP Publishing

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A new understanding of inert gas narcosis

By Zhang Meng,Gao Yi,Fang Haiping in (2016)

Chinese Physics B , Vol. 25, Iss. 1, 2016-01 , pp. 13602-13607

IOP Publishing

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Memcapacitor model and its application in a chaotic oscillator

By Wang Guang-Yi,Cai Bo-Zhen,Jin Pei-Pei,Hu Ti-Ling in (2016)

Chinese Physics B , Vol. 25, Iss. 1, 2016-01 , pp. 10503-10514

IOP Publishing

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Development of mean-field electrical double layer theory

By Huang Yike,Liu Xiaohong,Li Shu,Yan Tianying in (2016)

Chinese Physics B , Vol. 25, Iss. 1, 2016-01 , pp. 16801-16807

IOP Publishing

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